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Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 610 [displaying comments 531 to 541]
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M. M. from Winfield, PA USA (1/10/2005)
"Well organized and sensitive to all needs" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon. All the volunteers were well informed and helpful. No problem with the course, in fact the fans were the best part of race. They took my mind off the miles logged and any hills. Definitely will run 2005. Keep the fans, the same course, the e-mails, and hopefully the same weather.


K. B. from Connecticut (12/17/2004)
"A runner's race - fast and organized." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This was my fourth marathon. I knocked 11 minutes from my previous best, achieved my first Boston qualifier, and, for the first time, didn't hit the wall (I ran the last .2 miles 30 seconds faster than my race average). So of course I love this race.

Gentle downhill for most, with a few minor hills at the end. One surprise -- there is a hill in the last mile that?s not accurately reflected on the official course profile.

The crowds are friendly and encouraging, and the whole event is very Americana. Because it's point-to-point, it's not a great family viewing race (go to Burlington for that). No, this is a runner's race.

The organization ran like clockwork. The expo is not large, but well done. If it's your bag, attend the mass the night before; the priest is a marathoner and has great stories, too.

In short, if you're looking for a smaller marathon and a fast time, this race can't be beaten.


C. J. from Arlington, VA (11/27/2004)
"the perfect mid-size marathon" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I did Steamtown 6 weeks ago and wanted to do another marathon before commenting on this 'fast' course. So, I did North Central Trail Marathon today and decided that they're about the same, as my time indicated (3:37 and 3:40). I think the main difference is road vs. trail. It probably doesn't make a difference but at the end of the trail run the pebbles felt a little painful.

During Steamtown this year (weather perfect, volunteers doling out mass quantities of water, etc. every 2 miles vs. 3-3.5 at places at NC Trail). The road running didn't bother me except when after the couple of miles of wood chip trails, you get back out onto winding roads as compared with the straight first roads before it; but at mile 20, does anyone know what's really going on? Try to go as straight as possible - it's wide country roads up there.


L. A. from Delaware (11/4/2004)
"Fast Course with Great Fans!!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Don't be fooled by the elevation chart. There are some uphills even in places not shown, but there are a lot of downhill portions enabling a PR. A few sections followed railroad tracks or other industrial areas but most was scenic. The fans were the best I've seen. In all the small towns they cheered us on and even set up impromptu water stops with Gatorade, fruit, and candy. Organization is just as good as any large race but I will admit I never got a single email everyone here is talking about (they probably had a typo while putting my email in).

My only complaint was that I too thought the pasta dinner was lacking, but some places do charge more for it. You also needed to pay for it in cash. Most people don't carry enough for 4 or 5 persons anymore. They should warn you, so you are prepared.

Overall, anyone needing to shave a few minutes off for Boston or another goal should try this race.


B. S. from Pennsylvania (10/26/2004)
"Great race, but beware of the hills in the 20's!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Great, friendly well organized marathon. Pre-race e-mails were great. I did have a problem with my hotel which I reserved through the website and would recommend calling the hotel directly. The course is beautiful and it is great going through the small towns with enthusiastic crowds. I was disappointed to see the hills in the last 4 miles. For me, the combination of the pounding from the downhills followed by climbs that the elevations chart does not give justice to made for a tough run. It was my second fastest marathon I have run, but not the pr I wanted. Still, it is a five star event!


D. M. from Berks County, PA USA (10/20/2004)
"Great time, great organization, great race!" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I want to say that it is a shame that the first post for this race is so negative, even though the person did so well. This was my first marathon, my 1st and my friend Barb's first. We arrived on Saturday and enjoyed the expo, and got ready to run the next day. The weather was perfect (45 F and slightly overcast), the crowds were large and enthusiastic - even in the little towns at the BOP.

I say if you can't deal with Gatorade first or water first at the water stations, you are a MAJOR CRYBABY! But, I digress. All in all, when you pass the home of the many kids who benefited from the race (kids in wheelchairs) at mile 24 or so, it all kind of hits home. We are so lucky to be able to run 26.2 miles!


S. S. from Maryland (10/20/2004)
"Like the first time." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This is a PR course!

I heeded the advice about 'taking it easy' the first half of the race (the downhills) and ran 'negative splits' for the first time ever. (This was my 7th marathon--but the first Boston Qualifier.) Those downhills make you feel like you're running 'LSD' when you're really running 'MP', so relax and enjoy the boost!

I thought the crowds were great. I've run Marine Corps twice where crowds are 5 deep in places, but here they were all along the course and very sweet (lots of kids holding out their hands for high-fives, lots of 'informal' water stops). When it came to the hill at mile 23.7, both legs cramped from ankle to hip, but the crowds just 'screamed' me up.

When I got to about mile 18, I realized I have not had so much FUN running a marathon since my very first one at Marine Corps.

The course is very beautiful and goes from wooded areas to small cute towns and back and forth, so it is visually interesting. I was surprised that more people weren't taking advantage of the showers at the end. I checked out of my hotel that morning so I really appreciated having them there. The start was well organized, including the buses, so there was no anxiety before the race.

The only thing that would have made this more fun for me would be if more people I knew were running it, so I'll work on that for next year!


d. B. from long island, ny (10/15/2004)
"Fast, friendly and a great Boston qualifier" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I ran this marathon after hearing so much about it from fellow club members. The weather was perfect, the people were friendly and the course was just beautiful. I would have loved to run on more trails, but the towns were cute and the race was very enjoyable. After running races with a lot of people, I enjoyed having this one small and personal. I did wish to have more crowd support at the end with those hills at mile 24 and mile 25. I ran my PR and I'm going back to Boston. Thanks for a perfect day.


K. C. from Limerick, PA (10/14/2004)
"A well organized fast course as advertised" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I had a completely different perception of this race than the previous poster. Regular pre-race emails from the race director were great. Expo was pretty small, but that's not a huge thing for me. It had everything you would need if you forgot something (body glide, gels, hats, gloves, etc.). Logistics were absolutely flawless including directions, bus transportation, finish area, massages, port-a-johns, etc. Pasta dinner was fine by me... all you can eat fresh salad, fresh fruit, pasta, bread, pie, cake and soda/water, not restaurant quality but perfectly fine for me.

Weather was perfect for racing, about 45-50 degrees with calm winds. The course was downhill as advertised, although there are some rollers, the two small inclines after 20 miles aren't that bad - just located at tough spots. I ran a positive split by about 3 minutes, but I didn't find my quads trashed at all, the 1st half is just faster. Overall I PR'd by 15 minutes and attribute probably 3-4 minutes of that to the course. Fall foliage was nice to run through, trail sections were a nice change. Crowd support was not that of a mega-thon but very enthusiastic when present.

Water and Gatorade stations were every 2 miles, supplemented by plenty of unofficial stations with people handing out bottled water, oranges, bananas, etc. I was never wanting for liquid on the course. Overall a great experience!! I have nothing bad to say about this race. If you need some extra help getting that BQ, come here! It worked for me.


Walt M. from Eastern, USA (10/14/2004)
"Great overall experience" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This was my first marathon. The organization was outstanding, I wish I could give it 10 stars. I would caution anyone who runs this marathon, the last 3-4 miles are brutal ascents. The elevation chart and the course description does not describe this accurately. Lots of emails leading up to the race. Every time I emailed a question I received a returned email the same day with a very detailed answer. The volunteers are amazing, all 2,500 of them. The free massage after the race saved my life!!! The crowds are not heavy throughout the race, but when they are there, they are very loud and supportive. Many unofficial aid stations. I'll be back for sure!!!


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