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St. George Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.3 
Number of comments: 216 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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B. M. from Yukon, OK (10/6/2011)
"If I only had one to run, this is it!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 St. George Marathons

If you want to try for a BQ or a PR, this is the race for you. First timers might look at the elevation drop and (falsely) assume this is a straight downhill course. No so! If you run this smart, you will have a negative split and a fast time. Like a golf course has a signature hole, the signature mile is Veyo Hill (mile 7.5 - 8.5). This is about a 6% uphill grade with a view of the volcano on the right. Don't blow it here! You have 3-4 miles uphill following this, but after mile 13, it is just about all downhill except for a gradual uphill at mile 19.

The scenery is unbeatable. The organization from the expo to the finish area is top shelf. The organizers are great people. The city is very welcoming. The fee is a GREAT value compared to other marathons. The weather is generally favorable. For most participants, the little warmer weather this year was actually a relief from the temperatures we had to train in this summer. I got a PR and a BQ this year! I will run this race every year until I can't run anymore! You have to really be nitpicking to find complaints about this one.


W. G. from Hemet, Ca. (10/6/2011)
"well done St George" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

fantastic marathon, was able to PR (in my senior era) by 30 minutes, 3:55. No complaints about the heat as I trained in the heat in preparation. Only suggestion would be more handicap parking near the finish for family. Will definitely enter lottery again.


C. H. from San Diego, CA (10/5/2011)
"Don't let elevation chart fool you; tough course!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

This was my 13th marathon and also one of my hardest, slowest, and most muscle-cramp inducing. So much for the BQ I originally planned to go for this time out! Yes, there is a lot of downhill in the second half of the race, but after spending miles 7-11 in a fairly relentless uphill climb, your legs might not even want it. A nearly 90-degree day  didn't help. 

All the positives that people rave about hold up, though (well-stocked aid stations, beautiful Southern Utah scenery, general organization). 

If you do it, do it for the scenery and experience. But if you do it for the 'easy downhill' cruise or a good race time, you might be sorely (literally) disappointed. Two days later I'm still taking Epsom baths and ibuprofen to soothe the leg aches, a first for me!


D. r. from Cincinnati, OH (10/5/2011)
"Awesome!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

This is a great event which I recommend to all marathoners:

1) easy packet pickup
2) nice expo with interesting vendors
3) beautiful course
4) excellent support with wonderful volunteers and helpful spectators (several gave out popsicles and one family actually turned on their garden hose for the very hot runners toward the end of the race)
5) support included vaseline and sports cream (which they applied to runners legs) at every aid station
6) lots of free parking close to start/finish (with option to take shuttle to start and finish from hotel)
7) great, supportive hotels (I stayed at Townplace Suites by Marriott and they could not do enough for the runners...wonderful support...I will stay there again)
8) Nice technical shirts without advertisements and with gender-specific sizing
9) beautiful medal using sandstone, so color varies from medal to medal
10) nice finish line with ice cream (yum) and other goodies

It was very HOT (unseasonably) on race day, but this did not take away from the beauty of this course...was not a PR for me due to the heat, but I paced myself to accomodate the heat and enjoyed the race thoroughly!


L. B. from Riverside Ca (10/5/2011)
"Not a walk in the park" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

I went into this marathon thinking it would be one of the easiest I have ever run. After twenty four marathons (six of those being ultra's) I came away thinking this was my hardest ever. To me, this is not a downhill marathon. Net downhill maybe, but sure doesn't feel like it when you are out there running it. There are two relentless long climbs and some rollers as well. One of the long climbs comes about mile seven and the other comes late in the race when you are pretty tired. Yes, there is significant downhill too, but the problem for me was that by the time I got to it, I was too shot from runnig uphill to go fast. On a positive note, it was the most beautiful marathon I have ever run as well as the best organized. I would have to say the volunteers were the best ever also. St George is a wonderful town and the people there are so welcoming and nice. The medal is my favorite that I have...made from the local 'Utah red' rock and each medal unique and different from anyone else's. This will go down as my most difficult marathon ever. My average marathon time is about 4:25 ( I am 59 years old) and I finished in just a hair under six hours. I have new respect for the people in the back of the pack. I was out on the course an hour and a half longer than I usually am and I felt totally beat up. This course kicked my butt but it humbled me at the same time. I would recommend this to anyone but don't go into it thinking you are going to PR. Just enjoy it for what it is and take whatever comes. It is so worth it just for the scenery and the people alone. Thank you St George.


Calvin Conner from STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK (10/4/2011)
"St. George Marathon Sucks!!!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

The St George marathon sucks...the air right out of your lungs with its breathtaking scenery and downhill course. It is a fantastically fun, fast and furious free-fall through an enchanting landscape that calls out for you to stop and smell the roses. But herein lies the dilemma; with such a wickedly fast course that measures its descent in thousands of feet, you are destined to go for a PR once the start gun goes off, and all that wonderful scenery seems to go by waaaay to quickly.

One of the most amazing thing about this race comes somewhere around mile 21 or 22. You crest a small hill that reveals the city of St. George below, and you suddenly realize that not only can you visualize the finish on the distant horizon, but there is STILL more DOWNHILL&all the way to the end! There are a couple of formidable uphills along the way but you should find them a welcome relief to the quads. Sure it doesn't have the crowd support of NYC, but where there are supporters you feel the love, and those volunteers in the finishers park handing out ice pops&priceless!

I have crammed a lot of marathons into the last 4 years, from Vermont to California and this was my first one back after recovering from an injury. St. George reminded me why I enjoy marathons so much. A well-run, well-planned marathon is reminiscent of being a kid in a new amusement park, anxious to explore and collect lasting memories and returning home from the experience just a bit exhausted.


H. D. from Louisville, CO (10/4/2011)
"Don't plan on this race if you want an easy BQ" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons

Minus - HOT, not super scenic, perhaps I am spoiled CO runner? Rolling hills were brutal. I have run Big Sur and this seemed worse?! Maybe the heat. First aid station not until Mile 3.
Plus - super organized, incredible aid stations (vaseline, icy/hot, water, gatorade, food), great spectators, you can get a sticker at the end with your time printed on it, that was cool even though my time was terrible, still very thoughtful, HUGE popsicle at the end - lifesaver, tons of food choices at the finish, misters - bueno!!
I am sorry to say this is in my least favorite marathons, but sounds like everyone else loves it :). To each his or her own.


M. F. from San Dimas, Ca (10/3/2011)
"The best marathon I have ever run" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons

What an awesome marathon. This was my 28th marathon (including 1 Boston) and I have to say it was the best experience I have ever had.
From the expo till the finish line it was so well organized.
Expo: Great vendors, cheap prices and no waiting in long lines for your race#.
Race day: no waiting for buses, the atmosphere at the start was like no other. Flags from every nation and state, music, food, drinks, plenty of restrooms, clothes bag service and fires to keep you warm.
Course: The scenery was spectacular. Just looking at the valley from above was great and the landscape was beautiful. The aid stations were well stocked and organized. At the finish line there were misters, ice cream, food, drinks and tons of ice for sore legs.
This was the first race I have been to where they actually brought your throw a way clothes back to you.
I managed to get a PR and BQ even in the extreme heat.
My compliments to the organizers-top notch.


J. L. from So Cal (10/3/2011)
"Gorgeous Marathon" (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons | 2 St. George Marathons

The St George Marathon has incredible views throughout most of the course. The hills are tough, even the downhill. The course support is awesome: water, gatorade, gu, bananas and oranges. Pacers are provided too. 2011 was quite warm at the end and the misters helped.


p. e. from valatie new york (1/5/2011)
"Not to be Missed" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

This is the marathon to run for a well organized, fun race with knock-your-socks-off scenery. The proximity to Zion National Park for a post-race hike is icing on the cake. I'll do it again if I can win the lottery draw.


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