calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 121 to 131]
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A. S. from Lake Elmo, MN (10/4/2010)
"Always had been and always will be awesome" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This course is gorgeous with the combination of lakes and fall colors. Fans line the streets the whole way and are very enthusiastic. Plenty of water and PowerAde on the course. In 2010 it was especially great because the weather was absolutely perfect!! This is always a top-notch marathon. The only warning I have is it is not as flat as some people say, so just be aware of that.


E. E. from Wisconsin (10/4/2010)
"Very well done, great run!" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

The course was beautiful, not overly hilly yet with some variety in terrain, and we had great weather this year - cool and with just a light breeze. The volunteers were great, extremely pleasant and helpful. I thought it was nice how the course was laid out so that you never felt too crowded, even as a midpack runner. Streets at the start were wide enough to handle the volume of runners, and by the time the roads narrowed, people had thinned out enough that you weren't cramped, something that definitely makes a marathon more enjoyable for me. Everything seemed to run very smoothly, from the buses taking people to the Metrodome to the finish chutes and sweats pickups. It was great to have access to the Metrodome to wait inside, as it was nippy in the early morning. There were bananas, fruit cups, salty chips, hot broth, water, PowerAde and more offered in the finisher area. My brother also ran, and since he is much faster than I am, he received a "Thai massage" from one of the massage therapists at the finish line while waiting for me and said it was fantastic - as we had a 6-hour drive home, it sure helped him get home comfortably!

The only negative I can think of is that the drop bags were rather small and low-quality compared to other races I have done, but everything else was so well done that it hardly bears mentioning. I will definitely come back here at some point - super race!


R. K. from Minneapolis (6/21/2010)
"Great Fall Marathon" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I've run 8 marathons and TC is by far my favorite. From the incredible course (by the Chain of Lakes, through neighborhoods and ending at the capitol) to the fans support from the first 100 feet to the finish line. If you are looking for a marathon that is beautiful with great atmosphere, this is the one for you.


N. G. from Minnesota (3/31/2010)
"Best Spectators and Best Finish Line" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

Best spectators, and incredible last 500 meters to the finish line.

Throngs, hordes, multitudes of people line both sides of the streets as you make your way around lakes, charming neighborhoods, stately old mansions, and parks. Lots of boom boxes, live bands, and soloists keeping the atmosphere festive. Relentless cheering, clapping, and calling out your name, number, or what you have on. Lots of "Looking good," "Good job," and everyone's favorite, "Almost there."

Finish Line:
Past the hills at 21, you turn on Summit Avenue for the long straight grind to the governor's mansion at mile 25, and the final uphill on the course. Then Summit bends to the left. People are yelling, "You're almost there" but the "tunnel vision" that is Summit Avenue, with its canape of trees, obscuring the distance, suggests more of the same. You trudge on. But suddenly, another bend to the left, the trees part, the sky opens up, and you see the cathedral on your left, in full glory against a cloudless sky, that is so blue that you imagine surely you're seeing things.

The road bends right, and drops away from you, as you run downhill. And there it is. In the distance, the state capitol building, on its majestic knoll, and the finish line below it, welcoming you home. You've endured the marathon, been cheered by perhaps a hundred thousand spectators, and your reward now is to soak in the last 500 meters. You're humbled and overwhelmed by this beauty. Drink it in; you earned it. You pass under the huge American flag at mile 26. Now the finish line banner is just yards away. Your senses on overload, you won't hear the thousands of people cheering for you. You only hear your heart beating, proudly proclaiming, "I did it!" You won't feel your feet hitting the ground. You'll only feel the joy of this exact moment, and perhaps the tears welling up in your eyes.

For constant support and a finishing stretch second to none, add the Twin Cities Marathon to your must-do list. You won't regret it.


B. T. from Chicago, IL (2/20/2010)
"BEST. MARATHON. EVER." (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This is a must-run race for any marathoner. It is top-notch in every way. Perfect fall weather. A stunningly beatiful course, which shows off the best of the Twin Cities. The course is mostly flat. There are a few minor rolling hills in the teens and one bigger hill at around mile 21, but they are nothing to stress about. Minnesota is alive and well. The fan support is incredible. The best at any race I've run. It felt like 2-3 people deep throughout the course and they are loud and supportive for everyone. They aren't just looking for the one runner they know, like at a lot of races. I really liked being able to use the Metrodome before the race to stay warm. I didn't need to stand outside in the cold for more than 10 minutes before the start of the race and even in the open corral it only took me about 4 minutes to get across the starting line. Excellent expo with lots of freebies. Good medal and long-sleeved Brooks finisher's shirt. I took nearly 20 minutes off of my PR. If you are looking for a well-organized, mid-sized fall marathon, this is your race. Thanks for an awesome experience, Twin Cities!


K. M. from Portland, OR (2/3/2010)
"Fantastic Marathon" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I ran this marathon mostly because I was joining some friends there, but what a wonderful surprise. The route was interesting, beautiful, and flat; the expo was big and fun; the packet pickup easy; the spectators enthusiastic; the aid stations well-stocked; and the organization top-notch. I highly recommend!


J. R. from St. Paul, MN (12/1/2009)
"FANTASTIC!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon

A very well organized race with GREAT crowd support the entire 26.2, fantastic expo, and great course. I loved every minute of this race and PRed by 15 minutes! I will definitely be running this one again - it is beautiful!!!


P. H. from Denver, CO (11/7/2009)
"Incredible for first-time marathoners" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I'm a Minnesota native now living in Colorado, and this was my first marathon. Man, did the whole experience make me miss Minnesota. The cheering; clapping; upbeat, blasting music; and support from thousands, and I mean thousands, of fans makes the race second to none. You will not have a single section of the course that is remote and devoid of cheering spectators; you never feel like you're going it alone on the Twin Cities Marathon route. If you train with an iPod or such, wean yourself off it before this race; you won't need the music with the countless gregarious Minnesota spectators cheering you on. Well-organized event - highly recommended!


C. C. from St. Cloud, MN (11/2/2009)
"Beautiful, Fun, and Tons of Support" (about: 2009)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon ever, and I selected it for my first because I've heard nothing but positive reports. Not only was the course beautiful, but the support along the way was astounding. The entire course was lined with spectators, bands, music, support, and general good cheer. I've only run one marathon so I can't compare to others, but I can't think how this one could improve. Overall an amazing first marathon experience.


L. D. from Danbury,CT (10/28/2009)
"Great experience..." (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This would have been my favorite marathon if I had run well, but the course offered a great opportunity for a PR. I found the course to be pretty flat (it should have been fast) and offered beautiful scenery. The spectators were amazing, the water stations well organized and the whole marathon itself was organized well. I probably won't do the same marathon twice, but if I was going to, this would be the one.


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