calendar icon Oct 19, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 251 to 261]
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D. F. from Wheat Ridge, CO (10/6/2006)
"Beautiful course; organization needs improvement" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

TCM is a beautiful marathon and the spectators are great. My two favorite fans were a guy on the first half that said, "You guys looks great, keep it up, what a GREAT looking group!" and a woman near the last 2-3 miles that said, "C'mon you guys, you have worked so hard for this, you are almost there!" The first made me laugh and the second reminded me of how hard I had trained and that my goal was to get to the finish. The medal is beautiful and the "t-shirt" is top-notch - the great sports fabric, not cotton. Pace is needed since the last six miles are a steady climb. My legs felt like tree trunks at about 23. The director and planning crew would be wise to check out the organization used for the Bolder Boulder (Boulder, CO) Memorial Day 10K. If you want to be in your "pace group" you are required to submit a time from an approved race. There are 50,000 runners and they have numerous "waves." I felt like I was running in a race with a few hundred people. In the TC Marathon, it took me 10 minutes to get to the start and several miles to get through all the walkers and slower runners. After mile 18 very few people passed me. I was passing a slew of people and I was at a 10-minute pace. Bolder Boulder has it down to a science and they have five times as many runners. Two waves are not enough with the wide variety of paces.


R. F. from Bentonville, Arkansas (10/6/2006)
"Great marathon; could use some minor tweaking" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

The Twin Cities Marathon lives up to its reputation as the The Most Beautiful Urban Marathon In America. It was my first full marathon, and as such my comments are as follows:


*Packet pick-up was flawless and the expo was well-done with numerous suppliers.
*Very beautiful course, which offered incredible crowd support. Others aren't kidding when they say how strong the community supports and encourages the marathon participants.
*Hills from mile 21-23 are very manageable. Only the one at mile 21 was really noticeable.

Areas that could be improved:

*How about a third starting wave? I started in the second wave and it wasn't until about mile seven that I was able to get some spacing amongst other runners and settle into my pace. Due to the urban setting, the course is pretty narrow for the first 10 miles, which really makes for some congestion.

*More water/aid stations on the second half of the course. Every two miles just doesn't cut it, especially on a day when it was in the mid-70's by late morning. I drank over three gallons of Gatorade the day before the race and found myself dehydrated by mile 19. My fault, I know, but the extra stations would have been very nice.

*As someone else stated, the organization at the starting waves could be better. If you got to your wave late, the congestion made it virtually impossible to get to your starting pace in the wave line. Entrance was from the back only, even after the first wave had started.

Overall, this is a great marathon and one that I would recommend. My comments are meant in a constructive manner and I'll probably run this again.


K. B. from Leawood, KS (10/6/2006)
"Could not have been better!" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

My only other marathon was NYC, which I loved, but wait times were long compared to this. My family parked two blocks from the start 45 minutes before the race started - amazing!! Bag dropoff was quick, and the coffee line was non-existent (great Caribou Coffee). The crowd support was fabulous. I especially enjoyed the musicians (official bands, orchestras and women's drumming groups and the "unofficial" bagpiper at 25.5 put a lump in my throat). An abundance of volunteers at water stops, and they were all very encouraging. I loved the expo (compared to NYC), as there was actually room to walk around and look. I ran the course in a little over five hours, and my family saw me at mile nine and 17, but could not find parking near the finish to see the end.

The only suggestion I'd make is that it would be nice to have a few more refreshments available to later finishers once we reunite with families and are outside the "runners only" area with bananas, etc. It is also emphasized that no one after six hours will get a finisher's medal, but it seems the kind thing to do would be to close the course, and have a volunteer still give out medals. I saw a man finishing at around 7:30, and would have given him mine if I had thought about it. He truly earned the medal. Overall, very well done - thank you so much!


M. L. from Beaverton, Oregon (10/5/2006)
"This is a "Must Do" Marathon" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

First a foremost this is a great marathon. Medtronic did an outstanding job as the title sponser. As a veteran of over 30 marathons, this was my first TCM. I would rate is race easily up there with the big boys (Boston, NY, Disney, Marine Corps.) Everything from start to finish was top-notch. After reading some of the other comments, I agree with all the positive things said. Of the few negative ones, they were very minor. Of all my marathons, I do not repeat any race, but this one I would do again.... Well done Medtronics...


D. W. from Rockford (Chicago) Illinois (10/5/2006)
"Lives up to billing." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Beautiful course. Needed more aid stations. A little too quiet at times. Didn't see any beer at the finish.


D. H. from Virginia (10/5/2006)
"more water stations on both sides" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

There needs to be more water stations - I just ran the AF Marathon two weeks prior and there were water stations at each mile marker there. It was great to have those to break up the mileage.


R. H. from Atlanta, GA (10/4/2006)
"Great marathon experience!!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my first marathon and it set the bar high for any future races I may run.

The race was well organized, the weather was great, and the crowd (250,000+ supporters) was extremely supportive.

The crowd definitely keeps you going, but be careful not to get too aggressive in the first 20 miles because the final five to six miles is one extended, sneaky, low-grade hill. It's easy to push the pain aside once you hit the 26-mile marker and see the capitol in the distance. The large, enthusiastic crowd at the finish line made me feel like I was in the lead even though the winner had finished over an hour and a half before me!

The weather and changing leaves certainly helped this course live up to its name as America's most beautiful urban marathon.

I loved that family and friends across the country (and in Iraq) could track my progress on the race website.

The entire weekend in the Twin Cities was a wonderful experience and I highly recommend it!!


D. J. from Mound, MN (10/4/2006)
"Wow, what a great race!!!!!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I have worked medical at this race in the past and have always felt the crowd support was great but I ran the TC this year for the first time and on the other side of the crowd it was amazing! There are so many people cheering you on it almost lifts you up "the hill." A special thanks to blaze-orange guy - every time I started slowing down, there was blaze-orange guy and his girlfriend. As for the course layout, this was my first marathon and my wife and kids were able to navigate the streets and appear in the crowd at a number of mile markers as well as the finish. The Jumbo-tron showing the finish is a great touch!

I'll be back next year for sure!!


Tee McClenty from US (10/3/2006)
"I loved every moment, especially the fans." (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

I loved the spectators. They cheered for all of us. It didn't matter what your size, color, or how fast or slow you ran; they were wonderful. I couldn't have completed it without their support.


Jane Engelen from USA (10/3/2006)
"AWESOME!!! A++++++" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I just returned home from running the TCM and want to add my comments. This was my 1st marathon and it was more then I expected! What a BEAUTIFUL course and the volunteers and cheering spectators were really great! I don't think I would have done as good as I did without all the support from the sidelines. Thank you so much for coming out and cheering! I will run this again. Awesome first-time experience. THANK YOU!!!


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