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Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 381 to 391]
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K. B. from Minneapolis, MN (10/6/2003)
"One of the best days of my life!" (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon at age 51! I had so much fun that I had to remind myself that this was a race after all! The crowds were amazing, the volunteers incredible, the sight of the flag flying, the music of 'Rocky', the crowds cheering are memories I will cherish forever! Thanks TCM for one of the best days of my life! I will be back next year!!!


l. c. from Minneapolis (10/6/2003)
"Give me water or throwh me to the dogs!" (about: 2003)


Beautiful course, no doubt about that! But how about having a little water ready and waiting for me please. Thanks to all that volunteered their time and efforts, but the TCM organization needs to be on top of the water stops. After having to wait around for water, I finally became highly discouraged and threw the thought of PRing into the wind. Also, what logic comes with making runners feel like herded cattle. The starting chute/gates and a number of block offs to get there (including bag drop area) made me think twice about whether or not I really wanted to run the race.


J. B. from Reykjavik, Iceland (10/5/2003)
"Flawless Organization" (about: 2003)


Although I haven't run every urban marathon in America, I doubt there is a more beautiful course.

The greatest challenge for me was the huge rise in temperature from start to finish (at least 20 degrees F during three and a half hours).

They do a marvellous job organizing the race, I never had to stand in line anywhere during the entire process.


S. J. from Burnsville, MN (10/4/2003)
"Great First Race" (about: 1996)


I ran this as my first marathon when I was fresh out of high school and had just turned 19-years old. I was under prepared (imagine that) and hit the wall, hard, at mile 21. The people on the sides of the roads were cheering me on constantly and it made believe I could finish. If you are looking for a first marathon, I recommend this one. The spectators get you pumped up and keep you going! I trained for another seperate marathon 1.5 years later and ran an hour faster!!!


J. A. from St.Paul, MN, USA (9/16/2003)
"Running Home In The Twin Cities" (General Comments)


I'm a somewhat 'retired' runner due to injuries and age. I have run 3 marathons in my life and all have been the Twin Cities Marathon. I can't comment enough on the organization of such an event, not to mention the behind-the-scenes planning and logistics. Before I even started running, I worked on the medical aspect of this race, at both on-course and end-course positions in (as a volunteer). There were so many others as well, from police and fire reserves for traffic control and first responder medical attention, to medical personnel and a host of other volunteers that help to make things run smoothly. Kudos to all that make it happen, runners and planners alike. Let's not forget the spectators that seem to make it all worth while as you're about to drop midway through the course, or the friends that say they'll be cheering for you at mile 20. What a truly magnificent course and time of year to have this all come together.


Robert Cassiday from Livermore, CA (8/30/2003)
"A scenic run with very friendly crowds" (about: 2002)


I enjoyed the Twin Cities Marathon and would do it all over again. The spectators were VERY friendly and the course was scenic. I am glad that the only marathon I have and ever will run in my life was the Twin Cities Marathon.


B. H. from Charlottesville, Virginia (3/31/2003)
"A good race, but this dog had some fleas." (about: 2002)


The course was great in that it is relatively flat and scenic. The field is small, but that is deceptive--it felt crowded because the roads are narrow. I could not see mile markers for about 3-4 mi., and I did not feel as though I broke out until 6 or more miles. By then, my pace was locked in. For some crazy reason, they put the portajohns on the edge of the road with the doors opening to the street in some locations--I got pancaked by a guy coming out at the 10 mile mark. And there is no race certificate--just a cheesey little post card to frame afterwards. The expo is virtually non-existent--small, zero to few 'name' runners, not much to see. Downtown Minneapolis is dead. No beer sales on Sunday.


P. H. from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada (1/16/2003)
"Wow... spectator support was phenomenal." (about: 2001)


It was a frosty day, but that didn't keep the spectators from lining the streets, offering everything from fruit, juice, beer (!) and of course, unlimited support!

The route was beautiful, and it was a gorgeous sunny day.

What an amazing first marathon it was for me. ... watch out for that uphill stretch at the end though... its a killer!


A Runner from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (12/10/2002)
"First Timer!" (General Comments)


I never thought about running, never wanted to be a runner, thought runners were strange ducks, well .....

I was challenged by my fitness instructor to train with him for the 2002 Twin Cities Marathon. I wasn't sure if I could do it, but took the challenge, only to get him off my back. I was hoping he would see that I couldn't do it and I could bow out gracefully. It didn't happen. After training on treadmills during the winter I graduated to the great outdoors. I started to enjoy this new experience. We ran three times a week. Finally the day we had trained for came. My first goal was to finish. Second goal was to finish in 4 hours. Well, I met my first goal. The experience at the Twin Cities Marathon was something that I will never forget. The support from the spectators was outstanding. I guess I've become one of those 'strange ducks'. My running partner and I are now planning for another marathon. TCM was great.


A Runner from Plainfield, IL (11/20/2002)
"MN: Land of 10,000 Lakes and 2 great marathons!" (about: 2002)


I am attempting to run 12 marathons in 12 months. Twin Cities was my September marathon, 9th this year, and 15th overall.

My overall experience with this marathon was excellent. The expo was very good; comparable to other big city marathons that I have been to.

On race day, the Metrodome was open which was great from both a bathroom standpoint, as well as from the standpoint of unpredictable MN weather this time of year.

The course was very pretty: through the lakes, winding through some nice residential areas, and finishing up at the state capitol. Support along the course was excellent; water stations were well-staffed. It is not a 'flat' course (I'm from Chicago-area; Chicago's marathon course is truly 'flat'). The last 4 miles or so are a gradual uphill. The crowd support was excellent--2nd only to Chicago. People all over the city actually knew there was a marathon going on that weekend.

One small area for improvement: I finished in about 4 1/2 hours, and there wasn't much food left at the finish. The broth was being made and was luke-cold when I finally got some. Unless I missed another area where there was food available, this is one area for improvement. One small bump on the road, however, and again my overall expericence was very positive.

One word of advice: if you plan to run this, REGISTER EARLY! I registered online on the day it opened, and I believe overall registration closed in something like 12 days.

I would highly recommend this race for a fall marathon. The fact that it is in late September still allows you to run an October or November marathon if you choose to.

P.S. The other great MN marathon is Grandma's in Duluth in June.

Last month's (August) marathon: Paavo Nurmi (WI)

Next up (October): Marine Corps. Marathon


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