calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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P. C. from Annapolis, MD (10/8/2013)
"A must run marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

There's good reason why this race recently ended up on a list of 10 marathons to put on your bucket list. Beautiful course; excellent organization; super crowd support and wonderful cities make for a great experience.


M. Z. from NM (10/8/2013)
"Glad I did it, and got a shiny new PR" (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my third marathon but my first in Minnesota, and the reviews I've read to this point were pretty spot-on. Great course support (seriously, the whole metro area came out to cheer and hand out bananas, jolly ranchers, you name it), great course (by far the most beautiful run I've ever done), and great organization. The expo left a little to be desired, but I don't choose races for the expo quality. One thing I will say is that the course is hillier than I had realized, and I was glad I drove it the day before the race. Had I gotten out and found all of those hills sight unseen, I would have been a wreck. The hill from 20-23 is no joke, even for someone who trained at a mile high in Albuquerque. Though the chart shows that the downhill starts back up around 23-24 miles, it really seemed to be uphill until 26, giving that last .2 as a good downhill. As long as you're mentally prepared for it, you'll be fine. I did walk away with a 21 minute PR, and came very close to hitting my sub-4 goal, so overall, it was a win. This was a great race, one that should be done for the scenery and incredible support.


D. V. from Wisconsin (10/8/2013)
"Another excellent race!" (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 3 Twin Cities Marathons

Beautiful day, great course, and spectators were awesome! Course had a minor change by going around the west end of Lake Nokomis instead of over Cedar Ave. Bridge at miles 11-12, but it made no difference really. Volunteers and organizers should be commended for the job they do - first rate event!


b. s. from ohio (10/8/2013)
"best race ever" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my 15th marathon, and I am floored by how awesome it was. Beautiful course, perfect weather, and unbelievable fan support. I think this has ruined me for all other races. I would definitely list it as a must do!


B. S. from GA (10/7/2013)
"I can't imagine anything better" (about: 2013)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my first marathon and I have no complaints. Everything about this run seemed ideal. Amazing crowd support with the greatest gap between spectators was 100 yds. The course is great, but beginning at mile 20, there is a steady 4 mile climb, but it is not noticeable because of the tremendous support. Amazing volunteers, finish line, expo, shirts, and medals


N. A. from Chicago (10/7/2013)
"Great Course, Great Race" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Nice race on nice course. Course takes you around Minneapolis for a bit, before crossing river and heading to St. Paul. Nicely shaded the whole way. A little hilly, especially between miles 20-22, but nothing too bad. Decent crowd support and nice finish line set up/atmosphere. Glad I did it.


D. F. from Minneapolis, MN (10/7/2013)
"Improvements this year" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

This was my 16th TCM, and it's nice to see a great event still improving. My ONLY complaint in past years was the chaotic exit from the metrodome warmup area to the starting corrals. Perhaps in response to these complaints, this aspect of the event was improved this year. More doors to get in/out of the dome, and easier-than-ever sweats drop, and much less chaotic corral staging.

With the start a bit farther down the traditional course, I was wondering where they'd add back the distance. The new route to the west of Lake Nokomis, vs across the bridge, improved on a course that needed no improvement. Nice work!

Now about those finisher shirts...From the day-glow green color, I assume safety was a higher priority than aesthetic appeal. Too bad, as past shirts were all pretty tasteful.

Thanks to all the volunteers, fans and organizers. Wonderful job.


Sanjay Mohanta from Ottawa, Canada (10/7/2013)
"Marathon Number 48" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my 48th marathon. What a race! The last 5.5 miles are tough but here are the positives and negatives:
1. Priceline: Ok - I will get to the race but I got to stay at the Grand Wyndham for $95 a night and the 4 points for $43!
2. Minneapolis Underground Film Festival: Believe it or not the big movie was from Montreal called Discopath about a serial killer who kills people when he hears Disco music. How cool is that!
3. Brave New Comedy: For $5 I got to see some improv at this place. The guy who writes the warning on Starbucks owns it. Really!
4. Info desk at the airport: Great idea with very friendly people manning it.
5. Mayo clinic - not only did I get free socks but also a free running assesment. What I needed after coming back from injury.
1. More water stations: Every mile please!
2. More info people at the start and finish line: I was a bit confused as to where I dropped bags off, etc., and where the buses were
3. T-Shirt - I like the colour but next time a better design. Leaves on the sleeves with a picture of the beautiful state capitol on the front.

A race well worth flying to. Do it!


S. J. from Minnesota (10/6/2013)
"Too crowded for comfort" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This is a nice scenic race and well organized. However, runners expect the crowd to thin out within the first 2-3 miles. At 16 it was still wall to wall people so you could never really get your auto pilot mode of running going. The marathon is way too long to have to concentrate mile by mile the whole way. Several people fell in water stations due to them being kind of random as to which side of the road it would be.


S. L. from Williamstown, ON (12/17/2012)
"a mini New York" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

We called this a mini New York - great organization, lovely course, superb spectator support. We stayed at the Best Western Kelly Inn which was right beside the finish line and a close walk to the expo/pasta dinner. We were shuttled to the Metrodome in the morning where we stayed warm before the start. Spectators all along the route made it an exciting event. Even the police cheered us on. The finish line was exception with a view of St. Paul's Cathedral before the turn and then the state capitol building beckoning us to the finish line. It was a lovely finish area with enough food and drink to rejuvenate us.


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