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Victoria Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 85 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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D. D. from British Columbia, Canada (10/13/2010)
"Excellent day. Missing fuel and fluids at stations" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Victoria Marathon

This was a very well organized event, which was what made the parts of the race itself so disappointing. I was around the 73 percentile or so on the finish list. At the turning point, 23K, there was no water available - they were out. There was Gatorade. This is pretty much how it went at a number of the hydration stations on the way back. For some reason near the end of the course there were three hydration stations within what seemed like five kilometers. What was most worrisome was that there were only two gel stations on the course (really one that you ran by twice), but on the way back there were NO gels. I had taken extra, so for me it wasn't too bad, but for some people this must have been a real problem.

The course is fairly consistent with its slightly rolling hills - nothing extreme, just consistent. Book hotels early or consider a B&B in Victoria, as they are plentiful. Beautiful course!


C. J. from Eagle Mountain UT (10/12/2010)
"Victoria - A Great City and a Great Place to Run" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

We were - again - very impressed with Victoria. The area is beautiful, the people were extremely friendly, and the race was a good one. I wouldn't call the course among the most beautiful I have run, but it was scenic along the water, and through Beacon Hill - and interesting through the city. I also wouldn't call the course flat - the undulations kept coming, though none were overly long or steep. Overall, it was an excellent race experience, despite the hydration stops being a bit far apart early in the race and the music along the way not being as often as advertised. Fans were good and volunteers excellent. Victoria was a great destination race and we enjoyed being on the island a few days.


D. M. from University Place, WA (10/12/2010)
"Great Scenery, Many Hills" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

This was only my 2nd marathon. The organization was excellent, and the course is very nice, with a wide variety of scenery from the city of Victoria, to the small towns and along the water - all fantastic. I did not expect there to be so many hills; there was almost no flat running and there were lots of corners. I did enjoy the run, no question, and would do it again. Just make sure you book your hotel WAY in advance, as there were no hotels available within 10 miles of the start line by September 1st. My biggest surprise was the marathon did not sell out (4,000 max), though the half did (6,300 max). Great volunteers; super weather!


S. M. from Duncan, BC Canada (10/12/2010)
"Great race, crowd support and city" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Victoria Marathons

This is the third Victoria Marathon I have run and this was the best. Crowd support was excellent - better than marathons I have run in bigger cities. There was so much energy on the course. I liked the music better than what you get at Rock 'n'Roll marathons; the course is good; and there's excellent organization. The expo was improved over previous years. The volunteers were amazing. I only have one small complaint and it's about the food. As a slower marathoner (coming in in just under 5 hours), there was not much left in the way of food: A few sugary donuts, some fruit, and yogurt. I was looking forward to chocolate milk, maybe a muffin. These were all gone. My husband said he had seen runners taking out food to their kids. When you have been out on the course for a few hours, it is essential to replenish with food. Some marathons are handing out pre-made bags, one per runner. This is an excellent idea. I will definitely run this race again. I like its personal feel.


M. B. from Beaaverton, Oregon (10/12/2010)
"Spectacular" (about: 2010)

3 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

This was the first time I ran this marathon and I will definitely run it again. It was fun and very festive and the course was just beautiful. The block-by-block cheering sections were very entertaining. I will definitely run this again and stay an additional day or two to enjoy the city. The people of Victoria are so friendly. Thank you!


R. H. from Victoria, Canada (10/10/2010)
"Windy, and what happened to Royal?" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Victoria Marathons

For some reason we're supposed to be happy that they dumped the title Royal Victoria Marathon for a "title sponsor." Black long-sleeve tech shirt? Trying to get me killed on winter runs? I've run this course many times. It's beautiful. But it can be hard because Victoria is plagued/blessed by wind shooting through Juan de Fuca Strait. Clears the clouds away but can be hard if its a headwind on your way back on this out-and-back course, as it was today. Bit cheap on the gels too. Just one station and they weren't exactly jumping out to give them out. Lots of water and Gatorade though. Oh well, I knocked 12 minutes off of last year's time so I've got nothing to really complain about.


C. N. from New York, NY (10/31/2009)
"Scenic destination but not entirely scenic course" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

For a small race (under 3,000 runners), this was well-organized, as the lovely City of Victoria comes together.

I agree with the positive sentiments described in this forum; however, I will identify some caveats not mentioned. Let me preface this by saying that I have run Big Sur three times in the past four years, so that is tough to beat in terms of beauty.

Most runners were from Canada or the Pacific Northwest; travel wasn't as time-consuming for those flying from the East Coast. Victoria is a three-hour, one-way by ferry (or pricey, but very worth it, 35-minute seaplane - I recommend going out by ferry and by seaplane back) when flying in/out of Vancouver.

Great selection of hotels within blocks of the expo and race start/finish overlooking the majestic Parliament Building. Expo was very small, so it was quick in and out. The 8K and half-marathon races start earlier in the morning. The 8K runners finish as the marathon starts while the halfs are finishing during the first hour of the full.

The course has some gorgeous water views with stunning surrounding mountains. Frankly, it was for fewer than five miles of the race. The rest winds through residential neighborhoods and a few parks (Beacon Hill is lovely with the fall colors). I had studied the course and elevation map but was surprised by the multiple sharp turns/corners, short steep ups and downs, uneven pavement in places, literal hairpin at mile 16, and sparse crowd support throughout. The out-and-back after mile 8 had you doing a net steeper return leg. There were no other timers on the course except at 13.1 miles/21 KM. Plenty of water and Gatorade in stock. There were a few pockets of cheering spectators in the last few miles. Post-race food and beverages were plentiful, and the race director congratulates each finisher himself.

I did get a PR, and my husband qualified for Boston, so it was an overall fun experience, but not necessarily one that I'd return to run. Now, having Red Fish Blue Fish tacones on the wharf, or rustic Italian at Zambri's... that's worth a return.


Olivier Kunz from St-Légier, Switzerland (10/31/2009)
"Most beautiful spot" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

This was my sixth marathon, and certainly the most beautiful one. Amazing spot, and great organization (even the weather was well organized). Everything was perfect.


C. K. from Burnaby, B.C. (10/22/2009)
"Highly recommended marathon" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

The RVM was my sixth marathon (PR with a 3:14) and it rates as one of the best. The race was well organized at the start and finish line and had many kilometer markers. The course does have gently rolling hills, but is nothing to fear and is very scenic. Fluid stations were well stocked, although a little short at times, which made it necessary to slow down while running through. Volunteers were supportive and there were some random cheerleading girls on the course. Close to the finish line there were inspirational quotes, which was nice to see, and there were signs for 800 and 400 meters left. The long-sleeve technical shirt is well designed and fitted, and the finishing medal is stylish. The food at the finish line was unbelievable in its selection and variety: Donuts, cookies, PowerBars, fruit, bagels, muffins, yogurt, chocolate milk... by far the most superior selection! Volunteers at the finishing line were also friendly and approachable. Definitely a five-star marathon experience!


Paul Hannah from Seattle, USA (10/17/2009)
"Stunningly beautiful - excellent organization" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Victoria Marathon

This was a world-class event. It had excellent organization and picture perfect views made this a thrilling experience, from the singing of "O Canada" at the start, to the chow lines past the finish.

Great views of water and mountains for much of the course. Good crowd support. Huge number of volunteers at the frequent aid stations. The KM markers were prominently posted. Signs even told runners that aid stations were upcoming. Near the finish, signs read "800M To Go," etc. Excellent.

My only minor nit to pick would that there were only two gel stations, and the second (at around 34K) seemed a little late in the course. Suggestion to runners: Pack an extra gel or two.

I had heard great things about this race, and Royal Victoria certainly delivered! I'll be back in 2010.


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