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Columbia River Gorge Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.3 
Number of comments: 31 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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S. M. from Aberdeen, WA (6/10/2004)
"A beautiful course but a lousy race. Save your $$" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Columbia River Gorge Marathon

While this is a very beautiful course and I had a great time, it is upsetting to pay so much money for such poor organization. The promoters (I hesitate to think of them as anything but fast buck artists) promised many things that they failed to deliver, including a pre-race carb dinner cruise changed without notice into a carb dinner train trip (at a different time) then cancelled without explanation. The aid stations didn't start until after the 4th mile with no electrolytes until even later. Transportation to the start was terrible and both starts were late. Nothing was as advertised, except the scenery. The route is very tough - two major hills with about 700' elevation gain each - very satisfying to complete the course, but save your money and run it on your own!


A. L. from Berkeley, CA (6/8/2004)
"Improvement is possible" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons

I read last year's luke warm comments about the race and I still decided to run it. Unfortunately, last years comments were correct - poor organization and poor aid-stations. The finisher's medal was an 'artistic' clay slab with hemp string. Concerning the $80 entry fee -- unfortunately, I have to agree with one of last year's comments, 'the organizers are just trying to line their pockets'.


Noelle Allison from Kansas City, MO (6/8/2004)
"Don't run this alone" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Columbia River Gorge Marathon

We just ran the '04 race, and the only reason I finished was because I had my own team that made up for the huge lack of organization & support from the event coordinators. There was no electrolyte drink for the first 12 miles (after it had been promised every two miles on the website), there were only 10 aid stations (instead of the promised 13), there was no carb-dinner the night before, there were no course maps at packet pickup...

HOWEVER, this was a beautiful course. I encourage folks to run this if they have someone else that can take care of them (my dad biked it with me and if he hadn't, I couldn't have finished). Just don't believe anything the event organizers say about the race.


P. H. from USA (6/8/2004)
"Beauty and the Beast..." (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Columbia River Gorge Marathon

Pros - the most beautiful scenery around... okay, maybe Hawaii is better. But a great location in Hood River, friendly runners and the few people on the course were great.

Cons - Where do I start? Hmm, how about feeling 'conned'? The race was not what it was advertised as - 500 runners estimated? Come on, no responses to e-mails or phone messages, last minute info on the course, elevation changes where dramatic, rude volunteers at packet check in on Sat. I had to go back three times until they were ready to check me in - 4 hours later, packet stuff and T-shirt were a joke, no info on the course included, bus jammed 3 to a seat, oh and 'gorgefest' was a non-event, 40 venders? How about 3 is more like it. Beer garden, where was that? The organizer(s) of the race are small time and are in it for the money only! I would recommend running it on your own as well, it is beautiful but you don't need them. Lastly, the finishing 'medal' was some cheap ceramic that cost about 50 cents and did not even show it was a finisher medal for a marathon.


w. h. from lopez washington (5/12/2004)
"Very poor organization and little value for the $" (about: 2003)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Columbia River Gorge Marathon

Ran this race in 03 ,and although the course was very scenic, the support was terrible and the traffic control as well as the course marshalling was non-existent. The awards were a hatchet job and the feed was more a result of the sponsors than anything the organizers did. The usual banana and stale bagel for $85.00 was a bit much to swallow. Save your money and do the course on your own time. These folks are in it only to line their own pockets


S. T. from New York (6/26/2003)
"GREAT RACE!!!" (about: 2003)


This was my 9th marathon, but first as a walker. Due to injury, I had to walk.

I thought the organization was super. Everything was on time, except for the awards (I think they were about 15 minutes late). I finished in six hours, and there was plenty of aid on the course. It was offered by very enthusiastic volunteers. Water and Ultima were available at least every two miles, and several stations offered fruit, cookies, and gel. I was one of the last finishers, as I did not take the early start. Every aid station was well supplied.
The course was beautiful, the most scenic I have done.
The finish area was spectacular. It is right on the Columbia River. There was live music, and a free beer garden for all participants. Bottled water, organic juice, and food was available at the finish. Ultima was also available.
Oh, and the burritos were great too. The burrito hit the spot!

The finisher's medals were very unique.

I rate this as my favorite marathon, and I will return to RUN it next year. I highly recommend it.


l. p. from Midwest (6/26/2003)
"GORGEous course" (about: 2003)


This course was beautiful, and out of the 24 races I have done, this ranks second only to Hawaii (I mean come on, it IS Hawaii). I got so wrapped up in the scenery and the enjoyment of the run, that I was actually sad to see it end. (How often does that happen)? I could not believe how fast the miles passed. I did struggle a bit from mile 8-10, as it was all uphill, but after that, there was more than enough downhill to recover. The hill is at the best possible place, though, so you can recover and finish strong.

I was so engrossed in the enjoyment of the run and scenery that I really didn't think too much about the lack of organization. After I sat back and thought about it, there could have been more porta-potties out there, and more shade at the end for runners. The chip timing they promised would have been nice, as well as the awards ceremony, and we could have used more food and drink at the end. I feel sorry for those that finished after 5 hours, because the Gatorade was gone by then, and so was most of the food.

This event could be a topnotch event. They already have the scenery setting the stage; they just need to follow through on the organization. I think I paid $65 for an entry fee, and I am not too sure what that went for. I have run quite a few races for less money that gave me more than my money's worth.

All in all, though, I would recommend the race, and I will run it again in the future.


K. H. from Highlands Ranch CO (6/24/2003)
"SPECTACULAR EVENT" (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon and was it ever amazing. UNBELIEVABLE. I was very nervous about running this marathon (any marathon for that matter), but the scenery outweighs everything - the hills, the heat, the blisters, whatever it might be. If you're after beauty, this is the marathon for you! Many positives for this event (time, runners, fun, volunteers). Also, I finished well above my target goal (I've heard from previous runners that this run is fast, so try it). Take my advice: RUN IT... it's worth every mile!


A. J. from Washington, USA (6/23/2003)
"If you're out for a beautiful marathon, this is it" (about: 2003)


Wonderful event!!!!!
The course alone was what made the event. The hills don't hurt so much when you have the scenery to look forward to at the top.
Yes, it was supposed to be a chip-time event, but I guess there was a problem with the chip timing, so they had to go to their backup(which was better than nothing). And I didn't have a problem with my time.
Support on the course was great: 13 aid stations, 5 medical. And they even gave you a list to tell you what was available at each station, so I knew when there was a bathroom or food coming up. A definite plus!!
Food was available at the end. The burritos were excellent - along with the great music, it made for a great finish area.
A must do for anyone who wants to run a beautiful marathon. You won't get fast times on this marathon, but it's all worth it.


C. L. from USA (6/16/2003)
"A MUST DO!" (about: 2003)


My 47th marathon. I'll keep it simple.
Pluses and minuses.
+ Everything was right on time. The buses, the start, etc.
+ Participants received information about the aid stations (13), and what was provided and when. Everything was as promised.
+ Carb dinner cruise on a sternwheeler boat. Excellent food.
+ Finish line food and support. Fruit, cookies, Clif Bars, organic juice, Propel, and water. And there were bentos and burritos available.
+ BEER and LIVE music were great.
+ Great course and setting. Definitely my favorite.
+ Unique awards and finisher's medals. (Presented at the finish, contrary to what one poster said).
+ Great weather!
+ Volunteers were very supportive.
- Timing company was slow with results.
- Would have liked different numbers for the participants of the different events.
- More shade for the finishers.

Thanks to the organizers. This is a small event, but very unique and very first-class.

I highly recommend this event.


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