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Clearwater Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 170 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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D. d. from st pete (2/18/2003)
"overall a nice event but things do go wrong" (General Comments)


I've run this marathon 4 times and something seems to go wrong each year--the first year thefinish line got blown down by the wind--the winds at this year's marathon were the strongest they ever have been and the finish line stood this time---the 2nd year i did this marathon--there was no advertising in advance that it would be a chipped timed race--when i went to pick up my packet the day before the race--no one ever said anything about a chip--apparently the chips were delivered late and i went to the starting line without a chip--luckily the race organizer also recorded times by hand realizing that not everyone got there check---the third year was by far the best organized eventhough i had my worst time that year due to injury--packet pickup went smoothly and there was plenty of good post race food--the 4th year was disappointing----packet pickup was inefficent and wait time was over a half-hour to pickup packet--only 1 person checking people in--long lines at porta potty start--the long line was compounded by some porta potties not being used because of no toliet paper--no place to check gear-the food was not as good or as plentiful in the past---no ice cream this year---black beans and rice was good but was long gone before many of the slower runngers got in--all that was left for the slower runners was oranges, bannas and pretzels

others have noted the mile markers were off--i couldnt' tell at the time that they were off but was very disappointed with my first mile split--earlier start is recommended maybe 6 or 6:30--while it hadn't been that warm in the few days prior to race--warm weather should be expected in Florida in Feb---the course this year was the best ever--prior courses had loops or out and backs through parking lots to make the total distance add up to 26.2--yes there was a gravel trail for a mile and half around mile 20--but it was a very scenic loop around a lake instead of an out and back through a paved parking lot--the course is not that scenic but its layed out well--it starts in downtown clearwater goes out across some bridges then loops back inland along a paved trail to finish in downtown clearwater--you don't have to pass near the finishline at say the half-way point or the 18 mile mark which i've seen in some course layouts---aid stations are adequate--about every 2 miles to mile 15 and then every mile after that---some people say the trail is a little boring--there could be some more music along the course--the trail is an abandoned railroad bed--you start on the trail at about mile 15--how'bout some music--i think that song come on ride the train would fit the bill

Did not go to the pasta-party--seemed overpriced at $15--would like to see a post race party somewhere on the beach in future years--

Thought they could have done better with the age group awards--it was a tough race--high head winds and high humidity and warm temps--luckily the sun did not come out or this race would have been even tougher-slower runners finished in the rain--all the age groupers got was another medal--i didn't place in age group but some of us have as many medals as tshirts--a plaque, mug, trophy would have been more appropriate.


P. B. from Tampa, FL (2/18/2003)
"Boring run" (about: 2003)


This was my second marathon (Disney being my first). If this had been my first I would have hung up my running shoes. Although not all reasons directly related to the race itself. The weather was extremely humid and windy. Perhaps in future years start the race an hour earlier to help accomadate for the possibility of a warm day. Also, need more port-a-potties at the start and along the route. More 'nutrition' is also needed. Thank goodness I had my own gels...I didn't see a gel station until I was in the 21-23 mile range (well past the time it was needed). Very loney and boring along the Pinellas Trail. Results are still not posted (now 2 days after the race). Poor orginization at the expo....shirts were not there when I picked up my race packet at 10:15.


John D'Angelo from Orlando, Florida (2/18/2003)
"Thank you LARRY!" (about: 2003)


There I was, just past the 25 mile marker. Hot, humid and hallucinating, a man appeared out of nowhere and began to run along side of me. At first, I became a bit irritated - there I was, flowing and surviving my last moments of the race. He was wearing FLIP FLOPS, bright blue, green and red Hawaian shorts and no shirt. How could I be irritated? I started to laugh!! I asked him if he was going to take me in. He just started talking to me, cheering me on, telling me about the last twists and turns of the course. HE GOT ME THROUGH THE LAST MILE!! When the 26 mile sign came into view, he pointed out, told me I was almost there and said, 'See you in a future life!'
What???? Who was that guy????? Anyone else see him???????

Not enough Port-o-Johns. Ruined my first 8 miles!!

The course was sparsely lined with wonderful people - thank you!! More than enough water stops and traffic police.


A. S. from Tampa (2/18/2003)
"Got to keep working on it!" (about: 2003)


Tough, tough day! Strong headwind and really humid (although I run better in humidity). I like the fact that it is close to my home, The course is definitely pretty. The Championchip strap stayed securely on my ankle. The volunteers at the aid stations were wonderful! That's all the good things that I can say this year. Packet pick-up understaffed. The Expo was held outside. Since the weather was so bad the second day, some vendors didn't even show up. No clocks on the course. The first mile marker was waaay off! Not good for any mile in a marathon, especially the important first. The shuttle drivers didn't know where they were going. Once you got to the transition, it was confusing. It's hard to pull up the brakes when you have a bunch of people running right behind you. No sheets to put around you to keep you warm when done. The post race party did not live up to the quality of last year's. And certainly not for a marathon. The food ran out early. Those folks out on the course for 5 and 1/2 hours got nothing that I could see.

This could be a great event if more time was put into it. The race director spoke at our running club meeting a couple of weeks before the race and I had high hopes. I was disappointed.

Good luck for next year! I ran the relay and thought that the starfish medal was pretty.


J. M. from Clearwater, Florida (2/18/2003)
"First time, but not last time....." (about: 2003)


Thanks to all the volunteers. While there were few, those that cheered us one were greatly appreciated. It really helps and I love that tingle on the back of my neck from the cheers. Great Overall but some improvements for next year...More port-a-potties are needed at the start. Mileage markers need to be more accurate and better placed for visability especially at the start where pace is so critical. How about one at the .5 mile mark too for the newbies that tend to start out too quick and suffer through those late miles? What about an earlier start to offset the heat? Nicely done overall and a great experience. Medals are awesome too. Highly recommend for a first marathon.


J. H. from Strongsville, OH (2/18/2003)
"I'd run it again" (about: 2003)


Course: I really liked it. Aside from six or seven bridges (most about 25 feet high; one was about 75 feet, but it was early in the race), it was perfectly flat. The first couple of miles provide some nice views of the surrounding waterways. A lot of people complained about the weather (upper 60s/low 70s, high humidity, pretty good head wind for the first 11-12 miles), but (1) the race-day weather was kind of a fluke (the days leading up to the marathon were much more seasonable), and (2) it's Florida, folks. The possibility of heat and humidity is always there.

Organization: I'll give it 3 stars.
The good points:
* The race course was very well marked and protected from vehicles (I heard more than one policeman berating a motorist for approaching too close to the race course);
* Aid stations were plentiful and well stocked (water and Gatorade at all of them, and oranges and gel packets at the later stops) (the usual disclaimer applies -- the stations were well-stocked when I hit the stations; faster/slower runners may have different stories to tell);
* The volunteers were terrific;
* Decent post-race spread -- fruit, bagels, cookies, water;
* The finish line area was very accessible (a concern to me because my wife and her grandparents wanted to see me finish, and my wife's grandfather is confined to a scooter ... he was able to get around without any problems).

The bad points:
* The Expo the day before was rather unorganized. I waited in the registration line for at least a half hour, which is pretty long for a smaller event (about 1,500 runners between the marathon, relay, and 10K). It seemed like they needed a few more people working the tables;
* Some of the mile markers were definitely misplaced (by my watch, the markers for miles 1, 10, and 23 seemed to be off);
* Traffic on the Pinellas Trail (the jogging/biking path that is used for most of the second half of the course) wasn't restricted. There were several bikers on the course, and I saw a couple of near-accidents between them and marathoners.

Spectators: There weren't too many, but the ones that were there were very vocal and supportive.

Overall: I had a good time, and I'm hoping to be back in future years. I think the 'problems' that I mentioned above are very correctable. I definitely recommend this race!


k. c. from st. petersburg, florida (2/17/2003)
"poorly organized and does not start on time" (about: 2003)


poorly organized and does not start on time. when checking in, not ready for racers. one person to handle entire expo at check in. t shirts not available. results not posted in st. pete. times or web site by 2/17/03.


D. P. from Michigan (2/17/2003)
"A basic, small, low key marathon" (about: 2003)


Finished this one yesterday. Being from Michigan, the heat and a strong headwide slowed me down, but looking out the window now that I'm back, I will not complain about the heat!

However, a couple of complaints about the race: First, a few of the mile markers were definitely out of place - most crucial, the first one was at about 1.1 or 1.2 miles. Would have been nice to get a read on pace before 3 miles. Would have been nice to have a clock or two showing race time(the only one I remember was at 20 miles, it showed the time of day. It was nice to know I was at least running fast enough to make my flight, but come on, give me the race time!) Second, while the course is mostly flat, there is a gradual climb from about mile 12 to 15. I point this out not because it is huge but because it is a larger climb than all the little overpasses that are mentioned as hills on the web site. I'm just tired of all the race directors saying that the course is 'fast and flat' when the course is not flat and I am not fast. In my opinion the course is not exceptionally scenic - the first 12 miles your looking at endless motels, the last 10 you're looking at the back of fences from peoples back yards that create this 'linear park' which is really a long strip of asphalt.

On the positive side there were enough water stations and excellent traffic control at intersections. Post race food was black beans and rice - actually went down ok after all the gatoraide, and plenty of it.

Very little crowd, mostly tourists hanging off their motel balcony with a cup of coffee wondering what is going on. A few kind souls clapping or shouting encouragement and lies (looking good!, almost there!, etc.)

Bottom line- OK for a small (less than 500 runners in the marathon) basic, no frills marathon. Fix the mile markers, put up a couple clocks (say 5, 10,15,20 miles) and be honest about the modest elevation changes and I'd do it again.


N. R. from St Petersburg, FL (2/17/2003)
"Great for 1st timers!" (about: 2003)


Hot, Humid and Winding, but you cannot blame the organizers for that. Enjoyed the course, flat and straight. Only problem was the course at mile 20 went onto an uneven sand/gravel/rock path. I fell in front of the mile 21 sign. Sprained ankle, had to walk the rest of the race. Ankle is now the size of a baseball. (Day after race.) Note to organizers, keep the entire race on pavement. At mile 20, you do not feel like or can't, lift your feet up very much to avoid rocks and navigate an uneven surface.


C. N. from Winter Park, FL (2/17/2003)
"Great medals & organization, wind was horrendous" (about: 2003)


The race was very well organized and occassionally scenic. The volunteers were very friendly and helpful. Calling this course 'flat' in Florida is definitely a may be flat compared to other races across the nation, but the 75 foot bridge, even though early on, was very difficult because there is absolutely no protection up there from the Gulf winds. The Disney and the Miami marathons can accurately be described as flat, but not this one. In addition, you are running into the wind the first 16 miles, which might have been OK had it been a breeze but the 2003 race had very strong winds. My suggestions for improvement would be to find a way to avoid the 75 foot bridge and run the first 1/2 in land so the wind is less of an effect and run the second 1/2 on the coast going North so that the strong winds could 'push' you to the finish. I also agree that splits at each mile marker are an absolute necessity and would warrant an increase in entry fee to pay for them. The wind in your face for 16 miles is not worth the 'scenery' of condo after condo along the beaches. The spectators were not very good since most of them didn't cheer at all except for the runners they knew. There were a handful of very supportive spectators scattered throughout the course. Also, it would be nice to get the results on the website or at the race in the same day.


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