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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 351 to 361]
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C. L. from Philadelphia, PA (8/11/2004)
"Great crowd, challenging course..." (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Ok, so I did the half, not the full mary, but I did want to add my 2 cents..

My main complaints were the crowding on the course and the hill at mile 11 (for the half). I didn't have as many issues with the expo. I drove (yes, drove) down from Philly, PA, got in Friday morning and hit the expo early. But still, it was so cramped, it was hard to shop and when we left, there was a line to get in to pick up packets.

The crowds were great, lots of course support. Could have used more Gatorade on the course. I have heard/read complaints about delaying the start. On one hand, I see how this could be annoying if you are doing the full--the delay put you out there later in the blazing sun. But on the other hand I want to say, what were you smoking? Did we see the same rain? This was not a drizzle, it was a downpour, the kind that makes cars pull off the highway, complete with lightning bolts and thunder. I was so glad they delayed!

I just saw that the race directors are going to implement a lot of changes for next year, namely wave starts to address the crowding problems on the course.

We enjoyed our road trip down and the race. Will consider returning for the full.


A. W. from Denver, CO USA (8/6/2004)
"Decent, but don't travel for it" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The biggest problem with Nashville in 2004 was the weather--but that's not something that the organizers can control.

That said, there were several areas that were not as tightly organized as they should have been--especially for the fairly steep entry fee.

The packet pickup and expo was dismal. We were in a snaking line literally half a mile long. Flying in from out of town and rushing to pick up a packet before 6pm is no fun.

Notwithstanding the monsoon at the start, the starting corrals were disorganized. Miles 2-6 were run on 2 lane streets (that were reduced to one lane in many places because of the out-and-back layout). That didn't allow the pack to separate nearly as much as it should. By mile 10, it was still shoulder-to-shoulder.

They spent so much time marketing the course as flatter and faster, I really expected something like Chicago. The hills weren't outrageous, but I wasn't psychologically prepared for the hill coming back up from the river at about mile 16 and then the uphill around 20.

The finish was generally fine, although there was a little bit of a 'false' finish where all of the balloons were set up, and the actual line was another 1/4 mile after a sharp left turn. That was a long quarter mile.

As far as the course layout goes, they could have tried to make it a little more scenic with a few more of Nashville's sights along the way. It would have been nice to run through the downtown.

All things considered, it was ok, but I wouldn't run it again--especially taking travel costs into account.


Nicholas Erwin from Houston, Texas (7/15/2004)
"Biggest achievement yet" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

What a great race! The spectators, the fans, and even the cool weather were great.


L. G. from Alabama (7/8/2004)
"Won't run it again!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I assisted two first-time marathoners in training for this marathon and suggested it because I am a country music fan and have always wanted to do this marathon. Well, so much for the country music -- there was not much music due to the rain. But, this is something the organizers couldn't control. They could however have controlled the expo -- it was a NIGHTMARE! There was nowhere to park, when you got into the civic center it took forever to go through the line to pick up your packet, and I couldn't even consider looking at the expo it was so crowded! In addition, the lack of water, Gatorade, and gel on the course was appalling! The two women I was training with were running a 5 hour pace and by the time we got to the aid stations there was nothing there! Even where there was something left, there were no volunteers to pour water or hand it our so we often had to do it ourselves! I guess the volunteers didn't want to work in the rain either!

As for the course, it was fair. I don't understand why everyone is complaining about the 'hills'. I didn't see any 'hills'. However, there were several places that were out and back where runners got tangled up or almost run over by the police guarding the front runners. In addition, having the half-marathoners start with the marathoners is a nightmare. We were around lots of people who were walking at the start - there was a lot of shoving and tripping around us.

Luckily, my training partners were able to keep to their pace and had a good time despite what I thought was a poor race!


D. M. from Louisiana (6/28/2004)
"Well managed. Nice course. Hills! Heat!" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Running in Nashville was nice. Great town with lots to do. Course was very scenic with plenty of diversity. Finish at the stadium was cool. Elite Racing is the best race management group. Very professional staff. Great themes. They create a well-rounded event (run, music, food, etc.). The hills were harder and longer than expected. The heat was devastating. I chose this run because it was one of the few big races later in the Spring. Now I know why. Overall, I had a great time but finished below my goal.


S. I. from Nashville, TN (6/9/2004)
"First marathon for me, I'll keep coming back" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Okay, I've read a lot of complaints about this marathon and I would have to agree with a couple. Primarily, the expo organization was a total disaster, I live in Nashville and found it difficult to get to the expo within their time parameters. Hopefully the organizers have learned their lesson...

The race was great for me. Sure, it was crowded at first, but I chose my path carefully and didn't get tangled with other runners.

The pacers were a valuable help, seeing them running around me helped me to gauge my own speed and run a great time. The fans and the volunteers at the water stations and along the path were fantastic. I had no trouble keeping my energy up throughout the race - until the bands got scarce near the end... (I guess most bands didn't want to play in the rain.)

All in all, my first marathon experience was a memorable one and I plan on running the CMM again and again simply because it holds a dear place in my heart.
Sure, I'm biased, maybe even naive about what to expect of a marathon, but after the pain subsided and I got to running again, I hold only fond memories of the Country Music Marathon.


m. c. from Georgia USA (5/23/2004)
"Need to separate marathons with half-marathons " (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I would be a whole lot more comfortable if I didn't have to run with runners from the half marathon. It would be best if the marathon runners started first and then the half marathon runners start.


L. N. from Tampa, FL (5/16/2004)
"It was a tough marathon, but well worth it." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I have read several of the comments written so far. The way I look at it, its all in what you expect to get out of it. Coming from Florida, I knew I may have a hard time with hills, and I did. I also knew that weather would be questionable, since we checked it for weeks in advance. But hey, I'm from FL and it rains a lot here. Too bad the rain didn't start again during the race.

I would have to agree with the comments about the jam-up at the beginning. I don't think the 2:30-hour 1/2 marathoners should be corralled with 5:00-hour marathoners. It's just not the same pace in the end. There were people that were right in front of me that were planning on walking the 1/2. It took a good 5 miles of dodging walkers before I could get a good pace. Somehow I was still running a 10-minute per mile pace in the beginning, but it would have been faster than that without the crowd. But, I guess we all had to deal with that. I know for next time that I need to corral myself further up time-wise. Perhaps the 1/2 can have a different start?? But then again, it was kind of cool looking down the hill at the start and seeing such a swarm of people, which we would not have had if it was just full marathoners.

I feel for those that had problems with the expo, or lines at the race. I would have liked to see the expo open later too. But, with the right plans, it was doable. As a result, we just had to make sure our flight got in early enough on Friday to allow time for that. As for lines, we picked a hotel that was walking distance (about a mile) from the start. So, we walked in the rain to the start, and got a shuttle back at the end.

As for the course, I don't know much about Nashville, but I doubt this was the most scenic route there was. But, I had read that ahead of time in some of the previous years comments too so I was prepared for that. Overall I didn't think the course was bad, except for the smelly part (gag!!). And actually, the out-and-back loops they had set up made it more spectator friendly. My friends that went along were able on foot to get around to see me go by during the race, without having to drive around and worry about parking. The cold Gatorade/water bottle they handed me at mile 18 was priceless!! But then, to hear the finish line from there and know you still had 9 miles to go was kind of freaky. It was deceiving. But, then once we were coming back from the park I knew we had to be close.

The fans, AWESOME. I don't know about your hometown, but I have to say, for as nice of weather we often have in FL, we cannot brag about a large crowd of spectators. Certainly we have never had bands and unending cheerleaders out there for that long. I finished in under 5 hours, and those cheerleaders were still out there when I finished!! Hats off to them, and the bands.

I think considering the weather, we were VERY lucky to have the support of the crowd, the bands and the cheerleaders that we had. I could not have gotten through it without them.

The water??? I carry my own water bottle, thank God. And, filled it up often just in case. I also carry my own gel. Otherwise, I would not have made it. There were not enough out there.

I think overall, we have to remember that all these people out there are volunteering for the most part. So, we have to be grateful for what we get. Sure we pay to run, but hey, that's just 'cause that's what we do. We're crazy!!

I think the better you prepare for the race, the better time you will have.

We have to remember that the training doesn't stop with your last run before the race. It's goes right to the starting line. I think we encounter different obstacles each time, and have to try to plan for them. This was my first out of town one where I had to stay in a hotel, so I was expecting to deal with some surprises. Actually, the hotel we picked was awesome and treated us great. We had complimentary breakfast, full of carbs!! It was a smaller hotel, and for that reason, I think it was easier to get in and out. Thank you Guesthouse Inn. They even gave us the newspaper on Sunday with race results in it.

I had a great time, had good friends travel with me for support, and I beat my Portland, Oregon marathon time by 3 minutes. (Nothing like cutting it close).

A good time was had by all in my group overall, as far as I know.

And, we found a great Irish pub on music row the next day!! Awesome. Nothing like ending a tough marathon with a cold one! What can I say?!


C. M. from The Plains, Ohio (5/13/2004)
"Not a race for walkers" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

As a jogger/walker, this marathon is not an ideal race to complete. It was advertised as 'flat and fast,' but seemed to be more inclines throughout the entire course. The San Francisco Marathon wasn't even this hilly.

The aid stations were not properly equipped for those towards the back of the pack and some even closed.

As a walker and jogger, I won't be participating in this race again. It may be feasible if I choose to go back to competitive running, but I doubt that I'll do this specific race again.


Half Marathoner from U.S.A. (5/8/2004)
"Lack of Water Appalling" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

As an exercise physiologist, I was appalled at the lack of water and Gatorade for the middle of the pack half-marathoners. I had only four stations with water and only one with Gatorade. There needs to be both at every station, and there needs to be more stations. That's dangerous and inexcusable for a race of this magnatude. Thank goodness the sun didn't come out earlier or there would have been serious dehydration problems.

The problems at packet pick-up, the joke of a fitness expo, lack of advertised bands, the shuttle and port-a-john problems, etc. all add up to a race not to run again.


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