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Marathon Details - Reggae Marathon

International Marathons > Jamaica > Negril > Reggae Marathon

Reggae Marathon

Reggae Marathon & Half Marathon, 10K

location icon Negril, Jamaica

calendar icon December 3, 2023 - CANCELLED

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Race Details

Flat & Fast

Contact Information

Name: Alfred Francis
Address: Reggae Marathon Limited
87-89 Tower Street
Kingston, Jamaica
Phone Number:  876-922-8677
Fax Number: 876-922-0155
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (40)

Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 40 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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A. G. from USA (12/14/2019)
"Good but not great" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

I enjoyed this race . . . but the marathon (as opposed to the half marathon and 10k at the same time) is very sparse . . . only about 110 runners, so once the half-marathoners drop off you will feel as if you are on your own. Also, you run the same road 4 times, and most of it is not scenic at all - you see the back of hotels and other commercial buildings, not the Caribbean Sea. The course is very flat, but it is of course very hot and humid. Pasta party was good, water stops etc. were great, music (reggae, none live) all along the course was great, and the finish party was great, with drinks (Red Stripe, freshly cut coconuts), food, entertainment. The award structure (for the marathon at least) is awful - awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd overall; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Masters (which is over 35!) for men and women, and that's it! And double dipping is allowed - so the female marathon winner got both the 1st overall and 1st Master awards, for example. Essentially no spectators, unfortunately.


R. H. from Houston (12/10/2017)
"I think I believed too much of the hype..." (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

I hate to be such a downer on this race, because we love Jamaica and love coming to Negril.

However, this race has plenty of short-comings that need to be addressed before I would recommend it to anyone. Note that I ran the full marathon, so my comments may not apply to the 10K and half-marathon.

1) The course was not that memorable/inspiring. I fully appreciate that there's not much to be done about it though, because Negril has one main street. So you just run up and down the same 7-mile stretch of Norman Manley BLVD 4 times. You will run past the same resorts and restaurants 4 times while running this race. It's also disheartening to run past the finish line 3 different times before you actually get to finish.

And since the course is on the main street in Negril, the police/locals are anxious to get back on the street. I've never been in a marathon where the police escorts are honking at you to get you to move off the street so they can get buses through. (Note that I finished within the time allowed, it's not like I was out on the course after the race was finished.) And the shuttle buses made no attempt to move over to give you some room...I lost count of how many times a shuttle bus came within feet of me while whisking by. Nothing like worrying about getting hit by a bus while you're trying to run a marathon.

2) I'm not sure why they even bother offering the full marathon. For 2017, out of the 1918 finishers, there were only 117 of us that ran the full marathon. That's only 6% of the runners. Over 2/3 of the runners did the 10K. So by the time I got to the finish line the band was already packing-up, there weren't any coconuts left, and things were just kinda waiting around for us to finish so they could close-up.

Like I mentioned earlier, us full-marathoners ran by the finish line 3 times and saw all the festivities and heard the band. But by the time we get there the party's over. WTH.

3) Course photography was pretty sparse. I didn't run with my phone, so I was really looking forward to having one of the professional photographers take a finishers photo of me and my hard-earned medal standing in the sea. Too bad, there was nobody. There was only the one guy at the finish line taking pictures. I was really amazed that with one of the most scenic finish areas in all of marathoning they didn't have a race photographer to take pictures.

My recommendation is to definitely come to Negril and enjoy an awesome vacation. And if you have to run, do the 10K or half, because the race is definitely catered to those distances. But I would not recommend doing the full.


Norm Lonergan from Ajax, Ontario, Canada (12/22/2015)
"Could be really awesome" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

Definitely agree with previous post. Beach party was a fraud for sure. I ran the full as well and when I went to get a beer with my ticket shortly after 9 am they scowled at me and told me there was no beer left. I happily expected a slow run but was looking forward to the party. Hydration stations and the race were really well done, however I'm afraid they dropped the ball big time.


M. J. from US (12/17/2015)
"Hot Hot Hot Love the Music on the Course" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

The Reggae Marathons infamous Pasta Party! I heard rave reviews! All I'm going to say is chaos, seemed like no structure at all people going in and out of line; and I use the word line loosely. People reaching plates over people, people pushing in and out. Crazy! Glad I experienced it but, if I come back, I will eat else where the night before the race. A little order would make it a great experience, because the food was pretty good; but like so many other people the culinary experience was lessened because of the chaos. The race started at 5:15am by 8:00am the Sun was burning! I think my slowest marathon on record! To my dismay I wasn't that upset with my slow finishing time! I was upset that they had run out of Red Stripe Beer; and the post race party which was advertised to last until noon was being pack up! What the Hell! The ice cold beer I had been dreaming about for the last 6 miles was a no! And the band was packing up the stage! What a fraud finish line party, I mean it is called the Reggae Marathon, every participant especially the marathoners should be given a little more respect!The people who suffered the most, and believe me the marathoners were suffering in the heat; got the least amount of love at the finish. Step up you game Reggae Marathon officials!


j. w. from Spfld MO (12/30/2013)
"Love Negril, marathon a little disorganized." (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

I have traveled to Negril for years and was looking forward to finally running the marathon. Packet pick up was a breeze, pasta party was a mess. In their defense, it did rain that afternoon, but moving people through the buffet was a mess. Food was good, but limited refreshments included with the meal. Race shuttles needed some organization. Starting area very dark, porto johns were very over used. Grossed me out, and that takes alot! No organization in the starting corrals. All three races start together with walkers and back of the pack runnings up front. After about three miles everyone fell into place. Course was a gentle double loop which ended at the beach. Beautiful setting for the awards ceremony. They ran out of beer very early. Booo. We walked the beach back to the hotel, just to avoid the shuttle mess.


Gail Lanning from Saskatchewan Canada (12/23/2013)
"One of the Best Times of My Life!!!!" (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

I enjoyed myself thoroughly at the Reggae Marathon! I usually go home a day or two before it every year, but this year I decided to enter & was so glad that I did!! It was an AWESOME experience!! I had a permanent smile on my face during the whole run & for that whole day! The volunteers were terrific & everything was very well organized. The pasta party the night before was spectacular & delicious food & the steel band was the best! It was a great experience. One of the best parts is that I have alot of friends in Jamaica & they were all out in the early morning cheering me on!! It was an experience I will never forget & will be back again....Thank you to all the organizers & volunteers of the Reggae Marathon for your hard work & dedication to this event!! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT!!!


J. L. from Montreal (12/13/2013)
"Considering the Reggae Marathon? Ya, mon!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

What a beautiful, fun and well organised little running event! This was my 13th marathon and my first trip to Jamaica. Such a great destination and warm people... My family and I enjoyed a week in paradise and you will too, I'm quite sure.

Bib pick-up was easy and quick. Nice shirt and bag, very colourful! They had many shuttles the morning of the race and getting to the start of the race at 4:15 am was fast and easy for my non-running husband and myself. Free for both of us. The start is early (5:15 am), but believe me, you'll thank god for such an early start. At 9 am, it gets really hot on the course. I finished in 3:47 and coming from Canada, that was as far as could go in that heat, I couldn't have taken another step. This race is not a test of your speed, but a test of your perseverance. I never walk in my marathons, but this one was very different for me. I had to battle the voices inside of me like never before. But when that finish line was crossed, what a feeling of accomplishment! After a dip in the beautifully clear turquoise sea, a drink of coconut water, and my cool medal around my neck, I felt just like a reggae star!

Aside from the heat, this is an easy race. Flat flat course, no tangents to run, not a crowded field and the support of the volunteers is exceptional. They are there at every mile to offer you water, gatorade, gels, fruits or a refreshing spray of water. And they cheer for you on top of that! You guys were the best. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Do no expect huge crowds of spectators, it's a small town and people are either working in the hotels, or laying on the beach. Can you blame them? However, those brave and generous enough to stand by the side of the road are very kind, funny and loud. They will cheer you up personally when you most need it.

The after-race had a very nice party in a park by the beach, with live music and good food. Fun award ceremony for those who place, with podium, trophies and prize money. They treat us as if we were pros! Really neat for such a small race.

Jamaicans love their running and they are obviously very talented at it. It was a real honour for me to run in their company. Go Jamaica! Go Reggae Marathon! See you next year, guys!


c. r. from New York, USA (2/18/2013)
"Nice destination marathon" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

Pro: Flat course
Hydration every mile
Good music
Friendly people
Very nice marathon t-shirt and bag
Marathon starts in the dark so it isn't as hot (sun comes out about mile 9-10).
Red Stripe beer and coconut at the end.
Negril is beautiful and laid back.
Transportation to the start and back was organized well.

Con: Need to have a better 'expo'.
SKIP THE PASTA PARTY!!. Based on reviews I was so looking forward to it. We stood in line for ~20min trying to get food until we realize that people were just walking up and cutting in front so the line didn't move.Very disorganized. Pasta bland--no flavor. They ran out of cold water on a warm night.
No marathon 'pacer' and everyone (walkers and runners) grouped together.
'7 mile beach'--wrong. You are running on the road lined by Hotels so you do not see the beach at all.


Pog Harrier from Melbourne, Australia (12/23/2011)
"Will do again because of Negril not marathon" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

Reasonable marathon, was long lot's of traffic for a closed course, mile markers only (no kilometer marks for international or Jamaican peeps).

Start is chaotic with walkers placing themselves behind elites and then strewing width of road.

4hr30min no Red Stripe left (guess that's because other reviewers had Red Stripes *s*).

Toilets at start were a health hazard.

Good water/electolyte/gel stations.


E. C. from Maryland (12/25/2009)
"Great Destination Marthon" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Reggae Marathon

Ya, mon. I loved every aspect of this marathon experience. Don't let the heat or reviews of aggressive locals faze you. The organization of this little marathon is awesome. The pasta party is by far the world's greatest. The food was amazing, and I didn't experience a shortage of water since I arrived early in order to get a good night sleep. The route is fairly flat, but not an easy one. The weather shouldn't be a surprise... it's JAMAICA. Water stops were at every mile offering baggies of water and Gatorade. Gel and fruit were also available. The finish was a long run down a narrow chute with the DJ encouragement: " like a reggae star." The medal was placed around each runner's neck and the misting tent with large, ice-cold sponges was a life saver. The coconut milk and ice-cold Red Stripe beers were just the icing on the cake. I want to thank Dianne Ellis and the Windjammer volunteers for being available via e-mail and at the race to make this experience one I will cherish.



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