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Marathon Details - Mountain Maryland Marathon

North America Marathons > USA > MD > Frostburg > Mountain Maryland Marathon

Mountain Maryland Marathon

Mountain Maryland Marathon & Half Marathon, 5K, Kids Marathon

location icon Frostburg, MD USA

calendar icon April 10, 2011 - CANCELLED

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Marathon Results

By Year: 2010   Top 3 Finishers

Race Details

See for detailed course description.

New course + new climbs = new challenges

Contact Information

Name: Kevin Spradlin
Address: Mtn Md Marathon Club
P.O. Box 227
Ellerslie, MD 21529-0227
Phone Number:  301-264-3147
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (6)

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.0 
Number of comments: 6


M. S. from Cranberry Twp, PA (4/25/2010)
"Improving year to year" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Mountain Maryland Marathons

I returned this year to run my hometown marathon after having run the half marathon last year. The course was exactly the same, so no surprises there. What everyone else says is very true. The climb from just before 3 miles to about 13.5 is noticeable, but depending on how much hill training you've done, it will feel different for everyone. Because of the terrible weather we had this winter, I spent most of my long training runs on a hilly course that is always clear, so I was more than prepared for it. However, for others I know it was a struggle. And as others have said, the downhill is just as tough, and it's slightly longer. I did fine on that until the last 1.5 miles of it when my hamstrings started to cramp. If you're prepared for the hills, or more correctly the hill, this is a very nice race.

There were a few more spectators this year, but still not many, as this is a very small race. However, they were very enthusiastic. The volunteers also seemed to be better trained this year, as I didn't have to stop at any water stops to pick up my own drink as I did last year.

I do agree that the food and drink at the end were a bit lacking, but they did improve on having them available near the finish line rather than a quarter-mile away.

All in all, this year was a solid improvement over last year, and should I not be running Boston next year, I'll be back.


M. t. from Arlington, VA (4/20/2010)
"Pleasant Surprise" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Mountain Maryland Marathon

For starters, this was by far the hardest marathon I've ever run (with Charlottesville a distant second). I ran 3:50, which would have been 3:35 anywhere else. There's a 1,200+-foot climb between miles 3-13, and an equally calf-destroying drop over miles 14-24. My body is still chopped up three days later but it was a blast.

The course was awesome (quiet, unbelievably peaceful). Support (for a smaller town) was amazing (volunteers would appear out of nowhere). Every water stop was loaded even for only 120 marathoners (fewer than 350 total runners).

The handmade ceramic medal is way cooler than my NYC medal, which is sitting next to it.

The only con is that it is a bit scary running in 30-35 degree temperatures with a 20 mph wind on a 2,000-foot hill with zero people around. I ran miles 15-21 with no one within 1,000 feet. Then again, most of the ultra-marathon runners in the pack love this race for the exact same reason.

This race deserves to grow. It could probably double without any safety risk (and that might even make it a safer).


c. s. from Washington DC (4/19/2010)
"first you run up and then you run down" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons

Interesting marathon. This was my 30th and I was not sure what to expect. The first 3 or so miles are on asphalt roads; then you turn onto a crushed gravel trail. You run uphill for the remaining 10 or so miles. It is not very steep - just a constant uphill run. It might annoy some people, but be prepared for it. The fact that you know that at the 13.1-mile mark you turn around and run the exact same course downhill is great motivation to get to the top. It is a great marathon to run to get your Maryland state race done, but it's sparsely supported. Good food is lacking at the end; I saw some hot pizza near the fruit and asked for a slice, but I was told it was for the volunteers. I totally understand, but please hide pizza from a hungry marathoner! Overall, great scenery and the people who are there couldn't be any nicer.


R. S. from Forest Hill, MD (4/19/2010)
"Excellent small-scale event!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Mountain Maryland Marathon

I have the highest regard for this event. The organization, atmosphere, and scenery were fantastic. Granted, the uphill climb from mile 3 to just past 13 - average 3% grade - was a wee bit challenging. The view was great. And running through a 900-foot train tunnel twice is cool, too. Supporters along the route were rather few, but they more than made up for their numbers with enthusiasm. With only 113 finishers, there were no strangers here! I salute the 5 or 6 grade-school girls doing their "Go, runner, go!" cheer for us on the downhill return - I saw no other runners, so I was a solo audience for the cheer, and got a high-five from each of them. Folks, you can't beat support like that. And kudos to whoever designed - and whoever approved - the finisher's medal. This is the only time I've seen a ceramic medal - talk about local color. It's attractive and unique. The uphill climb will likely deter runners looking for a PR; the cool temps, breezes, and clouds, however, let me get my second-best time in 29 marathons. I am looking forward to MMM #3.


j. m. from north carolina (4/18/2010)
"Very nice race. Well-managed." (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Mountain Maryland Marathon

I selected this race as it is in a state that I needed in my quest for the 50 States challenge. I was pleasantly surprised. Guests staying in the Holiday Inn really had it made. I rolled out of bed at 7 a.m. and had plenty of time to make it to the 7:30 start. The race started on time. The 5K, half marathon and marathon all started together, but the total number of runners was under 300. The course was well-marked and there were plenty of snacks and beverages along the way. The course is a gentle incline up, which you hardly recognize during the run. It becomes more evident at the turnaround point and you can then see the decline on your return. I love these small-town races and I can't imagine one being any better than this. It was very scenic. Bring your camera!


M. S. from Cranberry Twp, PA (2/24/2010)
"Good inaugural effort" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Mountain Maryland Marathon

This race is in my home town, and I ran the half marathon to help support it. Since I had run a good portion of the course previously, I knew basically what to expect, but it is very much as advertised. The first 3 miles are generally flat, followed by a VERY steep but thankfully very short (no more than 100 yards) incline to meet up with the rail trail on which the remainder of the course is run. I've never walked at mile 3 of a race before, but I did here just to save my legs from working too hard so early on.

The rail trail is nearly all crushed stone and gradually and constantly uphill to the turnaround. The same is true both for the half and full marathon (the full just continues on for another 6.55 miles), and you get the benefit of that climb on the return downhill to the finish. The downhill grade is perfect for picking up the pace. It's not so steep that it trashes your quads but just steep enough so that you notice the speed increase.

Because the race is still relatively small and since the first 3 miles are run on the road, there are no real crowding issues.

My only minor complaints about the course were that some of the mile markers were off (one by about .2 miles), and that some of the volunteers did not seem sure of how to pass out the water to runners. At one point, I actually had to stop and go back to get the water from them as they didn't hand it to me despite me making eye contact and pointing to the cup. Since it was the first year for the event, most of that is understandable.

As far as the scenery goes, it's a very nice course that follows the route of a scenic train ride, so the views are great.

Given that it's a very small race and that it's on a rail trail through wooded areas, there are very few spectators, so expect to be alone for much of the course.

The post-race food and drink were very good and plentiful, but they were quite a walk from the finish line. Having at least something to drink right after the finish line would have been better.

All that said, I thought it was a very good showing for the event's first year. I'll be back this year to run the full marathon.

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