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Marathon Details - Minneapolis Marathon

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Minneapolis Marathon

Minneapolis Marathon & Half Marathon, 4-Person Relay

location icon Minneapolis, MN USA

calendar icon June 5, 2016 - CANCELLED

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Marathon Results

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Contact Information

Name: John Larson
Address: Team Ortho Foundation
1170 15th Avenue SE Suite #307
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone Number:  612-746-1364
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (76)

Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 76 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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J. S. from Kansas City, MO (6/23/2015)
"Well organized, great BQ course" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

So full disclosure, I BQ'd by 8 minutes at this race, so I am predisposed to gush about it. This was my 25th marathon, but only my second BQ and my second fastest time (fastest since 2008). So that should tell you something about the course. It is not flat, but it is definitely fair IMO (contrary to other comments). There are some rolling hills throughout, but honestly nothing awful until about Mile 25, when there are 2 significant climbs. This is generally not how you want to close a marathon, but I understand that construction caused the race organizers to move the finishing miles this year only. Hopefully, they will correct that in 2016. 45 degrees on race morning made for ideal conditions as well, and that is why you choose a location like MSP for a May race.

Something notable to point out that is fantastic about the race is how they separate marathoners from half-marathoners. The half starts a full hour later, so you never deal with them. You're out there from the beginning with legit full-marathoners. And when you finally come together with the half runners in the last mile of the event, marathoners are in a separate lane. Hallelujah! Other race organizers need to get the memo from MSP on this tactic, as there is nothing worse than dodging half-marathon walkers at the end of a full marathon when you are trying to BQ. In this race, marathoners had plenty of room, and no one to dodge. You have no idea how awesome this was.

Others have mentioned some other stuff that I mostly agree with. Good, small expo, nice jacket, good logistics, shuttles, etc. Some complained about course beauty, but I actually thought it was really nice. I love running through local neighborhoods as we did in the beginning, and then running along the river was really pretty IMO. Crowd, was sparse, but hey, if you want a big crowd, go to Chicago or NY.

All in all, I had a fantastic experience at MSP and would highly recommend. I travelled 450 miles to get here, and I will probably do it again.


D. L. from Australia (6/10/2015)
"Solid Spring Race to Consider" (about: 2015)

2 previous marathons

Team Ortho put on a great event, and I hope to see this one grow in the years to come. Overall, the organizer's attention to detail is evident on race day. That being said, there are a few issues that can be rectified in the future in order for this event to unlock its true potential.
My take...
***Pre-race - Yes, the guys need to work on this one. You had to dig for a race guide that just appeared a week or so before. You had to check back and manually search for your bib number. Shuttle info appeared with no announcement one day too. I think the website needs a 'news' section when important parts of the website are updated for the runners. Also, the Facebook page needs to add the same important info to complement its mainly inspirational format.
***Expo - a small, no nonsense affair. Bib collection and chip testing were right where you entered in back section of the Depot Renaissance Hotel. Jacket collection followed and had its own station for trying various sizes on. A few vendors. I filled out a brief marathon survey and earned a cool $20 to spend at the Team Ortho store. Bought my wife a marathon tech shirt with the money. She earned it for putting up with my early alarm clock for the 18 weeks leading up to race day!
***Race City Logistics - Incredibly easy. Minneapolis has a terrific light rail system with a dedicated line from the Mall of America (Bloomington) to Target Field in downtown. A paltry $1.75 gives you 2.5 hours of unlimited travel on the rail and buses, if you need them. I stayed at a really, really nice Residence Inn near the Mall of America and made good use of the light rail. Yes, there was even a train early enough to make the 6:30 AM race start north of downtown. I prefer to stay near the airport, so I cannot vouch for the host hotel or hotels. Staying near the mall was a snap and gave me a wide range of celebration meal options afterwards. I highly recommend staying near MOA and at the Residence Inn, in particular.
***Race Day Logisitics - no really big issues here. I boarded a bus behind the host hotel at 5:10 and was on my way. The organizers made the decision this year to give the marathoners a dedicated 6:30 start, and I applaud them. Half marathoners started an hour later which erased any congestion on the shuttles, on the course or at the start line. Plenty of portable toilets at the waiting area, but not any that I could see at the start line, which was a ten minute walk up the street. Maybe bag check could have started earlier too, but I don't think it was that big of a deal.
***Course - fine, really. 902 marathoners meant that you were no longer elbow-to-elbow after about a half mile. Small rolling hills and mostly flat sections through parkland and residential areas in the first half. Plenty of bridge crossings and more pronounced hills in the second half. On the whole, I would not call it a hilly course. 17 very enthusiastic aid stations counting the start and finish. Gel stops were outlined in advance on the course map which will hopefully be in PDF format next year for better clarity. Yes, there were plastic cups in use, but there is a way to make them work efficiently if you practice during training. There were some sections of concrete and a short section of running on cobblestones, but I was amazed at the good quality of pavement considering the brutal Winters of the Twin Cities. Crossing the mighty Mississippi multiple times was a true race day highlight. Magnificent!
***Spectators - Some pockets of spectators on course, but not a steady steam by any stretch. The marathon just started in 2009 and has made major course changes sine then, so it is still a young race with plenty of room for growth. Hopefully, the city will really back it in the future.
Most of the spectators were lining the final 300 feet or so which is the norm in medium-sized events like this.
***Finish Line - beautiful river setting with the dramatic architecture of the Guthrie Theatre to your left, good DJ/race announcer, good snack bag and plenty of hydration, bag collection needs improvement. Entering a school bus and coming back down really hurt after a long race. Maybe it will be in a tent in the future, I hope. Could walk to the light rail from the finish line no problems.
***Bling/Goodies/Swag/Amazement of Friends - This is a really nice medal which captures the theme of the event, so I don't understand where the criticism is coming from. I just ran 26.2 miles and am proud of that fact. Life is too short to focus on the width of the medal's ribbon in my opinion.
***Final Words - Great event. Can become even better with a few minor tweaks and better marketing. Minneapolis is one very fit city, so be prepared to accept the challenge and take on the city that is usually ranked #1 or #2 in overall fitness. Team Ortho did a nice job here, and I only wished that I lived closer to do this one again. I highly recommend making the trip to MSP.


D. B. from Houston, TX (6/7/2015)
"Decent marathon, but not great" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

I decided to run this race on a whim, the week of the marathon. Overall, I'd say this marathon is pretty decent, although by no means great. Will start with the highlights and then head to the needs improvement.

First, this is a very traveler friendly race for people flying in from out of town. I flew into MSP, paid $1.75 for the light rail that goes right from the airport to downtown Minneapolis. The light rail stop was only a few blocks from the host hotel and packet pick-up. No hassle, no cab, no rental car - good on the budget. The rates at the host hotel were reasonable as well considering it is right downtown (and a short walk from the finish).

2nd, the race is fairly well organized. The packet pick-up went pretty smooth despite a large crowd. I liked that they had a station set-up where you could confirm your chip was working before the race which I'm sure avoided some race day timing headaches. On the topic of timing, I think this race had one of the best systems I've seen (up there with the big city marathons). Results were on the web page almost immediately after finishing and there seemed to be few timing errors/complaints. The shuttle bus system to the start was also very good. They had an army of shuttles sending a bus off every few minutes. If you were late to the start it was your own fault. No line at all.

While the course is nice, it is not spectacular. The 1st half gently rolls and runs through primarily residential areas. It is nice to cross the Mississippi River so many times. The entire 2nd half is an out and back through a nice park/residential area near the river. There are some decent climbs in the final 2 miles, so save some gas. Finish is downtown at the Guthrie Theater. There were a decent number of spectators, especially in the 2nd half.

The improvements needed for this race are fairly simple in my opinion. 1st, aid stations were using plastic cups. I don't know how many snapped and cracked when I tried to drink. Please switch to paper as they are so much easier to grab. 2nd, some aid stations were not filling the cups with much of anything, little more than a few sips. Some simple training/guidance to the volunteers would help.

Next - the medal is a bit on the cheaper end compared to other marathons. Design/quality could be a bit nicer. Good medals seem to attract more runners these days.

Last - As this race continues to develop and grow it would be nice to make the course a bit more of a tour of the city. I could see a future where the long out and back is eliminated and the course shows off more of Minneapolis.

Bottom Line - If you are looking for a quick and easy way to check off Minnesota, this isn't a bad option. I don't regret running this race, but I probably won't ever be back to run it again.


F. M. from Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan (6/3/2015)
"Well organized marathon with beautiful backdrops" (about: 2015)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

The race and registration were extremely well organized! In fact, packet pick up and the expo were easy to get through. In terms of the race, the ladder 13.1 miles definitely seemed to pick up in elevation. There were a total of 17 water/powerade stations, so hydration wasn't an issue. The course provided some beautiful back drops of the Mississippi River. In terms of fans, the ones that were there were extremely energetic; however you did have significant gaps of fans throughout the course. Overall, excellent marathon and would recommend it to anyone visiting the twin cities!


K. L. from Seattle, WA (6/3/2015)
"Uphill and into the wind" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

I'm a 50stater and chose this one for Minnesota. I'm pretty sure I read the course elevation chart and it said there was a net elevation loss. It didn't feel like it. It pretty much felt like the entire race was uphill. That being said, it was a great race!

Renaissance depot hotel is awesome, clean, with friendly staff
Well organized race, expo was fast, easy, small, but had plenty of stuff
Marathoners got a tech jacket, very nice.
Shuttle was a piece of cake to get on
Course was beautiful. Gorgeous perfect weather for this years race!! 45degree start, dry, sunny.
Ample water stations/course support.-I'm a back of the pack runner, came in at 4:51 and the water stations were still fully stocked, Sports Gel available even 4hrs in, aid stations attended, medics on bikes throughout course. No need for a water belt even if you're a slower runner during this race.
there is a Ferris wheel near mile 8/9 or so, family got a great,fun,race photo of me there. Highly recommended photo spot!
Spectators throughout course, some had oranges
Easy access for spectators to drive to various mile markers
Medal was big, really nice
Wedding season at the hotel, lots of drunk people at 2AM outside your door Saturday night before race, not too terrible, but enough to wake you up for a bit.
Had to buy last years shirt so I could have a running shirt with the marathon logo(Marathoners got tech jackets, so this isn't really a con, just a heads up if you want a race shirt)
Big con was no paper race maps available at expo, couldn't get the online one to print in any readable way for my family to follow(street names blurred together, jpg.image would only print in sections)An easy to read map handed out or printable at expo would be great for out of towners with family trying to follow the race.
Although there were tons of potties at the shuttle drop off, there was a Long walk from shuttle to start line, then no toilets at start area.
Lot's of running on concrete, about a 1/2mile stretch of running on uneven bricks near mile..23 or 24.
The course is UPHILL. I'm not kidding. I live in Seattle and train on hills and this race still kicked my butt! I feel like the elevation chart on the website isn't quite accurate, but that could just be me. There are some flat stretches, but mostly steep hills.

All in all this was a great race, Hilly, but beautiful, well organized, great jacket for marathoners, great crowd, would recommend this race for anyone!


C. B. from Des Moines IA (6/2/2015)
"Decent Marathon" (about: 2015)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

Course was an unusual course that missed many of the beautiful sights available in Minneapolis. At times we were running through parking lots with views of porta johns. Spectators were sparse throughout the course except between mile 17-23 on the down and back portion. This was also a very congested portion of the course. Those spectators were very enthusiastic and it was helpful during this portion where many runners struggle. Some improvements that I would like include
-adjusting the course to showcase the beauty of the city
-some solid food support along the course such as bananas and oranges
-advertising it among the locals more, many people were unaware of the marathon
-coordination with the motels listed on the web page for early breakfast (Marriot doesn't serve breakfast until after the start of the race)

It was a decent marathon with some real potential available to it. Minneapolis is such a beautiful city and the people are a friendly and enthusiastic bunch.


C. J. from Austin, TX (6/1/2015)
"Big city marathon with a small-town feel" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

These comments refer to the 2015 race: I ran the Minneapolis Marathon as part of my attempt to do all 50 states. I found it to be a fun, low-key event and an ok choice for Minnesota. Considering that it takes place in such a large city it has a bit of a small-town feel to it. There's good and bad in that; while for the most part I thought it was well organized, there were some aspects that made me go 'huh??'


- Easy logistics. Getting in and out of downtown Minneapolis from the airport via light rail is a piece of cake. I stayed at the host hotel - the Renaissance Depot - and would recommend it.

- Problem-free packet pickup. The expo was tiny, but I don't really care about those things.

- Decent course. Not spectacular by any means, but at least it doesn't run you out along freeway service roads or through any industrial areas. It is moderately hilly; rolling throughout, nothing really major until the last 2 miles. Unfortunately the biggest hills are right at the end, and they hurt.

- The course never felt all that crowded. Although there were somewhere around 4000 runners total, only 902 finished the full marathon. Everyone starts together, but I never had any problem running my pace. I completely missed the point where the half marathoners split off. One minute they were there and the next minute they were gone.

- Instead of a shirt they gave us a very nice finisher's jacket. At the expo they had samples you could try on to insure that you got the right size. Apparently the jacket is a tradition; I saw a lot of runners during the race wearing their jackets from past years' races.

- The weather was absolutely perfect - low 40's at the start, 50's at the end, sunny, very little wind. You can't ask for better for a late-May race.

- Seriously, plastic cups? The water stops used these tiny little plastic cups. Is there a way to drink out of a little plastic cup while running without spilling it all over you? Does anyone know how to do it? 'Cause after 18 marathons I sure as heck don't. I hate having to come to a full stop just to drink, but I didn't really have a choice.

- The bag drop area was a bit disorganized; they were VERY late in getting everything ready for runners to drop off their bags. The race started at 6:30 and they didn't open for business until almost 6:00. It was a 10-minute walk from there to the starting line, so everyone had to rush.

- The bag drop was a do-it-yourself affair. We had to enter the front of a school bus, walk down the aisle and find a cardboard box corresponding to our bib # and drop the bag in. When retrieving the bag after the race we did the same process in reverse, digging through the box of bags till we found our own.

- I thought the medal was sorta cheap and plasticky-looking. It hangs from the thinnest ribbon I've ever received for a race medal.


David Weiss from Cleveland, Ohio (12/9/2014)
"Great move by organizers after cancelled race" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons

I took a long trip to Minneapolis for the race, and was highly disappointed it was cancelled after a lightning storm had stopped (it didnt come back). I understood, however that they were in a no-win situation. I also ended up having a fantastic time in the city of Minneapolis. The race organizers,despite the disclaimers that there wouldnt be refunds, made the great move of offering some deeply discounted registration to other races for later on if we runners responded promptly to their offer, which has left me very happy. Also, this has caused me to re-register for the 2015 race, so I'll be coming back to the city to spend my money there, as well as run. Kudos to the race organizers


E. O. from Tucson, AZ (6/10/2013)
"Hands down best marathon I have run so far." (about: 2013)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

The course was absolutely beautiful and had plenty of water stops. The volunteers were great about calling out water of gatorade. My family had no issues getting out to see me in 5 different places. My nephews even jumped in to cross the finish line with me!


J. M. from Springfield, Missouri (6/9/2013)
"Excellent race!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Minneapolis Marathon

I have nothing but compliments for the Minneapolis Marathon.

The course was enjoyable, with some hills and grades but nothing too difficult. There are some great views of downtown, and the second half is a nice run along the river.

Organization was great all around. Packet pick-up ran smoothly and everyone was extremely helpful. The shuttles on race morning ran flawlessly as far as I could tell. Aid stations were nicely spaced and well-stocked. The race shirt is good quality, with a zipper pocket, and the medal is one of the nicer I've received in my 26 marathons.

Fans: It is always hard for me to rate this category. The fans who were there were great, especially the volunteers. But there aren't a lot of fans during the second half, which is an out and back along the Mississippi River.

A couple suggestions: It would be nice to start in the downtown area, perhaps near the host hotel, but they may not have had that option. (On that note, the Renaissance is a great place to stay. We spent 4 nights there and were very impressed. They had no problem with a late checkout.) Also, I was surprised there was a charge for the shuttle to the start, as that is usually included in the entry fee.

Overall, the Minneapolis Marathon is a fine choice if you are looking for a race in Minnesota, or simply want an enjoyable, scenic run in one of America's great cities.


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