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Marathon Details - Tobacco Road Marathon

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Tobacco Road Marathon

Tobacco Road Marathon & Half Marathon

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calendar icon March 16, 2025

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Race Details

SUMMARY. Flat and fast! Over 18 miles on the full and 7 miles of the half will be on the American Tobacco Trail.

Be it the serene beauty of North Carolina's trails or the surge of determination that pushes you past mile 20, the Tobacco Road Marathon is an experience that lingers in the hearts of those who conquer it. Set against the peaceful backdrop of the American Tobacco Trail, this race offers runners not just a physical challenge but a journey of personal triumph. For some, it's the flat, fast course that beckons them toward a Boston Marathon qualification, while for others, it's the camaraderie formed along the way and the thrill of crossing that finish line.

From the early miles on smooth paved roads to the quiet serenity of the crushed granite trail, each runner's story is uniquely shaped by the miles they log. Some will recall the gentle inclines that test their resolve, while others will forever remember the downhill finish that carried them toward their goal. The atmosphere is electric with community spirit, from the encouraging volunteers at aid stations to the ringing of the PR bell at the finish line.

Every runner, whether chasing a personal best or simply embracing the joy of the journey, leaves this North Carolina race with memories that speak to the universal pride of completing a marathon. Here, on the Tobacco Road, new friendships are formed, personal records are set, and stories are created - stories that inspire others to lace up and take on the challenge for themselves.

Contact Information

Name: Cid Cardoso Jr
Address: 2002 Grisdale Ln
Cary, NC 27513
Phone Number:  919466010
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (66)

Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 66 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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M. B. from Columbia, SC (4/19/2022)
"Hillier than appears" (about: 2022)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

Overall, I was pretty happy with this race. Great organization, nice tech shirts, and plenty of aid on the course. However, I went into this race thinking it was completely flat. Compared to the coastal courses I usually do, this was definitely tough. Plus, the gradual slight incline is steady from miles 22-25, the worst location for it. Definitely a good course for someone more used to 'hills'!


Anthony Masciello from NC (3/23/2022)
"Florida flat in NC" (about: 2022)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Tobacco Road Marathons

2022 was my 4th TRM. Great flat marathon and you help support the Red Cross, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Hope for the Warriors and the Triangle Rails to Trails Conservancy.


Tim Molony from Cincinnati, OH (3/22/2022)
"What a perfect day for a race!" (about: 2022)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

On Sunday 3/20/22, I ran my first Tobacco Road Marathon. I have so many good things to say about this race. Let's start with the course conditions.

The trail is a mix of paved road/trail with large sections of the course being crushed/pulverized limestone and gravel over packed dirt. I wore trail shoes but if I could do it over, I would have worn a comfy pair of road shoes. No big deal but if you are someone like me that wonders about wearing the most appropriate type of shoe for a course, then you will want to select a good pair of road shoes for this course.

There were gradual ascents and gradual descents along the way. It was not pancake-flat but the hills were nothing soul-crushing. It was a friendly course.

The weather was absolutely perfect for a race. Temps at race start were 51F and when I crossed the finish line, I think it was about 58F. Mostly sunny but plenty of tree-cover with just the right amount of exposure to the sun. There was an occasional wind gust that you might notice on the course but overall, I don't think it ever really felt like more than a 3-to-5 mph breeze. After running 4 of my last 6 marathons in precipitation and/or difficult course conditions, this day felt like a gift from the heavens.

Spectators were enthusiastic and supportive in the places they could locate themselves along the course. Keep in mind, the course isn't setup in such a way that makes it easy for a lot of people to gather along the way. This is rarely a concern for me as I spend most of the 26.2 miles inside my own head pondering the mysteries of life. :-)

Communication was great! The last couple weeks prior to the race, bulleted lists of important items to be mindful of continued arriving in my Inbox...well done!

Did I PR...No. Did I qualify for Boston...No. Did I have an amazing experience...YES, without question. I usually finish around the 4:27 to 4:33 mark. I finished this race with a chip time of just over 4:15.

This was my 20th state in my quest for all 50. I would highly recommend this race for any experienced or novice marathoner asking themselves the question, 'Where should I go when it's time to run a marathon in North Carolina?'


D. D. from Davidson, NC, USA (4/4/2019)
"Great BQ course" (about: 2019)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

I am partial to this race because I PR'd and qualified for Boston here. Very well organized with good water stops. Gatorade and water available at each stop. Even though I didn't use it, there were a fair number of stops that had nutrition available (GU, waffles, etc). Since most of the race is on greenway, there isn't much fan support if you're looking for that. They had pacers for BQ qualifying times, which was nice.


R. S. from Massachusetts (3/27/2018)
"Better than average" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

I ran this with an eye to getting a PR and didn't come close. A lot of it was me, but in terms of being an ideal course for a PR, this race has a couple of items to consider. One, it is hillier than it looks on the elevation charts. Coming off the trail at mile 23 you will have to deal with some noticeable hills in open conditions (no tree cover). The trail itself isn't hilly but does have some extended distance of ascending grade (2% would be my guess) that does wear one down in the second half. Finally, the trail is mostly paved, which kind of disappointed me as I was hoping for packed dirt. On the plus side, the course has minimal turns meaning runners don't end up running an extra quarter mile (my watch registered 26.3 miles exactly), the trail offers plenty of shade against direct sunlight, and only the first 2.5 miles of the course is shared with the half-marathoners. If you are running this in under 4 hours you will not feel crowded on the trail and should be able to run your preferred pace.

I should also note the course is far away from area hotels. The race charges for on-sight parking passes, and has a shuttle service to a free lot about 2-3 miles away. Also, the shirt this year was comfortable but not technical.


T. L. from Richmond, VA (4/23/2017)
"Two-way runner traffic on narrow country trail" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

If your goal is PR, avoid this race. From mile 6 or so through mile 23 (17 miles) runners run both directions on about 10 feet wide country trail. Nonstop runner traffic heading the opposite direction became a psycho drag. Half of the course is on packed but uneven dirt and at times sharp loose gravel. Organization is excellent though. Not a fast course for out of towners unless trained on it.


R. B. from Pittsburgh, PA (3/31/2017)
"Enjoyable Race" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

This race was very solid. One that will not overly impress and at the same time will in no way disappoint.

Packet pick up was in a hotel and was surprisingly bigger than I expected. Nice room with many vendors. People were nice as could be. I advise using the off-site parking and using the shuttles to and from the race. This was as smooth as I've experienced. If we would have missed the shuttle we got on, there were 12 waiting for us both to and from the race site. Not quite an indoor staging area, but they had a large tent that kept us warm and protected from the wind.

Course was fine & essentially 3 separate out and backs. 21 of the 26 miles were on a rails to trail soft surface. Nothing spectacular, but I could tell recovery was easier due to the gentle terrain and soft surface in which we ran on. No major hills to report. The road from start to 2.5 and then again 24 to finish was rolling hills, but nothing difficult.

Race shirt was nice and medal was nice, but large. If you are looking for a race that isn't over the top, but won't disappoint, I'd suggest the TRM.


Michelle Johnson from Raleigh, NC (3/29/2017)
"Fast, flat friendly marathon" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Tobacco Road Marathons

If you're looking for a fast, flat hassle-free marathon this may be for you. The non technical course is 2 out-and-back treks on a former railway path. There is not much scenery, so run with a talkative friend or one of the many pace groups.

The race directors take a personal interest. One even waited at the finish line to congratulate runners!

I recommend buying a parking pass so that you can sleep later, but shuttles to and from the remote parking lot are efficient.

All Boston Qualifiers are flagged on the website and receive a cool tech shirt applauding their accomplishment.

The medal is obscenely large. The age-group award was an engraved souvenir cup. You could collect the age group award immediately after finishing without waiting for everyone to finish.

The post race food was decent and there was a beer party.


B. B. from Pittsburgh, Pa (3/21/2017)
"Solid Organization" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

A very well organized race with a surprisingly big expo with multiple cool vendors. Race morning the good organization continued with the shuttles to the race that ran like clockwork both before and after the race.

The course was basically two long out and backs along a rails to trails trail of mostly packed dirt that was nice on the legs. It was a pretty trail, but a lot of the same scenery. I read on other sites that this course contained rolling hills, but it seemed flat as can be, except for some gentle hills for the first two and last two miles. My only real complaint about the race was the narrowness of the course at times when we returned to the street. I observed a car honking at a runner at the most narrow point of the course.

Nice staging area at a local park.

Food before and after the race, including pizza and chocolate milk.

Very nice shirt, but the colorful medal was a little big for my taste. Free socks were included.

A nice, but not memorable race in a very nice part of the country. Post race celebrations were held at Bond Brothers and Fortnight, both very good breweries in Cary.


J. K. from Virginia (3/20/2017)
"Highly recommend" (about: 2017)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Tobacco Road Marathon

I loved this race!

Logistically, it was a breeze. Easy parking right near the start (buy the parking pass!), and everything we needed was at the Embassy Suites. The course had plenty of water, Gatorade, and gels. I loved that it was quiet, a soft surface, peaceful, and easy to focus, but if you like a lot of cheering and stuff to see, this might not be for you.

This was my 7th marathon and I ran a 9-minute PR and got my first ever BQ. The shirt and medal (and free socks! AND bonus BQ shirt!) were all top notch.

My only complaint was having to dodge the slow half marathoners at the end, who were often walking 2-3 abreast and taking up a lot of space. But that's not the race's fault.

If you want a fast course where you can focus, be in nature, and maybe nail a PR - do Tobacco Road!
Thanks to all the staff and volunteers for an unforgettable day!


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