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Marathon Details - Sioux Falls Marathon

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Sioux Falls Marathon

Sioux Falls Marathon & Half Marathon, 5K

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calendar icon August 25, 2024 - CANCELLED

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Contact Information

Address: Sioux Falls Marathon
c/o Sioux Falls Sports Authority
200 N. Phillips Avenue
Suite 304 Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone Number:  605-328-1600
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (35)

Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 35 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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Mark Ornstein from Las Vegas (8/28/2022)
"Watch for concrete roads" (about: 2022)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

Much of the first 15 miles are on concrete roads and sidewalks which were pretty torn up. The last 11 miles were on asphalt bike paths. Good volunteer help directing traffic where necessary.

Very convenient race, only 2 miles from the airport.

Several aid stations ran out of water, slower runners and walkers should carry their own water. Powerade tasted terrible.

Expo was small, held in a different sports complex about three miles from the Sheraton host hotel.

Temperatures are typically 80 degrees on race day in late August.


C. C. from MN (10/9/2018)
"Small but great" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

Ran the 2018.

COURSE: Pretty especially going through Falls Park, Didn't anticipate so many hills and probably exhausted myself too early.

START and END: Wonderful to be inside a building. Plenty of food and volunteers. Timing clock was a little confusing but corrected.

VOLUNTEERS: Plenty of them. But more needed along the route as some places were confusing.

CROWDS: Quiet, and few, even passing through neighborhoods. Would be great if there were more. Many college students cheering. Cheering crowds help us runners, and help the event too. THANK YOU!

SIGNS: Not enough BIG signs to direct runners. Since this is a small marathon, it was a little confusing when running through the baseball fields with hundreds of baseball players and spectators, and it was not that clear where to go. The sign after the bridge was also missing (maybe blown away), and it wasn't clear whether to turn right or turn left. Would be great to either have good BIG signs or volunteers to direct runners.

SHIRT: This is one of the best looking shirt I have seen. Very pleased with it. Much better than the Twin Cities Marathon 2018 shirt.

PHOTOS: Excellent especially at Falls Park. Clear photos of runners and not fuzzy like some marathons. Probably because it is a smaller marathon. Also liked the ability to take a photo with your chip time clearly displayed when you are done.

MOTEL: Stayed at Sleep Inn, which was affordable, walking distance, late check-out, breakfast included and they went out of their way to get it ready at 4:30 am in the morning, no need to stay for two nights. Highly recommend this motel.

OVERALL: Really enjoyed this marathon. I would recommend to others for sure. Also Sioux Falls organizers may want to attend Twin Cities Marathon weekend to promote the run more. It is only a short drive from the Twin Cities.


M. K. from WI (9/11/2018)
"Well Organized" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

I chose Sioux Falls as it fit into my schedule and was a manageable 7 hour drive from home.

I highly recommend staying at the Sheraton (which is attached to the Denny Sanford Premier Center). I was able to leave my hotel room at 6:16, make one, final pit stop at one of the numerous bathrooms along the way and still get to the start area with plenty of time.

The start/finish area inside the arena is nice. No need for a drop bag or throw-away shirt.

There aren't a ton of spectators, but the ones out there were great. Numerous volunteers at numerous water stops and all of them seemed genuinely happy to be there.

I enjoyed the course. Had a couple mile stretch along Skunk Creek that had a headwind, but you're running in the Plains, so what do you expect.

Plentiful amounts of post-race beverages and food.

Overall, a great marathon and one I would highly suggest.


C. A. from California (9/25/2017)
"Great marathon, but boring final 10K" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

After a somewhat restless night of sleep (kind of a norm before a marathon), I downed a couple of granola bars infused with some peanut butter and chocolate and a can of beet root juice given to runners at the expo ready to take on the challenge of this marathon. The beet juice was new to my diet and most runners know not to try anything new before a marathon - but I did. I was a little worried it would upset my stomach - but, surprisingly, it didn't.

The alarm sounded at 0530, early enough to get myself together and out the door by 0600 for the 0630 start. Let's do this - its game time!

For the second time in the race's history, the start and finish venue took place at the Denny Sanford Premier Center, a large multi-use arena designed for large scale concerts and sporting events. With a capacity of over 10,000, it was the perfect place for a marathon start and finish.

Early morning thunderstorms swept over Sioux Falls and flashes of lightning contrasted against the dark morning sky with intermittent trickles of rain.

Because of the danger electrical storms can inflict, the organizers delayed the start times for all races by fifteen minutes.

It wasn't the flattest or the hilliest course around, but the looped course undoubtedly offered an interesting assortment of parks, downtown landmarks, historic neighborhoods and, of course, Falls Park that made Sioux Falls famous, and likely the highlight of the marathon visuals. I recommend going back after the marathon to read the historical inscriptions.

The hills presented themselves mostly during the first half of the run with very few in the second half. I believe the event organizers threw them in just to make the course interesting, yet challenging enough to test ones fitness. The second half is mostly flat and through residential areas and city parks paralleling the Big Sioux River.

The weather was somewhat cool and overcast for most of the morning, but became sunny, hot and humid later in the morning. I prefer cool temperatures when I run, so when the sun broke from the cloudy skies, I began to suffer for the last few miles.

Most of the spectators lined the streets of downtown, seeing things like the various sculptures adorning the streets, construction projects, historical buildings and a few landmarks. Through the parks, spectators were few and far between. If you need spectators to get you through 26 miles, consider your options.

Post-race food! I was dying for food. That's what I had on my mind closing in on the finish line. I was more than happy to partake in some of the post-race refreshments provided to the runners. Where? All the food, beer, refreshments were gone, eaten by mostly half marathoners, 5K runners and the faster full marathoners. All I managed to muster up was a bottle of water. Fortunately, my wife saved a bag of goodies containing chocolate milk (which I quickly consumed), bananas and other extravagances.

Needless to say, I was not a happy camper and was profoundly disenchanted. I even voiced my discontent with the race director who acknowledged that miscalculation. I had nothing to revitalize my day except for my finisher's medal (at least they had enough for all the participants). I even scored an extra three-quarter zip event tech shirt from the multitudes of left-over shirts as we left the arena vestibule.

As for the race itself, I can assertively say I really enjoyed the first twenty miles. Most of the looped course was run on paved pedestrian/bike trails through the many parks in Sioux Falls. For Fifty Staters, or anyone else for that fact, wanting to run South Dakota, to put it mildly, just prepare yourself for the final six miles atop of a flood control levee. The long and drawn-out drudgery of the levee trail could have an affinity to grate on ones nerves and could conceivably confound ones appetite for long distance running. I just tried to enjoy myself the best I could and the gusty gale-like southwesterly late morning winds delivered a delightful tailwind to assist with anyone struggling to survive.

Sometimes, playing mind games to divert attention from such toil is an essential element. I found the virtually spectatorless segment of the course was a perfect way to engage my mind with some of the engineering design components of the flood control levee - such as the weir structures, bridges, levee embankment construction and the various channel flow regimes. Happy running!


A. N. from Rockville, MD USA (9/12/2017)
"Big Al's Comments" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

It's pretty much what everyone else said below. My personal take was that the course was tougher than advertised, especially the first 15 or so miles. Tons of rolling hills with little flat in between. The last 8 or so miles were flat like pancake, but with zero protection from the sun and wind. The scenery was pretty boring too, with a golf course on the right and a stream on the left.

The expo was fairly lame with no official race merchandise. Only a few local vendors no one really cares about.

There was plenty of water, Powerade and Gue stations along the course, so kudos for that. Spectators were pretty much non-existent.

If you're doing the 50 States, you really don't have much choice, otherwise, you can probably skip this one.


J. P. from Sioux Falls, SD (10/1/2016)
"Always a nice marathon to run" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Sioux Falls Marathons

As a home town marathoner, this is the only one I have done more than once. This was the first time I have run the new course and it has more hills than in the past, but is still relatively flat.

Expo and spectator support are still low key but decent. For any 50 staters this is really your best option for SD.


E. F. from Los Altos Hills, CA (9/13/2016)
"Enjoyable, Thoughtfully Organized Event" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

This is one of those small town gem marathons that I'll choose any day over the chaotic big city events. We stayed at The Sheraton which was located next door to the start and finish. Super convenient to walk over at 6 AM for the 6:30 start.

The course was an interesting mix of downtown, the famous Falls, neighborhoods and (mostly) green, shady parkways. Though the sun was out and the wind kicked up, I wasn't stressed by either. It seemed that the gustiest winds were at my back, so that was a plus. For such a small marathon, I was quite impressed with the number of volunteers and spectators along the course. There was a nice energy there. Personal thanks to 'Sean from Sanford' who gave me two Tylenol at Mile 20. (My tiny pack mysteriously vaporized.) I enjoyed finishing inside the Arena; that was a first. The tri-tip mini burger was a delicious post-run treat. Overall, the organization was outstanding and the race directors were clearly proud of their event. One of them took quite a bit of time showing me that it would be difficult to get lost on the course. (With only 300 marathoners, it can happen!)

Finally, the town of Sioux Falls is absolutely worth a visit. We enjoyed several local restaurants (Parker's Bistro, Hackett's Deli and Spezia's for pre-race pasta), the scenic Falls, the USS South Dakota, the sculpture walk and the Great Plains Zoo.

If you're a 50 Stater, this one is a no-brainer for South Dakota.


B. B. from Pittsburgh, Pa (9/13/2016)
"Solid Race" (about: 2016)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

A low stress race with easy logistics especially if you stay at the host hotel. The race start and finish and the expo are all held in the civic center adjacent to the Sioux Falls Sheraton. As we stayed there it could not have been easier.

A small expo which was pretty underwhelming. No need to schedule time for perusing vendors because there weren't many.

I really liked the indoor staging and starting line which doubles as the finish line. Nice supply of food and drink post race. The half marathon started 30:00 after, so it was easy to get into a pace right from the start. Congestion was never a problem.

The course was pretty scenic except for the last miles run along a canal which became monotonous. Some hills in the beginning but flat for the last 10.

Not many spectators but the few that were out and the volunteers were enthusiastic.

Nice shirt and hat and a great medal. Overall I liked it a lot. Sioux Falls as a city was a pleasant surprise.

Make time before or after the race to visit the 4 micro breweries within a few blocks downtown. I especially liked Fernson on 8th and Wood Grain.


B. K. from Minnesota (9/12/2016)
"Fun small town marathon" (about: 2016)

3 previous marathons | 1 Sioux Falls Marathon

TL;DR - Convenient expo and start/finish, flat course, few spectators and aid stations.

The Sioux Falls Marathon changed the marathon route to eliminate the need for shuttles, and it starts and finishes in the same place - inside the Sioux Falls Arena. This provides a warm, dry place to wait before the race starts, and provides indoor bathrooms as well. My one complaint about the indoor start is that no ones GPS watches would connect while inside. It didn't throw off my distance too much, as my watch connected shortly after exiting the arena.

The course exits the arena and makes its way through neighborhood streets. There are many turns in the first few miles, and one of the few significant uphills. Runners make their way downtown before heading up to Falls Park. This was the highlight of the race for me. The sun was coming up and the falls looked amazing. I wish I could stop and take a photo, but I was trying to stay with my pace group. After that, the course follows the river for a few miles, before turning off and winding through a handful or residential streets. Eventually you make your way back to the river, and other than a few short jogs off track, you mostly stay along the river the rest of the way. It's a nice, isolated path along the river.

The race organization was fine. The expo and start/finish area were very easy to get to and park. The expo was very small, and it left me a little disappointed. I had planned on getting a race singlet and some energy gels for the race at the expo, but there were no booths with energy gels, and no booths with mens running wear. I made my way downtown to 605 Running Company later in the day to remedy this situation, a local running store I would recommend. Water stations were well staffed, with one coming up just about every other mile. My only complaint here is that later in the race when runners are in most need of aid, there were still significant stretches of trail with little or no aid. I saw a few runnings in dire need of water begging spectators for water, and we were still about a mile away from the next aid station. I would suggest having an aid station every mile for the last 6 miles. The course well marked well enough, with cones and signs. There were a few areas where it could get confusing, and there tended to be a race official or a group of spectators at that spot telling you where to go. The finish area was well stocked with food for the marathoners, despite having thousands of half marathoners cross the finish line before us. Overall, the race organization was good, but could be improved upon.

The spectators, while very small in number, were great. This being by far the smallest marathon I've ever run, I was surprised at how few spectators there were. The middle miles of the race - in the downtown area, at Falls Park, in the residential sections, and towards the beginning of the river trail - were the hot spots for spectators. My complaint here would be that there were really no spectators in the last 6 miles, until you're about half a mile from the finish line. Again...when runners need aid and support the most, you are left utterly alone. Other than the aid stations between mile 20 and 25, I could count the number of spectators on one hand. Perhaps this was due to the course being along the trail and not on streets, it's hard to say. Spectators were much better as you rounded the last few turns and headed back into the arena, but at this point in the race you are so close to finishing your adrenaline carries you.


S. L. from SD (9/12/2016)
"Half Marathon = Two Thumbs Up" (about: 2016)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Sioux Falls Marathons

Lots of impressive improvements to the half course this year (2016)! Loved the start and finish in the Arena. Crowd support was better than ever this year. Course was challenging, but not difficult and really showcases the best parts of Sioux Falls! Race directors have done a great job making this race one to add to the runner's bucket list!


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