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Marathon Details - Detroit International Marathon

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Detroit International Marathon

Detroit Free Press Detroit International Marathon & Maarathon Relay, Half Marathon, 5K

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Race Details

Run through the streets of Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. Cross the border into Canada over the Ambassador Bridge and back to the U.S. through the Detroit-Windosr Tunnel. Only marathon in North America to feature two international border crossings. Run through downtown and through historic neighborhoods like Mexican Town, Cork Town and Indian Village. Flat and fast!

Contact Information

Name: Barbara Bennage
Address: 160 W. Fort Street
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone Number:  586-977-7525
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (403)

Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 403 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. G. from South Lyon, MI (10/24/2022)
"Very Solid Marathon Overall" (about: 2022)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Detroit International Marathons

Marathon number 39 on 29 different courses. I rate this one well above average and recommend it highly. A slightly modified course this year added some interesting neighborhoods and a well-maintained bike path, which resulted in better crowd support. The only downside of these changes was that there were more corners to run around, which made tangent running more difficult to accomplish, so my watch read 26.46. Still, it is flat enough (other than the bridge and tunnel, which are the highlights) that I was able to BQ. Also, it would be cool to have the goodie bag and after party include local Detroit products (Germack Nuts, Better Made Chips, Atwater Beer, Faygo, etc).


T. S. from PA (2/22/2022)
"Great city race!" (about: 2021)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

It was my first time in Detroit and I loved the city. People thought it was odd that I was going to run there as I'm from PA but it did not disappoint! I was able to walk to the start and expo from my downtown hotel. I walked through the city and drove to Dearborn to the Ford plant tour and museum the day before to sightsee.

The race Expo was one of the best I've been to. I actually went 2 days in a row since there was a lot to do. I appreciated the stand selling older race items for less.

The course didn't venture into Canada this year, but was nice and flat. The medal was pretty. The photos were plentiful and uploaded quickly.

The race is very well organized and I highly recommend it for MI.


M. M. from Cincinnati (10/22/2021)
"No Canada, but still solid" (about: 2021)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

DFP this year was exclusively in Detroit. Sad I didn't get to experience the bridge and tunnel would have been cool. I was happy to avoid the elevation changes!
The race organizers did it perfectly. Communication was excellent from the day it was cancelled in 2020 and I elected to defer to 2021.

Expo was perfect for me, in and out in about 10 minutes. Downtown Detroit was better than what I anticipated. I stayed right on Jefferson Ave looking into Canada and I could see the Expo center from my room. Ate dinner in Capital Square (?) at a place called La Lanterna - best pre-race meal I've ever had. delicious and the service was great.

Pacer groups were terrific and on target. Start area was exactly what you might hope for; plenty of bathrooms, space to warm up and plenty of staff to help with questions. Weather this year was absolutely perfect mid 40's to start, never got too hot and a bit cloudy. I enjoyed the course for the most part. Downtown, Riverwalk and Belle Island sections were great. Miles 13 - 16 felt like you were on an abandoned planet - nothing! The hill at the end of mile 25 is short, but man it was tough. I wish there was more music out there esp. on the back half. Fluid stations were fine, but very short. If you happened to miss a cup or drop one, no bueno.
Finish area was great. I really enjoyed the experience. Thanks DFP.


A. C. from North Carolina (10/19/2021)
"Well done Detroit" (about: 2021)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

Strange year as the organizers had to deal with both deferred runners from 2020 and Canada's continuing Covid regulations. They were good about keeping all of us apprised of the situation and adapting the route to be US-only.

Like all runners, I was sad to not have the signature international experience. Take the '3' score I gave the course with a grain of salt, as much of that comes from the number of turns on the out & back that was added to replace the bridge -> Canada -> tunnel portion of the course. It was a lot of turns, but interesting to see the different areas north/NW of downtown. Will hopefully switch back to the bridge -> Canada -> tunnel route next year.

The other two things I have to say about the course is the pavement in many places was rough - many potholes and bulging asphalt - and I was surprised I made it through without tripping (I'm clumsy like that). Lastly, having mile 21 on lonely Belle Isle running directly into the freezing headwind of the River was just sadistic. Our pace group was banking time with the knowledge that this was a tough stretch, but as an out-of-towner nothing could've prepared me for how devastating the island and wind were. I had been on pace to solidly PR but never recovered once I got back to the mainland. I guess every course has its low points but not all happen to coincide with the traditional 'wall' miles of a course. If you are reading this as a potential runner, be prepared for the entire Belle Isle stretch to be bleak & windy, to test your fortitude , and to potentially crush your pace/dreams.

Crowds were enthusiastic and plentiful!

Expo was fine. Not too big, not too small. Easy packet pickup.

Organizers were very communicative and did a good job adapting to these strange times. Friendly volunteers all weekend long.

I am trying to hit all states and this seems like a good option for others doing the same. I didn't make a long weekend out of it but Detroit seems like it would've been a fine place to spend a little extra time exploring.


C. S. from Orlando, Florida (10/27/2019)
"Solid marathon" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

I'm glad I ran this marathon and I had a blast in Detroit. Much better destination than I expected. I do recommend it for a destination.

This was a solid, but not 5 star, marathon. Course was very good, I enjoyed it, mostly flat, with the bridge early when you're fresh and pumped. Tunnel was hot and humid but not bad. The Belle Isle section was in the perfect spot and my favorite part after the bridge. Going in battling the wall but coming out knowing you got the 5K left. Indian Village section was shaded and pretty. Nice section of downtown too. Not many spectators other than downtown and the customs officials at the border crossings. 13-16 was the tough area with mostly annoyed motorists angry with the traffic closures arguing with the 5-0. The expo was surprisingly small, but had everything you need. You need a passport, passport card or enhanced ID to get your bib, but it was otherwise no different than any other packet pick up.

The start corrals were well organized and marked. Easy in and no problem getting in for late comers. The course deviations for the different races were marked ok but the finish was strange with people yelling 'marathoners right, half left' at the finish line. Caught me by surprise.

Lots of water stations, but they were smaller than I expected and were very crowded in the section the full and half were together. Post race nutrition was basic and unmemorable, but the volunteers were eager and very helpful. Free pics!

Did not get to the after party as the Lions were in town, went, big surprise and an added plus. I wish that happened in more cities with the NFL.


M. B. from St. Louis, MO (10/22/2019)
"One of the best races I've done" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

I don't write many marathon reviews but I had to comment on this one. Everything about this race was nearly perfect.

The course was flat (some say there are 'hills,' but I would say there are a few upgrades onto bridges/out of the tunnel, etc. but I wouldn't call them hills) and it was so much fun running over the border that those first 7 miles or so flew by. I was happy with nearly every inch of the course...while a few miles here and there might not have been exceptionally pretty or exciting, there was no sharing of the road with traffic (a big plus!), weird surfaces, or wonky twists and turns.

The aid stations were plenty and the volunteers were excellent! I don't do Gatorade or gel packs, but I did find oranges around mile 6 and bananas around mile 14. They did run out of water cups at one of the stations on the Canadian side (I was in the back of the marathon pack), but they were filling bottles and doing their best.

I think the BEST thing about this race was how the USA Half started late (10 AM I think?) and joined the marathon around mile 19 (?). It meant that us back of the packers had lots of company for that last 6K and there were still a ton of spectators cheering us in at the end. While sometimes it's a little lonely crossing the finish line in 5 hours, having the 2:05 or so half marathoners finishing with us made it a very exciting finish area...even after the fast marathoners were long finished.

Oh...the weather. The weather was PERFECT. Low 40s in the AM and it reached maybe 60 in the afternoon. Overcast almost the entire time, with the sun peeking out every so often.

I am doing the 50 states, so I probably won't make it back to run the Detroit marathon anytime soon...but it's one of the few that I've done so far that I would ABSOLUTELY run again if I have the chance.


J. H. from Howell, MI (6/6/2019)
"International delight" (about: 2019)

3 previous marathons | 2 Detroit International Marathons

2019 was my second attempt at this run. Mostly flat but there are a few hill. Great scenery, the view from the bridge is spectacular. Running thru the tunnel was awesome but it was tough coming out as it was a 1/2 mile up hill and steep at the end. It did get a little boring between mile 14 and 18.

Lots of spectators which was very encouraging. They did thin out on the outskirts of the city.

Plenty of water stations, They could have had more food at the end. The one bag of goodies were not that great.

Being late October in Michigan, it was very cold. It never got above 37 that day. I am sure I had hypothermia by the time I finished.


V. J. from MI (1/7/2019)
"Solid, great race." (about: 2018)

4-5 previous marathons | 3 Detroit International Marathons

I've run Detroit three times and its a well done marathon. The course is clear, flat and varied in surroundings. The expo is well managed and going through Canada is a treat on the bridge and off the waterfront. Miles 13-17 are a little barren after losing the half marathoners and miles 21-23 can either be sunny and lovely in Belle Isle park or windy and remote. The weather can be a strange 70 degrees or like 2018 a cloudy 35 degrees. The Detroit Freep is perfect for a first time marathoner. Good luck!


J. G. from Williamsburg, VA (10/26/2018)
"Great Course with a bridge and a tunnel!" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons

Very much enjoyed running the Detroit International Marathon this year! The expo was easy to get to and was large. You did need your passport for getting your bib as there were border patrol folks present when getting your bib. I was going to run with just a copy of my passport during the race, but the border guard told me that was not acceptable.

The race started on time, it was dark and cold. Once the run got going, it was easy to warm up and I got the sun rise going over the bridge, just beautiful! It should be noted that going through the tunnel a number of people stopped to take pictures in the middle of the tunnel where the Canada and USA line meets.

The race organization was excellent and had a fair amount of support from the folks along the race route. I did see some folks get pulled out of the race for either having camelbacks or their race numbers were covered. Once the guards saw the bib, they were allowed back in the race. Very nice course, only downside were a number of cracks in the road at certain locations, be sure to look down! Also, getting the free photos was difficult to figure out. Awesome medal and very nice look sleeve tech shirt given out.

I would highly recommend this marathon! Also, Detroit was a nice place to visit with the Henry Ford Museum and the Motown Museum being must places to see!


C. C. from Boston, MA (4/15/2018)
"Hidden gem" (about: 2017)

3 previous marathons | 1 Detroit International Marathon

I can't wrap my head around how this race is not sold out annually or not getting more national attention.

1. Good organization. Race organizers are pros at doing this for 40 years.
2. Easy logistics. Begins and ends in city. Steps away from hotel. Don't need to take shuttle to/from start/finish.
3. Relatively flat besides the bridge and tunnel.
4. Run to Canada and back + world's only underwater mile. If you're into bucket list type of runs, these are attractive factors.
6. Indian Village: literally bring out the patio couches, music, bbq, beer, the whole nine yards. Marathon-watching lawn party done right!
7. Crowd support is great whenever possible.
8. Water stops and volunteers.
9. Nice medal and the lanyard it comes with.
10. Locals seem very appreciative of visitors coming to their city (Canadian side too).

1. Belle Isle very windy.
2. Mile 13-17 and Belle Isle very lonely.
3. Only saw 1 med aid station on course with not much stuff. There could've been 2 but I probably missed it.
4. Spectator tracking system didn't work.
5. Hotel price inflation.


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