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Marathon Details - Big Cottonwood Marathon

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Big Cottonwood Marathon

Big Cottonwood Marathon & Half Marathon

location icon Salt Lake City, UT USA

calendar icon September 14, 2024

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Race Details

REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon & Half may be the fastest and most beautiful course you will ever run. Experience amazing views coming down this rocky mountain canyon with the sun rising and the fall leaves glowing brightly. After exiting the canyon this fast Boston-marathon qualifying course runs along the base of the mountain, providing a panoramic view of the Salt Lake Valley before rejoining the half marathon course on a downhill route to the finish.

Runners receive huge finisher's medals, high-quality custom technical race shirts, absolutely free race photos and highlight videos, and great food and a fun atmosphere at the finish to go along with their PR's. Sign up, bring a friend, and learn what it means to "GO BIG!"

Contact Information

Name: Race Director
Address: 374 S 671 W
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
Phone Number:  720-467-2188
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (155)

Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 155 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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J. D. from Austin, TX (9/14/2021)
"Strongly recommended!" (about: 2021)

1 previous marathon | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

This was my first marathon and the worst bits were the training (in Austin TX in a lot of heat and humidity) and the early start in race day.

I thought the organisation of the event was impeccable and have no idea how they can do and give so much for so little money. The shirt/cup/medal/photos alone seem just about worth the entry fee and everything went incredibly smoothly.

I got REALLY lucky in that I picked up my bib as Coach Paul was starting his talk about how to run the races. He was about my age and a really good communicator. He's run a gazillion marathons and is the Coach for this and other Revel races. I strongly recommend using him, particularly if you train in TX or other hot places.

Anyway, I don't think I would have come close to running the time I did without the excellent prep that he enabled for us, just in a one hour session. It meant the course held no surprises for me and I was able to keep spirits up the whole way (well at least until torrential rain made my shirt and shoes/socks weight 5lb more!).

He did say to run at a 7/10 effort and unfortunately I only committed to 5/10 for most of the course, but knew exactly when to hit 7 on a couple of uphills. He showed us how much variation there was in his times (a minute and half delta between the fast and slow miles) and that helped me tremendously.

I didn't love the early start or darkness and cold in the staging area, but once we began, time really flew. I didn't spend as much time enjoying the scenery as id assumed I would, but there were some special moments.

The "out and back" wasn't half as bad as Paul had prepped us for and probably the steeper downhill sections challenged me more than the very few uphills.

I finished WAY too fresh (as a result of just not trying hard enough) but as I write this on day 3, I feel 80% recovered (massage yesterday helped). Quads are less sore than they would be after a days water skiing (or after a PT session if I haven't been for a while).

I can't think of no reason not to run the BCC and lots of reasons to run it. Yes, I guess the time flatters me as I'm sure I wouldn't do that on the flat, but it was a really nice ease-in to running.

I'd never run more than 6 miles pre-Covid and intend to stop when/if it receded, but I'm really glad I did this marathon and would encourage you to consider it - and maybe make a weekend of it by staying in Park City.


N. L. from Utah (9/30/2016)
"Beautiful but too steep" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

I loved the canyon for the scenery but not so much for the running. I felt like the downhill was a little to steep. By mile 16 my legs were really starting to hurt when usually that happens much later in the race. I actually found the out-and-back section with rolling hills to be helpful in saving my legs from going completely out on me. The downhill sections in the last few miles just hurt when usually I would find them helpful. It took my legs forever to recover. I can see why many love this race but I don't think I would run it again out of love for my body. The weather was perfect though!


A. S. from Idaho (9/11/2016)
"Meh." (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

My experience at the Big Cottonwood Marathon echoes many other reviews here. The pros: really well organized  top notch on all accounts. The cons  'fast' course not all it's cracked up to be. The first 18 miles are beautiful and screaming downhill. Once I hit 19, the wheels fell off. Part of this was my training was inconsistent over the summer, but that change to rollers/uphill was brutal. Moreover, the out and back is not a pleasant, scenic run, and the last three miles (running into town) put us running down the middle turn lane, with traffic moving on either side. Demoralizing is the best word for it. I know a lot of people PR/BQ here, but a lot more seem to fall apart. I have run Top of Utah, Ogden, and Utah Valley twice each. I have BQ'd in the latter two. For my money, Utah Valley has the most run-able net downhill course. I wouldn't run this one again.


C. M. from Yardley, PA (10/12/2015)
"Beautiful for the first 18 miles...that's it." (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

Be warned, if you do not have the ability to train on 1,000 foot drops, this is not the race for you. Everyone's like 'you'll be fine if you're trained.' Um, no. My legs took a beating and I am a trained avid marathoner. The course is REALLY STEEP. The course is STUNNING... up until mile 18. At mile 18, you do an out and back near the quarry, and it was the absolute worst. You're running along a busy highway in cones, it's getting hot, it's slightly up hill, you're running along traffic, it's getting get the idea. It really was awful.

The organization of this race was top-notch. The aid stations and volunteers were top notch. The ratio of water stations was top notch. REVEL really knows how to put on a marathon. Besides the course, it was a quality race. I will never do that elevation drop again (east-coaster), but a quality event.


M. G. from AZ (9/15/2015)
"It's a mixed bagbe warned..." (about: 2015)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

It's the tale of two races; the first 19, then the last 7. Expect screaming downhill with a hill at mile 3 in the first 19. After that, it's 2-3 miles uphill in a stark urban area (with cars), then somewhat of more downhill right down the middle of a street with traffic on both sides to the endmade no sense. Finish area is stark.

Pluses: efficient buses to the start, on-time start, VERY FRIENDLY volunteers, spectacular scenery, cool temps to start, sun at your back until mile 21, nice medal and shirt, updated emails/Facebook all week long, fast results, free photos, tons of gels/fruit on the course.

Need to rethink: Last 7 miles - way too much traffic, very few water stops, lifeless and teeny expo, no clocks, no energy at the finish line.

Be prepared for tons of downhill - they warned you and they're right - you'll have pain in spots you didn't know you had as well in the spots you're expecting. A lot of BQs but more that missed their goals.


J. H. from Los Angeles, ca (9/29/2014)
"Out and way portion was terrible" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Big Cottonwood Marathons

My second Big Cottonwood and didn't expect the second half had been changed to the terrible out and back. Last year was so much better !
Everything was wonderful, great first course and just absolutely beautiful but the 18-23 miles out and back uphills after 16 miles of steep downhill just pure awful...
Hope they will change it back, otherwise they will lose a lot of runners who came here to run a downhill course, PR or BQ.


Ryan Wrigley from Birmingham, Alabama (9/22/2014)
"Beautiful, but tough" (about: 2014)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

I came to run this race to try to PR with it's downhill course.That PR would have been possible were it not for the brutal out and back that involved a lengthy climb up after getting spoiled going down the canyon. The out and back felt like a separate race being hot and brutal vs chilly and fast at the start. Good luck on setting a PR if you come at low elevation. The medal, swag and post race massage were top notch. Great folks volunteering too.


L. d. from Minnesota (9/22/2014)
"Steep downhill & brutal out & back" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

This marathon touts itself as a BQ, but the 15 miles of steep downhill through the canyon will beat up your body and then you run a tough out & back 8 miles that is pretty much flat. The last 3 miles is flat/downhill but you run along a road that is partially blocked off with cars stuck in traffic, idling. There are hardly any spectators along the course. Yes, the run down the canyon is scenic, but don't be fooled that it's a fast course. The start was delayed by 25 minutes (which caused us to run in hotter weather at the end) because they ran out of buses to get people to the start. It was delayed the year before also. Again, I've never run a marathon that was more than a couple minutes late in starting. The medal was great and the shirt was nice. Just be aware what you're getting yourself into when you sign up for this race. Doesn't always believe all the hype!


j. l. from California (9/18/2014)
"Fast gorgeous course! Wasatch Blvd. was awful!" (about: 2014)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Big Cottonwood Marathon

The canyon was amazing! It is a fast downhill course, but Wasatch Blvd. was horrible. They had a problem with the buses so we started 26 min. late which meant the Wasatch Blvd. portion was really hot. The volunteers were awesome and the shirts, medals and finish of race were really good. The expo was well run as well. Starting on time and possibly earlier like 6:30 and changing the Wasatch Blvd. Would make this race perfect. Overall I was very impressed and did PR.


R. S. from Utah (9/15/2014)
"Last yrs course was better" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Big Cottonwood Marathons

The course last year, IMO was way better - the out-n-back was brutal. The aid stations where the 1/2 marathoners and full overlapped were too busy and they couldn't keep up with demand. One of the aid stations was actually on the opposite side of the road and there was a lot of traffic coming that direction.
I really do like this race but there have been changes to the course every year. I wish they would keep the 2nd year course.
Also, a 6:30 start time to stay out of the heat a bit more would be awesome. This race has grown a ton over the 3 years and they have had growing pains especially with busing, hopefully those will be worked out.
Everyone was really nice and friendly. The finish line was great! Medals and swag are top notch.


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