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Marathon Details - Richmond Marathon

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Richmond Marathon

Allianz Partners Richmond Marathon & Half Marathon, 8K

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calendar icon November 16, 2024

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Race Details

The marathon route takes runners through scenic and historic sections of Virginia's capital city and across the beautiful James River.

Contact Information

Name: Race Director
Address: 100 Avenue of Champions, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23230
Phone Number:  804-285-9495
Fax Number: 804-285-3132
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (401)

Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 401 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. J. from Mead, CO (11/17/2020)
"Shady relatively flat course" (about: 2020)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

This course has only slight inclines and declines- no real hills to speak of. Plenty of trees provided a lot of shade and the weather on the 14th was perfect. The race organizers did an excellent job especially considering having to work with the COVID restrictions. I'm glad that I chose this for my Virginia marathon!


Jim Gullo from Williamsburg, VA (11/20/2019)
"Beautiful Course" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

The Richmond Marathon takes you along sections of the James River with spectacular views of rapids, unexpected for an urban run! I did this race as a last minute registration, yet it was easy to get everything I needed. The expo was a good size, free parking and plenty of volunteers to make getting your bib a breeze. A number of motels are near the starting area, but you will pay a premium for it! There also a large number of parking lots, so getting to the race is easy. The weather was cold and windy, but realtively good conditions for distance running. I was able to PR by over 10 minutes.

The start corrals for the full and half are separated, which made for easy dry bag drop and less crowds for port-a -pots. A nice feature for this race is a reduction in the use of plastic, there is no bag given to you when you get your bib/ t-shirt and you do not get a dry bag, you bring your own.

Race was organized very well, plenty of water/Power Ade and port-a-pots along the course. Two Gu shot areas, several junk food areas and one pickle juice area. They also provided wet towels, although it was not needed.

The course is very scenic, a few hills and one long bridge of about 1 mile. The finish line is all downhill, for about a half mile! Nice finish location, although it was very crowded. Food was OK, nothing special. Massages and yoga were offered for free at the finish area as well. Nice medal, long sleeve tech shirt, a fleece blanket and a ball cap were given out.

With the exception of the Marine Corp Marathon, I think this is the best marathon to do in Virginia. Friendly people indeed!


K. W. from Indiana (11/18/2019)
"Very Enjoyable Medium-sized Marathon" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

The marathon course was beautiful. For it being an urban marathon they did a wonderful job of creating a pleasurable course with a good variety of scenery. The stretch along the river, with large stately homes and a band playing John Denver, is particularly memorable. It had some rolling hills, all very manageable. It's a PR course for sure. I ran this marathon for fun with friends, having run my goal marathon 3 wks earlier. But for my friends, this was their goal race, and 4 of 6 set huge PRs. Another, who like me is past his prime, ran his fastest marathon in 5 yrs and was sub3! Aid stations were plentiful and well supported.

Two unique aspects of the organization were the lack of security checks and you had to provide your own bag for bag check (you don't get a bag at packet pickup). I actually appreciated the absence of security checks, which I view as 'security theater' and a worthless imposition. The race shirt is typical of most marathons in sizing and quality. A very nice piece of swag is the fleece blanket that you get at the finish. You also get a race ball cap. The post race food was excellent! Pizza and a free Sierra Nevada beer!

Crowd support along the course was about average in numbers. Those who were there were boisterous. The funniest sign I saw along the course was held by an older black gentleman that read 'My black as$ is COLD.' (It was mid 30's with 14 mph winds).

Everyone was very friendly and I can't argue with their claim of being America's friendliest marathon. More broadly, the people of Richmond were very kind.


Brent Blume from Omaha, NE (11/18/2018)
"I love Richmond" (about: 2018)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Richmond Marathons

This year was my second time running in the Richmond Marathon with my first run being in 2011. Both experiences were outstanding. The course is scenic, safe and very fair with subtle elevation changes. The city really gets behind this event and the crowd support is fantastic.

The one change from 2011 is the finish line. The down hill finish is located closer to the river in a park like area which I enjoyed.

Overall, whether you're an experienced runner looking for a PR or a beginner, I whole heartedly recommend this marathon.


B. B. from Pittsburgh, Pa (11/11/2018)
"Excellent" (about: 2018)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Richmond Marathons

A very interesting course that is scenic, varied and just hilly enough. The organization is spot on and the spectators, volunteers and police are exceedingly friendly. Almost all of the course is closed and the few sections that weren't are plenty wide enough.

Great swag and a nice finish line celebration to top it off. One of the best that I've run.

The weather was perfect two years in a row.


Sanjay Mohanta from Toronto, ON (3/19/2018)
"112th full marathon! Really is the friendliest!" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

I drove down from Ottawa and it was a good drive. Beautiful scenery especially in the fall. It was a cold day for the race and I was a bit underdressed. The race features great views of Richmond and plenty of aid stations including cookies at mile 22 and beer at mile 21. The other runners were easy to talk to as well. Free showers at the Y after and lots of food too. Worth the drive! Do this race and you won't do any more Canadian races! After the race I was asked to take a photo with someone because I was Canadian!


B. S. from Weswtminter, MD (11/28/2017)
"Southern hospitality plus" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

One of the best marathons. It will definitely be in the top 5 overall. Start to finish, and that includes pre and post race events and logistics, were superb. Put this one on your to do list.


J. L. from Rockville, MD (11/16/2017)
"Great marathon" (about: 2017)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Richmond Marathons

Since the course runs through a lot of neighborhoods, lots of tailgating opportunities with the crowds. You can grab an adult beverage from some of them as you run by. Great crowds


B. B. from Pittsburgh, Pa (11/13/2017)
"One on my new favorites" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Richmond Marathon

I really liked everything about this race. The expo was a perfect size with lots of giveaways and free parking. English muffins and beer are a great pairing I discovered.

Separate starts for the half and full eased early race congestion and the coral system worked well. I was able to get into my normal pace with no dodging slower runners.

The course was scenic and had a really nice variety of city, neighborhood and park with a few rolling hills and a nice downhill finish. The crowd at the finish was big and loud!

Lots of food and drink on the course both official and unofficial and a nice selection at the finish area.

Having 'coaches' who roamed the course to help and inspire runners was a great and thoughtful idea. Thanks to the coach who held my glasses while I changed shirts.

First rate swag with an excellent shirt and medal pairing and a fleece finishers blanket that was very useful on a cold autumn day.

Lots of praise with no complaints. An excellent race. It is clear that they have been perfecting this race over 40 years!


S. K. from Raleigh, North Carolina (11/12/2017)
"What a fantastic run!!!" (about: 2017)

4-5 previous marathons

I've done four half marathons up to this point. Without hesitation this was my favorite race so far! It was organized well, plenty for water stations, tons of port-a-potties along the way, a plethora of entertainment throughout the entire course, and the spectators were out in the masses and extremely supportive! Also, the down hill to the finish line and fleece blanket really helped set it over the top! I would run this one again. My mom & aunt are first time half marathoners; they walked the race and also had a great experience.


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