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Marathon Details - Darlington Marathon

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Darlington Marathon

Darlington Marathon & Marathon Relay, Half Marathon, 5K

location icon Darlington, SC USA

calendar icon April 2, 2016 - CANCELLED

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Marathon Results

By Year: 2014   2013   Top 3 Finishers

Race Details

The Marathon will be a two lap 13.1 loop starting at Darlington Raceway and winding through the five beautiful historic districts in the City of Darlington and back to finish on the line that many NASCAR Champions have crossed, since 1950.

Contact Information

Name: Jeff Taylor
Address: 1301 Harry Byrd Highway
Darlington S.C. 29532
Phone Number:  843-395-8877
Fax Number: 843-393-3911
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (9)

Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.2 
Number of comments: 9


La'Quantia Goodman from Florence, SC (9/29/2014)
"Great Race" (about: 2014)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Darlington Marathons

I think the only thing that can make this race better is to take out that final lap around the track. I think it's enough to exit the track through the tunnel and re-enter it through the tunnel and go straight to the finish line!


D. L. from Charlotte, NC (9/28/2014)
"UNIQUE" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

This race is UNIQUE! I am not particularly a Nascar fan but I enjoyed the start and finish on the race track, the visit of the Museum, and every one in the organization was very efficient and friendly! Excellent setup for the fueling stations, cheerleaders and volunteers were extremely enthusiastic, Gatorade tasted 'REAL' not washed down, gels and other foods were abundant; we just could have used an additional station between mile 13 and 16 (second loop). KUDOS for the Law enforcement and traffic coordinators from the RD team, this race would never happen without them, you really feel well directed and very safe. I enjoyed visiting this little town which I always rushed through (as many travelers) going to the beach... I completely loved the one-of-a-kind medal, the goody-bag, the fast track and great atmosphere, and definitely will be back next year!


S. Z. from Chapin, SC (3/26/2014)
"Much improvement needed" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

I had high anticipation for this race having talked to the organizer myself. He was willing to bend over backwards for any personal requests. He really wanted this race to go off well. Unfortunately, it fell short in many areas. The water cups along the course were Dixie Cup size. You had to walk off of the road, pick up as many dixie cups as you could hold and then keep running. There was no water stops for the last four miles. For the full marathoners there was only water and chips available at the finish. Also no med tent at the end, I needed some assistance and all that was available was a nurse who had also ran the course herself. If you wish to run this next year please call the organizer and make sure these issued are addressed.


G. B. from South Carloina USA (11/11/2013)
"Great Run" (about: 2013)

1 previous marathon | 1 Darlington Marathon

The race was a very enjoyable log run, not a lot of excitement on the course, but due to the location I expected it. There were plenty of water/Gatorade stations and fuel available. One volunteer even refilled the water bottles that I was carrying. The temps were perfect for race day, packet pick up was easy. I was even given a ride to my car after the race on a golf cart from a volunteer. The only thing I can say negative is I prepaid for my photos and as of today 6 weeks later I am still waiting on my pictures, havent even seen the proofs. So if youre thinking about running and want pictures have someone there to take your picture.


M. P. from South Carolina (10/9/2013)
"A decent long run" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

This was my 28th marathon and I was running the race to train for another marathon in a few weeks so I all I really wanted was a decent long run. I'm from SC so I could drive 90 minutes to the race location which made it pretty convenient. The packet pick-up was easy and I liked the early 7:00am race start. The course had fairly good water stops and food available on the course. The course is very flat, although boring, but I expected this going into the race. A few areas for improvement: more port-a-potties at the start, larger cups for water at the water stops, the last water stop ran out of cups so there was no water available for several miles, have some type of food at the finish (there was only water at the finish and nothing to eat for the full marathoners), better traffic control, and most importantly it was disappointing that there were no age-group awards for the full marathon. All that being said, I would still run it again if it fit into my schedule for a long run day, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who wanted to do a fun marathon.


w. o. from georgia (9/30/2013)
"cotton fields and morning glories" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

course: 1 word: FLAT!!! Net elevation change: 0. I was a bit wary going into this with no posted elevation map, and I'm always suspicious when the course description claims to be 'flat and fast.' But, seriously, draw a straight horizontal line and tick off 26 marks, and there's your elevation! Now, having said that, I'll give more details. The first half of the course (up thru mile 16) was fairly interesting - lots of cotton fields and morning glories - your basic southern pastoral setting. The organizers had 'inspirational signs' posted about every 500 meters - all the same slogans and catch phrases we use as mantras and motivation during our long runs. Those were fun to read and served their purpose to keep me going. But after mile 16..... (cue the foreboding music).... Once we turned back onto the main road that led back to the raceway, it was a real battle of will. A long, flat, boring, exposed road - no more inspirational signs, no more shady spots, no more turns to break up the horizon. There was a lot of honking and hooting from those lucky spectators zipping by in their air-conditioned cars, but it got harder and harder to find inspiration as the road stretched endlessly in front of me. I was lucky to have timed my iPod playlist just right to have some motivational songs kick in for that stretch, but I definitely found myself day-dreaming about stopping the next car and offering $20 to take me the last 6 miles to the raceway! Now, trust me, I'm well-aware that if I ran faster, this stretch wouldn't have been so hot and long - I'm working on it :-)

organization: 1 word: FABULOUS!!! Packet pick-up was at the raceway museum - free entry to the museum, which woudl be cool if I knew the slightest about car racing. But a nice touch, nonetheless! Don't expect an expo - just a race bag with your shirt (very nice, BTW) and your number. On the other hand, once I got there, I realized that the situation was so intimate that I probably could have looked up the race director in the phone book and gone to his house to pick up my stuff. The mile markers were spot on at every mile. And the aid stations were predictable, well-stocked, and manned by some very helpful and enthusiastic people. Safety and security was obviously a top priority for this race director. I think every police officer within a 70-mile radius was there to assist. Fire and Rescue were on hand and very visible. Traffic control was probably the best I've ever seen. There were signs and verbal instructions at every turn. And there was never any confusion about the splits for the different races (5K, 10K, 1/2, full). Now that I've done a few of these, I've realized the value of a solid parking/start/finish plan. Races that utilitize event venues (like this one at the raceway) always seem to be well-organized and easy for the runners and spectators. Parking was no problemo, and there was plenty of room for corraling large numbers of people and staging the start and finish. (I am very wary of any race that has to utilize shuttles to/from or that warns about 'limited parking so get there early.')

fans: 1 word: FANTASTIC!!! Granted, the spectators doubled as the volunteers (for the most part), but those that were out there were enthusiastic, helpful, and encouraging. If I had to guess, I'd say that most of the fans thought we were nuts - 'why run when you can drive?!' But I'll also say that they understood our need for hydration and nutrition and encouragement - cold water/Gatorade, oranges, bananas, GU, gummies, and lots of smiles! Thanks to everyone who came out to support us!!!

overall: HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!! Just finishing on the raceway alone is worth the 24-mile long run to get there. The next to the last mile takes you through the tunnel and into the in-field where you snake around in the pit area. And then the last mile is on the track - out there with the skid marks and the banked curves! I know nothing about car racing, but I was so amazed by the whole thing that I almost couldn't run for taking it all in! Super keeno neato awesome spectacular!!! The race director should definitely kick back and enjoy a beer!

(For next year, I'd only suggest a few minor changes: better online map with elevation, more porta-potties at the start and at mile 3, maybe someone furiously waving a checkered flag at the finish line?)


J. w. from Michigan (9/30/2013)
"Full Marathoners run AWAY from this race!" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons

For a first time marathon I didn't expect perfection, but this was a disaster! There were well over 500 runners in 4 races: 5K, 10k, half marathon and full marathon all starting at the same time. There was a grand total of 4, yes four, pot-a-potties. Lines were blocks long. Bull horn sound system was terrible. There was one table with gatoraide for full marathoners in the first 12 miles! Traffic was blocked off in 1 direction, but when oncoming traffic was approaching, vehicles veered into runners to get around each other. At mile 16 full marathoners had to run on the side of a straight highway for over 8 miles towards the sun with heavy traffic passing. When reaching the racetrack there was still 2 miles to go. We had to run through the complex for a mile before entering the track. By that time most runners were spent, temperatures were high and it was NOT a fun finish.
At the finish the only thing left for marathoners (4 hours) were water and chips. I saw a trailer full of food packing up and asked a worker where the food was, she said 'we have been here since 4 am and were tired and going home'. I told her that I was up at the same time and just ran 26.2 miles and she looked at me and left. Finally all runners had to climb to the top of the complex and then back down to the lot for well over a half mile walk to the parking area. Everybody was hurting and irate.
About the only good things I say was that the medal was large and the police officers were very friendly and supportive.


S. H. from Little Rock, AR (9/29/2013)
"Great inaugural race" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

The Darlington Marathon was one of the best inaugural races I have run. There was a perfect coordination between the governing jurisdictions, at least one lane of traffic was blocked off the entire route so the runners didn't have to worry about being hit, the course was flat and fast and the finishing mile on the Darlington Raceway NASCAR track was wonderful. Packet pickup was in the Raceway Museum so everyone got to see the old race cars. Packet pickup was also available on race morning. This is a great choice for a first-time marathon.


l. p. from south carolina (9/28/2013)
"great job first time ou" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Darlington Marathon

Marathon was 3.0 the 1/2 was a 4.0. The race director could not have been more helpful. He even gave me his personnel cell in case I got lost. The course is flat except for the brutal turn on the track. The bank and hill entering was tough. The course was really nice for the first 16 miles, and gets a bit tedious the last 8 down a highway. But the water stops were will supplied and frequent.

All and all really well done

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