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Marathon Details - The Tunnel Lite Marathon

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The Tunnel Lite Marathon

The Tunnel Lite Marathon

location icon North Bend, WA USA

calendar icon September 8, 2024

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Marathon Results

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Contact Information

Name: Brian Pendleton
Address: 37407 188th Ave SE
Auburn, WA 98092
Phone Number:  253-350-1651
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (8)

Course Rating Course 4.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.5 
Number of comments: 8


C. B. from NJ (9/28/2019)
"Small, fast, highest-quality race! A++" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

My daughter and I flew out from NJ not really knowing what to expect. I've run small marathons before so that didn't worry me (some of the biggest organizational fiascos I've seen occurred at major marathons, including NYC). The chatty newsletters packed with pre-race info were a nice touch. But what would we find in person?

Well, we found a very professionally managed race (to the highest standards) with unbelievable scenery and atmosphere. My daughter PR'd by 22 minutes. I had my fastest time in some years by a few minutes, though not quite what I hoped for (you're running a trail marathon with a slight downhill, not jumping off a cliff). Everything about this race was well done and there were some touches that were the best I've seen in 44 marathons: e.g., having our race packets waiting at our hotel and the free photos posted on the race site at full rez. The minor glitches mentioned in years past: lack of drop bags for headlamps, a few organizational problems at the finish, etc., were all fixed. Clearly the race pays attention to critiques and responds. Aid stations were plentiful, well stocked, and enthusiastic despite the rain. They were even set up to help last-second Boston qualifiers submit their times (lots of BQs at this race).

About the rain. Yes, it rained much/most of the time, though without much wind. Most of the trail resembles (is?) a fire road and the ruts had some standing water. Most of us ran on the edges of those, hopping back and forth more than usual in a compromise of tangents and firm ground. I'm sure the packed gravel takes something off the 2% downhill course even when it isn't soggy but it's still faster than usual. A comment from one past reviewer: it feels less like running downhill than like you're having a really good day. My quads were fine. I don't run trails very much--my shuffling stride can lead to tripping and falling--but didn't have any scares on this relatively smooth course.

I can't recommend this race enough. They've obviously put so much thought into making everything as 'perfect' as possible for the runners that it leaves you feeling grateful there are people like this--and hopeful they will keep hosting this race in the future.

BTW, my ex flew out with us and volunteered at the race. She, too, had a great time although she missed out on some of the spectacular railroad trestles we ran across, often with mist still hugging the slopes above. She did get to ride through the 2 1/2 mile Snowqualmie Tunnel that opens the course. Actually running through it with a bunch of headlamp-equipped marathoners just after the start was a unique experience. I used a $10 headlamp from Walmart in the tunnel but retrieved it in my gear bag quickly at the finish.

Other pluses included a very nice medal and shirt and decent food at the finish. And they let us wait on the buses at the start when it continued to rain a bit.

The only negative, if you can call it that, is the lack of spectators. Except for the terrific aid station volunteers and the occasional hanger-on there--plus a few hikers on the public trail--there are none except at the start and finish. But we knew that going in.

I wore supportive trainers and my daughter wore her Nike Next % minimalist racing shoes. Both were fine despite bouncing back and forth on the trail looking for the firmest ground. Neither of us wore gaiters and had no trouble with stones. We carried gels but the aid stations all had water/Gatorade and at least three had gels at promised locations.

One nice touch: more than enough portable toilets--I waited less than a minute just prior to the start.

Two thumbs up from us for this small but professionally managed marathon.


M. S. from WA (10/28/2018)
"My 2nd Run....where's my lamp?" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 The Tunnel Lite Marathons

This was my second year & I learned to take the early start (7am) to avoid the traffic jam through the tunnel & not get held up by unthinking 'runners' who were walking slowly in large groups that wouldn't let anyone through.....OK, so I'm NOT an Elite runner, but the Early Start group was very small & I somehow found myself well out in the lead. I got a few yards into the tunnel, just as the natural light was beginning to fade & reached for my wasn't there.

I panicked, but then thought 'Silly me!' & reached further around my Gu Belt that I'd clipped it to....but, uh oh! By now I was well into the tunnel & when I looked back I realised that I had no idea where it could have fallen off, so I had to either waste time going back to look for it & MAYBE (or maybe not) find it, or I could stick my hand out & run along with my fingertips just brushing the wall. I went the whole length of the tunnel like that.

So, next year (2019) I'm Gorilla Taping the damned thing on & taking a spare!

Also I highly recommend runners gaiters to keep the small stones out of your shoes. In 2016 when I first ran the course sometimes I'd get stones every few minutes & I lost quite a bit of time taking my shoes off & emptying them out.

Apart from that it's just as beautiful as ever & small wonder that it sells out so fast.


D. G. from Washington State (10/22/2018)
"Really well done race" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

The only negative about the 2018 Tunnel Light Marathon was that it rained a lot of the day. Even then, a lot of the course has cover from the trees. It is a beautiful, fast course. The organization was great, volunteers were plentiful and enthusiastic even though they had to stand in the rain for several hours. Food was great. Because the course is on trails, there aren't many spectators but the other runners and volunteers all seemed to be having a good time which made up for crowd support.


S. S. from BC (11/21/2017)
"Good course; mile markers off, no finisher photos" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 2 The Tunnel Lite Marathons

I've run this course (including the versions earlier in the year) a few times. I really like the course itself. The aid stations are generally adequate, unless it gets warm then they start to become a little thin.

The mile markers are off, particularly in the early miles. Because of the tunnel and potential issues with GPS signal in mountainous terrain, I ran this course twice in a row hitting the lap button as I passed each mile marker to see what my mile pace was. Based upon these results, some earlier miles were 1-2 minutes too slow, and then some later miles were showing up to 20-25 seconds too fast. I hope that in 2018 they work a little harder in placing the mile markers with better accuracy.

The free photos are a nice touch, but no finisher photos were available at the last few races unless you had ran a 4:05 marathon or slower.


D. G. from Michigan (9/21/2017)
"Great Course for PR or BQ" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

This was my 32nd marathon and 26th different course. Although I've reached an age where PRs are no longer possible, I ran my fastest time since 2011 and BQ'd by a comfortable margin. As long as you don't mind running in gravel, this is highly recommended. Organization was top notch for a small race, the finish line food and volunteers were awesome. If the weather were a little warmer it could have used a couple more fluid stations, but it was sufficient on this day.


s. l. from New Hampshire (9/21/2017)
"Fast and Fabulous Race with Epic Scenary" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

This is a great destination and BQ race. Loved the North Bend area, the course is a gentle steady downhill, my quads were never painful. The views of the Snoqualmie Pass along the course spectacular. It was fun in the tunnel. Outstanding race organization, great food at the finish. I also BQ'd!


K. P. from Belchertown, Massachusetts (9/30/2016)
"Breath-Taking Course" (about: 2016)

1 previous marathon | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

This was my first marathon. It was very well organized on the most beautiful course I have ever run. The course is on gravel with a slight downhill pitch, with ravines and waterfalls on either side. The aid stations were well prepared and the volunteers were upbeat making up for the lack of spectators.

Some notes about the course: if running with a pack, the tunnel is pretty well lit from all of the flashlights. Disadvantage to that...not very easy to pass anyone and could slow you down, which may be good at the start anyway. The course is very peaceful and isolated (with a couple of spots where spectators can easily hike in). The last 6 miles are pretty flat which is OK, but the change in gravel is noticeable (small jagged gravel for most of the course that switched over to round pebbles for the last 6). I would highly recommend this marathon to anyone. I had so much fun and could not have asked for a better experience. Amazing course, amazing volunteers.


K. S. from Connecticut (9/20/2016)
"Beautiful gradual downhill marathon" (about: 2016)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The Tunnel Lite Marathon

This is a beautiful marathon run entirely on a gravel trail. It's the sister race to Light at the End of the Tunnel that is run in June. The scenery is so pretty and the downhill grade is very small. The tunnel in the beginning is pretty cool too. There isn't much crowd support, but the volunteers were great and the scenery more than makes up for the lack of spectators.

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