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Marathon Details - Forest City Road Races

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Forest City Road Races

London Life Forest City Road Races & Half Marathon, Relay, 10K, 5K, 2.5K

location icon London, ON Canada

calendar icon May 1, 2011

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Marathon Results

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Race Details


Contact Information

Name: Sonya Slaven
Address: Forest City Road Races
Race Director
c/o Thames Valley Children's Centre
779 Baseline Rd. E.
London, ON
N6C 5Y6
Phone Number:  519-685-8700
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (19)

Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 19 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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S. B. from Cornwall, Ontario (5/7/2010)
"It was fun but I won't register again" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

This was the first time I raced in the Forest City Race. London is a beautiful city and the course was laid out in such a way that its many unique and historic attributes were displayed. The volunteers were amazing. The Shriners were so kind at the beginning portion of the race. I was a little anxious learning that I would be racing on streets that were still open to traffic with only pylons separating the participants from the vehicles. I had trained hard and expected a personal best, but this was not to be. Early in the race several of us (runner/walkers) reached a busy intersection where a police officer forced us to wait for the light to change before allowing us to continue across the street. Other officers stopped the traffic and allowed the racers the right of way. This delay immediately shaved several minutes off of my time. At another intersection, one of the officials wasn't well informed about the 10K and the half-marathon, which shared the same course. When she was asked which way to go, she wasn't sure and directed us the wrong way. Several blocks later we realized the error and retraced our steps. The worst confusion occured in the middle of the race course at around the 12K. Upon reaching an intersection, there was nobody there to direct the racers. The beverage table was cleared of beverages and the garbage was neatly piled beside the tables and no race official was present to give direction. This was only two hours into the race. I met several others who were wandering around wondering, "Where do we go now?" Fortunately an official from the race arrived in a van and directed us back to the course. By now all hope of beating my personal best was gone and, with it, the fun.

I completed the race but the finisher's medal does not have any amazing memories attached to it. Everything else was so wonderful. Victoria Park was full of people and excitement. The volunteers were so kind and ready to help. It was the actual race itself, which I found disappointing. However, to be fair, this might only have been a hiccup in an otherwise impressive race history. The Forest City Race has been in existence for 28 years, so they must be doing something right. I might have the the one time in 28 year when things weren't well organized. Unfortunately, I won't be back to find out. Sorry.


V. L. from Ontario, Canada (5/12/2009)
"First London Marathon" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

This was my first time running in London. A couple of my friends had run it before and warned me it was hilly.

The Good
- lots of parking
- well organized at the pick-up and at the end
- very nice race jacket (I had actually indicated I wanted to a t-shirt but got the jacket instead)
- I liked the run to the finish line, where fans could see you as you finish
- pleasant volunteers at the water stations and at the finish line

The Bad
- not a lot of spectators
- no silver foil wraps at the end... it was a cold day and I got chilly very quickly
- race packets were kind of wimpy - just a protein bar, some marinade mix and a bunch of papers

My biggest issue was the lack of race officials/volunteers after the 30K mark of the race. I was one of the slower runners and, at times, I couldn't see the runner ahead of me and didn't know if I was running the course properly.

I think this was a challenging course for people who are not used to rolling hills (like me). If you like small marathons, this would be one I recommend. I probably won't run this again, but not because of the organization, location or cost - rather because I like to run on flatter courses.


J. W. from Kenora, ON (11/2/2008)
"Course great, spectators almost absent" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

The organization and expo were great and the course was very nice. There were far too few porta-potties on the course (but enough bushes to suffice). I was very disappointed by the lack of fan support on the course (the people that were out there were great!). And I was very disappointed by the angry motorists swearing at the police who were stopping traffic for us. What a way to ruin a race. For that reason I will never run London again (too bad, as I grew up in the city).


p. S. from Clinton Ontario (6/18/2008)
"More runners should try London" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons

To be honest, London was not my first choice for a spring marathon. Due to family commitments, I had to choose a local race. I was not disappointed.

Lots of parking, excellent bathroom facilities and a very quick and organized packet pickup made getting to the start line stress-free. The first half runs through a university, park and residential section. Roads are closed and corners well staffed, making for an easy run. The second half starts back at the start line, enabling easy family encouragement. The second half is a riverside bike path, which is very scenic and mostly flat. Because it is an out-and-back for he second half, there was an opportunity to run closely by the elite runners, which was inspiring. There is a fair drop off of runners once the half marathoners are finished, and I did get a lonely feeling for a few kilometers. However there were plenty of spectators - and even private refreshment stations, which were very much appreciated.

The finish line was great. It rivaled the largest marathon that I have ran. Plenty of food and very attentive volunteers made sure everything was OK.

Like any race the heroes are the volunteers and London was no exception. Thank you to all of you for organizing and running a very successful event. Your care and energy were apparent and appreciated. I was impressed by all aspects of the race and would highly recommend this race. One further point is that the organizers went to great lengths to care for my family supporters during the race. Food and entertainment were available to help pass the time in between cheering. Congratulations to London on a first-class event.


J. P. from Fort Lauderdale, FL (5/12/2008)
"Wonderful Race Course and Crew" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

This race was one of the best I've run. The organization was outstanding. Everything went off on time; course was well marked; and, support was provided at all the important points. It was a great day for a run, which helps tremendously, but it would have been great even without good weather.

The volunteers were outstanding. They encouraged us along the way and always had smiles. Though there weren't a great deal of spectators, those that were out were vocal and supportive. I particularly enjoyed the family with the HUGE sign that read, "YOU CAN DO IT" for their runner. I saw them five times at various points in the race. I wasn't their runner, but it sure made me feel good! The Popsicle woman and daughter were also still out on the course. I didn't want the Popsicle, but the Gatorade and water were welcome!

My only change would be to rethink the park in the second half of the marathon. It is a lovely park, but it sure is tedious for 12K. Also, the little loop you do before you actually hit the bike path was VERY confusing. I know at least one runner missed the turn and DNFed because she lost so much time. If the park is going to stay, it needs to have more water stops (just to break the monotony) and DEFINITELY needs no to run out of whatever sports drink is being provided. It is the farthest point in the marathon - water isn't enough fuel at that point.

Overall, I think this is a great race, with lots and lots of fun and friendly runners, spectators, and support crew. I'd definitely do it again!


B. K. from Toronto (5/12/2008)
"Great race for London" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

Good organization, perfect weather, well thought-out aid stations and finish area, fantastic medals, and a great alternative to other marathons in the province if you like a smaller event.

Only comment on the course is that the two separate loops for the full were a bit tedious; it was twisty and narrow in spots. Not a PB course, but not overly difficult either. The few spectators that were there were enthusiastic and cheerful.


N. B. from Peterborough, Ontario (5/26/2007)
"Beautiful!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

The London marathon was beautiful! I normally enjoy a more "urban" course, as I can get pretty bored when there isn't much to look at, but this was a great combination of scenery and city center. Be prepared for some quiet spots during the second half of the full course, but very pretty. I loved that the second half was out-and-back because it gave me an idea of what to expect on the way "home." A small, intimate race without a lot of bling, but that in turn ensured that everything ran smoothly. The only thing that I missed was having a good course map that showed the KM markers included in our race kits. It was difficult to figure out where our cheerleaders (parents) should stand throughout the course.
Thanks to London for helping me and my running partner shave off 16 minutes off our PR! A good vibe and friendly race!


Jane Clement from Trenton, Ontario, Canada (5/22/2007)
"Wow! The Forest City is Now my Fav. Half!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

Firstly, I am a little hesitant to write this report - mainly because I am afraid if I tell everyone how great this race was, then it will get too big and ruin it!

When I compare it to Mississauga last year - well, there is no comparison! The organizers did a really good job of this race - maybe because it was their 25th time that it was done so well. Practice makes perfect.

Here is what I liked about this race:

1. Race expo - while small had some interesting vendors. I got a couple of good deals on running clothing.

2. The t-shirts - they were a very nice, technical fabric. I ordered a medium and it fits me great. Although I know a few people were miffed that they couldn't switch t-shirt sizes, I liked it that they weren't willing to start trading resulting in people who picked up their race kits later getting ones that weren't what they ordered. (This has happened to me.)

3. Parking - for the race expo, there was no problem getting a place right in the area of the Hilton. Also for the race, we got there about 7:15 and got a spot in the London Life parking lot right at the start/finish line. And no charge either for the race!

4. Washrooms - there were port-a-potties but also lots of washrooms in the Bandshell building - hardly had to wait in line and that was 15 minutes before the race .

5. The Start - I liked singing "O Canada" before we started (although some people wouldn't shut up, which bugged me - not the organizers fault. Hey Canadians, if you don't want to sing the national anthem, at least be quiet for it!).

6. The Route - GORGEOUS! Through Western, through Gibbons Park, through all the streets with the older houses, then up Adelaide (which was probably the least exciting as we were on a busy road, but even that part wasn't THAT bad), through a residential area of new houses north of Windemere Road (where one nice lady offered us the use of her washroom facilities), and then back down Richmond Street with a little detour off on a side street. The route was so scenic and it seemed like it was constantly changing. However, if anyone ever tells you that this is a flat course, don't believe them!! There was a lot of gradual inclines and a few not-so-gradual ones! The hardest was the one on Richmond Street at about 17 or 18K. The water stations were well spaced too.

7. The Volunteers - they were all amazing! We tried to thank as many as we could. The cops were also all pleasant. We thanked almost every single one and they all gave us big smiles and told us we were doing well.

8. The finish line - also good. Going down Central and then Wellington we could hear the finish line and it didn't seem like it went on forever before we got there! It was so exciting to turn the corner and see it right there!

9. The medal - yes it really does spin. And it looks nice too. I was impressed with it.

10. The food afterwards was plentiful, although being given a bag at the beginning of the line to put it in would have made it easier to carry - how do you juggle a bottle of water, a yogurt, a spoon, a piece of banana, a piece of bagel, a cookie and a cookie bar???? And after you have just run 21 or 42K??? They also had a free Domino's pizza slice for runners and samples of ready-made food (forget the name). Oh, and my parents got a free "spectators" breakfast of pancakes, sausages, and Starbucks coffee while they waited for us (this really impressed them!).

11. Lots of place to move around and stretch afterwards. We chose the grass at London Life - which was just like a golf green. Probably shouldn't have done that but it was so soft.

Here are the few things I didn't like:

1. Invisible port-a-potties on the course. We were looking for a port-a-potty from just after the one at the 8K mark and never saw one again until about 16K. Don't know if we missed them or not - either they weren't there or they should make them more visible.

2. The 2.5K race started so that it ended in the middle of people coming in from the marathon. Sorry but when you have been out there running for 4 hours or so, you don't need to be falling over little kids at the finish line. It's hard enough to stay up without kids running around at your feet. The little kids were so cute, but they should either reschedule that race or have it end at another location before someone gets hurt.

Now that I know what London is like, I would do it in a minute before Mississauga, and I am kind of perplexed about why so many people are doing Mississauga instead of London. I was also thinking of doing the half at NCM next year, but now I am probably going back to London and bring some other running friends with me. None of the huge crowds! My parents would never have seen me come over the finish line at Ottawa. At London, they were standing RIGHT at the finish line!


d. g. from Toronto, ON (5/15/2007)
"Top Notch Small Marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Forest City Road Races

This is the way small marathons should be! The organizers seemed to have bitten off the exact amount they could chew.

It's a somewhat hilly course, mostly through pretty residential neighbourhoods and a riverside park. Since there's very little 'urban' running, the spectator turnout is pretty low, but the volunteers were extremely warm and enthusiastic. Aid stations were plentiful and well-spaced, and the finish line amenities were great.

This is a no-frills marathon (small expo, no bands, no pacers, no massive road closures), but maybe because of that the whole event seemed to run very smoothly and had a great vibe. Highly recommended.


P. H. from Michigan,USA (5/21/2006)
"1st time in A Marathon,Ran the HALF" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Forest City Road Races

This was my first experience doing a marathon.I actually ran the HALF which I had been training and set this goal for myself last August. I came from Michigan because there were none in my area for this time frame that I wanted to do and London was a lil over an hour from where I live.I am a new runner and have found a new passion for this self rewarding sport. I am not aware of how organized these kind of events are,I give it 5 stars for the kid/family friendly atmosphere.My husband was able to keep the kids busy while they awaited my arrival @ the Finish Line.I enjoyed this beautiful yet a little hilly course.The weather was perfect temperature.It's such an amazing accomplishment and I'm working my way to the FULL marathon in Sept/Oct.Have not found one in my area yet. I would love to run this course again and recommend it!I look forward to many more!!


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