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Marathon Details - Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

North America Marathons > USA > WA > Hyak to Tanner > Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon & Half Marathon

location icon Hyak to Tanner, WA USA

calendar icon July 28, 2024

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Marathon Results

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Race Details

A Boston qualifier (USATF Cert #: WA15001LB) on a very gradual 2000 ft net drop course from start to finish on a hard-packed dirt/gravel road.

Contact Information

Name: Lee Ann Yarbor
Address: USA Endurance Events
7850 Mission Center Ct. Ste. 208
San Diego CA 92108
Phone Number:  619-390-3869
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (30)

Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 30 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. C. from USA (8/7/2023)
"So much potential, but..." (about: 2023)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathons

This course has so much potential, but it is loaded with gravel and stones that pose a hazard for running. I was determined not to get hurt, but turned my ankle. Worse yet, bicycles are freely allowed up the course to block runners as if the race weren't happening. Most of the bikes took the inside part of the path, sending runners to the slower outside. It happened continuously. This is an egregious violation of rights and etiquette. Beware runners: If you don't pick up your flashlight or headlight, the race director will NOT under any circumstances ship it back to you. One wonders if they would return anything. You will also NOT receive any refund whatsoever of any fees you pay and do not use. This is one of the poorest races for communications (many not answered) and conduct.


N. S. from Washington (8/22/2022)
"More gravel than expected" (about: 2022)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

Ran the race in 2022. The course itself was beautiful and fast, but the course support left a lot to be desired. I had expected a hard-packed gravel, but it was not 'fine gravel', but more large, rocky gravel. By mile 10 my feet were feeling it (and I was running in cushioned shoes). It's not a closed course, so having to dodge mountain bikers going in the opposite direction was a challenge. 2022 was a hot-weather year, with temps reaching the low-80s by 8:45 a.m. Not enough aid stations, no cool water at the aid stations. No one handing out gel, but you had to look for them on the tables (in a box). I only saw one medic on the course. Given the hot weather, I would have expected more. Also, at the end of the race the drinks were not cool and there was only one medic in-sight.


A. W. from Washington (8/1/2019)
"Loved this race" (about: 2019)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and now I am a marathoner! I can't wait to sign up for more races including this one next year. I was very nervous going in but the clear communication, support and organization really helped ease my mind. The scenery made me love every step and helped me reach my dream of qualifying for Boston!


R. S. from Massachusetts , USA (7/31/2019)
"Overall this race experience was amazing" (about: 2019)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

I travelled to this race across the country to attempt to qualify for Boston. I wasn't expecting such beautiful scenery and the course was amazing, trail and woods and bridges. The organizers kept runners well informed on race events and changes and transportation to start Provided and no stress. Limited spectators but those who traveled into course were inspiring. Best pacing provided the best pacers. Finish good perfect and iced clothes was finishing touch! And yes, I qualified !!!! I'll be back with friends.


Sarah Carson from Kelowna, Canada (7/31/2019)
"Most fun you can have running for four hours!" (about: 2019)

1 previous marathon | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

To the amazing race director!

I also organize a race up in Kelowna British Columbia and your event is one that I strive to be like. Everything was well organized from the communication to the race pick up to the course.

The water stations were plentiful and the course marking was perfect. There were more portipotties than promised and every aid station had fantastic enthusiastic volunteers. The course was fun and easy to follow and our times (although nowhere near BQ) brought us joy and much pride.

Thank you for organizing such a great event. It was my husband's first (but not last) marathon and I wouldn't have chosen any other course or event.


K. C. from New Orleans LA (7/31/2019)
"This is the most beautiful marathon course" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

My best friend and I came all the way from New Orleans and Salt Lake City because we wanted to meet up at a beautiful course to run together. I first came up with the idea to run this race after training for Boston, but doing poorly on race day. I was looking to use all that training elsewhere, but it is hard to find good summer race weather! This is the perfect location for good weather, and race day was as beautiful as we expected - cool throughout the race, but sunny by the end with a warm day to follow. When Jess and I decided to sign up for Jack and Jill, we agreed that we would both try to PR at the race. While I knew a PR was in reach, never did I expect the results that I got. I jumped from a pretty consistent PR of 3:28:30 after doing 14 marathons to a new PR and an improved BQ of 3:17:01. Jess was also able to achieve her half marathon PR after many halves over the past year. This was really an awesome race full of wonderful volunteers, beautiful scenery, lovely weather, and a truly fun group of runners. Good luck to those running next year, and I'll see some of you at Boston!


S. H. from Arkansas (7/29/2019)
"Fast beautiful course" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

Summary: Normally a big race guy, but I loved this smaller race. Course is super fast and beautiful, well organized race, good, communication, etc. Super happy I made this my WA race. If I was local, I would do this one many times. I could even travel back for this one.

- Course is incredible. It is really fast as it is slight downhill for the whole way. There was literally one incline about 20 feet long. It isn't downhill like having to break. It is a not quite flat downhill. Described well by someone who said it is like having a tail wind. Tree lined, waterfalls, bridges withe beautiful views, etc.
- They mail bibs in advance if you pay a small fee! Takes pressure off if flights are delayed.
- Significant number of people who traveled here which makes bus and time waiting at start interesting.
- Bus service from finish area parking to start smooth. Was on 4:05 bus and could pick from lighted bathrooms in building or line of porta's with no waiting. Closer towards race start lines formed.
- Course was gravel for 95% of course so saved pounding pavement, but footing wasn't a problem.
- Took less than a minute for guy at finish to find my headlamp bag.
- Buses are waiting at finish to take back to parking so weather wouldn't be a factor as can wait on bus till ready to leave.
- I thought decent food after for this size race.
- Seattle - took red eye home after race so had all day to see Seattle.

- Weather is variable in WA in July. 80+ degrees the year before. My race was perfect - cool with misty rain. Sunday race the next day was 75 and sunny. Tree lined path would help mitigate some weather.
- Register early if you can or you can get stuck with 4:05 bus like I did for 6:30 start. Had to wait 1.5 hours and nothing at start to keep entertained. Limited shelter in start area so if going to be there (early bus) then bring layers as it is cooler at elevation than in town.
- Need headlamp for tunnel, but they had bags to label and was easy to drop after tunnel. You could get away without it if you run by someone else as footing wasn't a problem.
- No expo, but pickup at Nike outlet so could get stuff if needed.
- Minimal spectators. A point to point race on a mountain so hard to get to. Got more as you got close to finish. I tend to like big races, but I would say at this one I didn't miss the spectators as the course was so beautiful I think they would have detracted actually. Better to be in nature.
- Limited lodging options close to start-finish. I got an Air BNB that was right in town 1 mile from bus. That was perfect. Apartment with full kitchen for less than closest hotel. Saved valuable minutes sleeping and no traffic concerns.


J. M. from South Carolina (9/1/2018)
"Loved marathon" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

Wonderful course. Fast, downhill, scenic. Tunnel was fun. Easy to get to start and finish. Like small size. Definitely recommend this marathon.


David Weiss from Brookpark, Ohio (8/4/2018)
"Top flight Race" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

What a great race!.....the only bad thing I can say about it Is me not being in shape to truly take advantage of the fast, amazing course in terms of time.

-Packet pickup, easy at a Nike store in North Bend

-Easy parking, easy peasy w buses to start

- great organization in nearly every way (maybe a little better food at finish, and had to wait a few min for bus back to start to car, and maybe a couple more spots to sit w shade at finish; but I feel petty making those small complaints

- the course....WOW!!!!! A truly comfortable downhill, the WHOLE way, on crushed gravel rail trail so easier on joints! Amazing scenery, little waterfalls, glorious mountain vista views w huge pines, I passed by scads wild raspberry bushes w gigantic red raspberries on them... Running that that long old train cool and unique!!!! Out of 49 marathons for me; this is definitely a top 3 (maybe higher) course w races I've done.

- interesting swag, and I really liked the medal w the little hanging train track, nice touch.

- it was 85-90 degrees when I finished; but the course organizers were truthful in saying this course, on top of being downhill, also is about 80% shaded, so the heat, sun weren't that bad.

-at the the heat, they didn't just give finishers lukewarm water bottles, they had ICE COLD wet towels and ICE COLD bottles of water in ice for you. Way to go!!!!

Also, the bus driver didn't just drive us back to he parking lot after finishing, he literally drove us all the way back right next to our cars! Bravo!

I can now see why this race, although new, is so highly regarded! I would like to come back and do it again and be in shape to take advantage of the amazing course!!!!


B. K. from Arlington, Virginia, USA (8/1/2018)
"If your goal is a BQ and/or PR, do it!" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon

This race is exactly as it is advertised, and in many ways, even better. As promised, the gentle downhill is imperceptible for the most part -- you just notice you're cruising at your goal pace with much less effort than usual. It is without a doubt a great PR and BQ course. As proof, I managed to do both (my BQ was by more that five minutes, too!) despite life getting in the way of my normal level of marathon training. I'm really curious now to know how well I'd do with more ideal preparation. Furthermore, the level of production, logistics, and support are top-notch for a race of this size. Here's a good example of this: With unusually warm conditions threatening, the race director sent an email to all participants documenting the actual temperatures and conditions experienced on the course when one of the staff ran the course the day prior to the event. This account gave me the confidence to still go for it. Without it, I might have had lingering apprehensions about starting at PR pace. Another nice touch were the fresh-from-an-ice-bucket hand-towels at the finish line that were likely added to the support plan after the weather forecast solidified. While the tunnel certainly does get a lot of discussion in the published race info, I'm not sure that it quite captures just what a surreal, cool (literally and figuratively!), and unique thing it is to have in a race. The tentativeness required by running in absolute pitch-black darkness (other than your headlamp beam) has the added benefit of preventing you from going out too fast in the first three miles, too. As I said before, I was underprepared for this race, yet was utterly surprised and extatic that the course, race production, and support enabled me to PR and BQ with a comfortable margin. If these are your goals, I highly recommend this race.


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