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Marathon Details - Toronto Marathon

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Toronto Marathon

Toronto Marathon & Half Marathon, 10K, 5K Verified

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Race Details

SUMMARY: Fast scenic mostly downhill course through the streets of Toronto. Sanctioned by Athletics Canada.

Toronto Marathon is an event that takes runners on a journey through the diverse and vibrant streets of Toronto, starting from Mel Lastman Square in North York and finishing at the iconic Queen's Park. This race offers participants the opportunity to experience the city's urban charm, with a course that is both scenic and challenging. Whether it is a runner's first marathon or one of many, this race provides unforgettable experiences and a deep sense of accomplishment.

The marathon is well-organized, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants. Early morning shuttles transport runners to the starting line, providing ample time to prepare. The course is marked clearly, featuring numerous aid stations stocked with water, Gatorade, and energy gels to keep runners hydrated and energized. The first half of the course is predominantly downhill, making it fast and conducive to setting personal records, while the latter half features flat stretches along the waterfront, offering beautiful views of Lake Ontario.

Runners are greeted with enthusiastic support along the route, especially in residential areas where locals cheer them on. The final stretch, though challenging, is filled with the energy of spectators and the anticipation of crossing the finish line. Each participant receives a substantial medal, a testament to their hard work and dedication. Post-race amenities include a variety of snacks and beverages, as well as massage services to aid recovery.

The positives of the Toronto Marathon include its well-thought-out course, efficient organization, and the warm support of volunteers and spectators. However, some runners note that the course can be challenging due to the presence of pedestrians and cyclists in certain sections, and a few aid stations could benefit from better management to ensure a consistent supply of refreshments. Despite these minor issues, the overall experience remains positive and rewarding.

The Toronto Marathon stands out as a must-run event, offering a blend of urban scenery, supportive crowds, and a well-organized race structure. It provides runners with a memorable and inspiring journey through one of Canada's most dynamic cities.

Contact Information

Name: Jay W. Glassman
Address: 1 Yorkdale Rd. Suite 202, Toronto,
ON M6A 3A1
Phone Number:  416-920-3466
Fax Number: 1-416-972-1238
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (160)

Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 160 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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H. P. from Whitby, ON (5/6/2019)
"Spectator worried for participants" (about: 2019)

First Marathon

My son has run this marathon for the last 2 years and we have gone to support him. This year was disappointing in that for the last few miles the marathon runners had to run on a path that also had strollers, walkers, skateboarders, cyclists, and recreational runners. After running for over 3 hours and entering the hardest part of the course it must be very frustrating for the runners to have to run around people who are totally oblivious to the marathon runners. Also, when the run was finished the racers were corralled into a building to pick up their food. The building was very humid, stuffy and chaotic. In the past they have had this outside. Just wondering why it was changed. My son also commented that at one point he almost went the wrong way because the course was not clearly marked. It is unfortunate because there is quite a few people running in this race and I am sure the local businesses profit from all the people in attendance.


N. C. from United States (5/6/2019)
"Super poorly organized race!" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

The marathon organizers are unfriendly, clueless and don't take pride into the organization and experience of the race for the runners! The course is incredibly poorly marked leaving those especially running the marathon, exposed to potentially taking wrong turns! The water/Gatorade situation is very chaotic with many stretches of neither available, and last but not least, the road closure situation is potentially dangerous, and in some spots that traffic is not closed off at all, or during the long and super boring stretch along a bike path, where runners literally have to negotiate space with walkers/cyclists and even parked cars in a residential building!


C. E. from NY (5/6/2019)
"Avoid this race" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

I've run 19 marathons, large and small. This was by far the least inspiring, most poorly organized, least-friendly. Getting information was like pulling teeth, begrudgingly given. Sad expo, sad race start in the middle of nowhere, hundreds of people were misdirected on the course (read the write-up about it on marathonguide), 9 miles on a bike path dealing with cyclists and recreational runners, no mylar blankets at the finish, an hour wait for a shuttle bus. Oh, and if you stay at the host hotel don't expect them to help you or know anything either. Plus, you have to pay for the shuttle to the start even if you're paying $300+ a night to be at the host hotel. Never again.


M. C. from New York (6/10/2018)
"More Aid stations needed at the last 10K" (about: 2018)

2 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

I ran this Marathon May 2018. When I registered, I bought a ticket for the shuttle to the start line and stayed at the Hilton. The expo, hotel, shuttle were has to do with the aid stations. There weren't enough water stations and most were poorly managed. There advertised gels but I didn't see anybody handing them out and the banana they gave out was hard, green and inedible. A lot of runners were having to stop at the last few miles because there were no water stations during a long stretch of 4 miles. A cyclist got me a cup of water, which was the only reason I was able to finish without passing out. I would consider running this marathon again but making sure I brought my own fluids, especially for the second half when you will need it the most.


M. B. from Waterloo, Belgium (5/16/2018)
"Very nice and well organized marathon" (about: 2018)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

After having read a lot of negative comments related to the previous editions, I was not sure what to expect from this race.

Well I must say that I second every comment of Beth Ordman.

The race was well marshalled, the aid stations were numerous with a good supply and efficient volunteers.

As for the out and back section at the end of the race, well I suggest you have a look at the map on the website when you register... I agree that this part was tough, especially with the wind, but it was perfectly announced on the website and should not come as a surprise...

The medal is the biggest I have ever seen for a marathon (and I have run 212)...

The only minus point would be the lack of indications on how to reach the shuttle bus at the end of the race. That should be easy to sort out.

Congratulations to the organizers for a very well organized and super nice marathon.Thanks Toronto.


Beth Ordman from Calgary, Alberta (5/7/2018)
"Relatively small well organized race." (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

Medium sized expo with everything you could need. Easy package pickup. One thing that could be better is the maps they have of start and finish set-ups to help people plan - esp. out-of-towners. Lots of us runners on the wrong side (east) of the square arriving at the start with no idea where to go (couldn't see the start on the west). Great access to a warm building and washrooms before the race. A bag check if you use that (to drive your clothes to the finish on this point to point course). Great volunteers at every turn - I was looking for them because of some previous feedback about wrong turns on previous races, but they were obvious and loud enough. Course has one significant climb relatively early, not a tough course overall for me - lots of downhill in the first half, train for that. Lots of police stopping traffic. Basic food at the finish, but enough. Ran my BQ minus 8+ mins, so I am happy. Was running it to redeem myself after that hypothermic Boston disaster I had 3 weeks ago. Thanks Toronto Marathon - I will be at Boston 2019 now.


D. M. from Southwestern Ontario (5/7/2018)
"Better options available" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

I ran the event in 2018. I have run 5 marathons previously and I will not run this marathon again.

The course: The first 20 miles are very nice. Wide open streets, downhill and through beautiful areas of Toronto. The last 10k are out and back along a mostly paved path. There are lots of turns, potholes and slight dips and rises until you turn around and head back to the finish line. While on the path, there were people walking dogs, a skateboarder and many cyclists; almost all oblivious to the fact we were running a marathon. Looking at my splits, I ran the last half 3 minutes slower than my first half and still passed over 50 runners. The last 10k of a marathon are rarely enjoyable, that is particularly true for this event.

Organization: Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this event. You have to purchase a ticket for the shuttle bus by April 15th. 3 weeks before the deadline to sign up for the mararhon. This isn't immediately clear on the website and resulted in me having to find alternate arrangements to the start line. On the course the water stations are poorly staffed and managed. The first 2-3 have no Gatorade. Some of the stations had less than 5 people working at them. The cups were different sizes. There are no gel stations and the banana station had the greenest looking bananas I have ever seen. The bottom line is be prepared to carry your own fuel.

Spectators: This does not have the feel of other events where the city comes out to watch and support participants. Despite being a beautiful morning, I felt like the only spectators were those who had a family member or friend in the event.
This event seems to have the suppport of very few local running clubs, does not seem to have many repeat participants, nor does it seem to appeal to many as a destination marathon. I just feel like there are better options both locally (Mississauga) or a relatively short drive away (Pittsburgh) on the same day.


D. M. from Ontario (5/6/2018)
"Lack of information" (about: 2018)

First Marathon

After the 5K race, none of the volunteers could tell me what was next - where to go to find results, how to claim award (I came first in my category), etc. I asked at every booth and security people - no one knew anything. So I went home. Looked at the Website for the run and tried to open up the awards and medals page - these pages would not open (other pages did but not these two). So I am stil in the dark about whether I get an award or medal and how to claim it.


Chris Delgado from Atlanta, Georgia (5/7/2017)
"Nice race, PR course" (about: 2017)

3 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

Ran the marathon in 2017. Definitely a PR course, and overall a nice route in and around Toronto. Race organization was good, and although the expo was pretty basic, it had good representation from local running stores. People were very nice and helpful. Hilton host hotel was fantastic, highly recommend it. Great that the race organized a shuttle to the expo and also the start - that worked out great. Only criticism is that some parts of the race course aren't marked very well and some of it (on the lakefront) is on paved pathway. A couple times I had to ask a course marshal to point which way to go. This could be easily solved by a few more cones with a directional arrow on them. Other than that, it is a nice event that I'd be willing to do again. Weather can be tricky, and it was windy today but fortunately nice and cool.


R. O. from Washington DC (5/12/2016)
"Bags in wet parking lot????" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Marathon

I was really looking forward to running this marathon. Loved the layout of running through the city. I know the weather was awful and there's nothing you can do about that. I don't blame spectators for not being out there. I was shocked how uneventful the expo was. The one thing I just couldn't understand was that our bags we checked in at the start were waiting for us in a wet parking lot. Everything in my bag was wet. Not good under the weather conditions. Why would you take bags of dry/warm clothes and throw them in the cold/rainy parking lot to just get wet. I don't get it.


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