calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Training Tips by Runzy Director of Coaching Joe McConkey

Hills - again?!

Most runners have heard that a good way to get faster is to include hill workouts. Well, you now get to hear this again (hills do develop speed!), as well as a quick explanation why. When running up hill you are putting your body into a posture that is very similar to sprinting, including:

  • landing more on your forefoot
  • leaning your body slightly forward
  • having a sharper angle of ankle flexion during push-off

If you start easy and gradually increase your hill workouts (i.e. intensity, incline, repetitions) you can expect more power, a quicker response off the ground, and, when you go for it, faster speeds on flat terrain. For speed development, typically one hill workout per week for 4-6 weeks near the start of a training cycle fits best, with subsequent workouts interspersed throughout training.

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