calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Training Tips by Runzy Director of Coaching Joe McConkey

Light Weight

There are many ways for beginner and intermediate runners to get faster. Hills, intervals, lactate threshold runs, strength training, and plyometrics can all help one get a bit more pep to their step, but are they the best initial paths to take? The fact is many of these activities increase the chance of injury if one is not physically prepared and can give only limited returns if emphasized too soon in training. Alternatively, before investing time, energy, and perhaps increasing the risk of injury, make sure you are doing all you can regarding this basic principle…

A lighter body is easier to carry.

If you can lose a few pounds in a healthy way (i.e. still intake plenty of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals but perhaps limit certain vices like excess added sugars, alcohol, etc) the return can be a game changer. If you forego high intensity work to increase easy, fat-burning training sessions (i.e. increase frequency or volume of easy running, increased cardio sessions in between runs, etc) speed can naturally increase as the pounds come off.

Though many folks can live and prosper by the 'train like a horse, eat like a horse' lifestyle, healthily losing weight can be tricky for some. For those, the research and/or meeting with a certified nutritionist can produce gains throughout your health, fitness, and running metrics, which you might not otherwise achieve through training alone.

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