calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Training Tips by Runzy Director of Coaching Joe McConkey

Posture for Power

Many amateur runners run as if they are still doing their primary daily activity, e.g. sitting at a desk. The tight lower back and tight hip flexors from sitting has resulted in a running gait that has the body leaning too far forward and the head tilted back. From this position the spine is forced to absorb force in an altered, inefficient posture. The stride is then weakened, and a musculoskeletal breakdown is more likely to occur. Time to set things straight!

Set your optimal posture:

  1. While standing, take a deep chest inhale, fully inflating your lungs, feeling the ribs fully expand, chest comes up and out, ribs lift out of the hips, and finally, your head lifts up and slightly nods 'yes' and stays there.

  2. In this tall, but not tense position, breath normal and relaxed, but try not to let this new posture collapse.

  3. Now rotate your body, move your arms around, and walk, all while keeping this full posture.

  4. Finally, run. Run while keeping this tall, upright but relaxed posture. Every few minutes, while running, take another full deep chest breath, resetting your posture back to its full potential. Once you go to take a full deep chest breath and feel no difference in your posture, you have the habit in place!

With optimal posture the spine can respond quickly and powerfully to the large forces you are throwing into it, thus allowing the legs to take on less load and therefore respond quickly and powerfully themselves.

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