calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Training Tips by Coach Joe McConkey

Don't Stop at Intersections!
(2/9/24 Newsletter)

One of the most important adaptations to distance running is in the metabolic system. By running easy miles and getting in regular long runs we are teaching the body to use various energy sources in the most economical way. As we run further the body is forced to ‘learn’ and adapt to depleting energy sources, like storing glycogen, burning fatty acids before carbohydrates, and using oxygen without increasing cellular acidity. If we stop that process, i.e. stand and wait at an intersection, those gradual subtle adaptations are now essentially reset with a flood of oxygen that occurs when you stand and rest.

So, instead of stopping at the traffic light, jog in place, or even better jog back and forth 50 yards until it is safe to pass. Yes, your pace and data might not be perfectly accurate as a result, but at mile 22 of a marathon it is the aerobic adaptations you have gone through that will matter most.

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