calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Training Tips by Coach Joe McConkey

Stadiums vs Hill Repeats

Running has many forms of self-imposed discomfort, two of which are hill repeats and 'stadiums', e.g. running up and down hills or stadium steps.  So which one is better (i.e. most worth the suffering)?  Though often the answer is a bit of both, as variety is indeed a key component to full development, in this case there is a clear winner, hill repeats.  Here are two primary reasons...

  1. A hill allows ones stride length to be natural, as opposed to the stadium stairs/benches which may force one to shorten or extend their stride outside of their comfort zone.

  2. Running up a hill involves increased lower leg recruitment due to the angle that the foot is placed at landing. This then requires the calves to stretch, provide a stretch-reflex contraction, and thus adapt and strengthen from the workout. Stadium running has the feet landing nearly flat and thus little work is done by the lower legs.

The benefits of both can be profound, most importantly the strengthening of hip flexor, glute and hamstring muscles, though for the full benefit of such high energy output, hill repeats is the preferred method of training/torture.

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