calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Clarence Demar Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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D. E. from California (10/6/2013)
"Very nice course" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Pros: Very nice course during the first half, with mostly downhill running in the shade. The out-and-back by the dam was very nice. The spectators and volunteers were great.

Cons: Late start because they didn't have enough buses. I showed up at the bus pickup at 6:45, but didn't get on a bus until 7:30. Normally, a 10 minute delay wouldn't be anything to be upset about, but I had a flight to catch out of Manchester, so every minute mattered.


J. E. from Memphis,TN (10/4/2013)
"Beautiful run through the country." (about: 2013)

1 previous marathon | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

A nice run through the country, great weather,well organized - overall a lot of fun. This point to point course has a net downhill grade. That being said, it is New Hampshire, and there are hills. The memorable ones were the long one just after the 14 mile point, and then 2 short steep ones in a cemetery just past the 23 mile point. (Thank you to the girl who saw me struggling up the last hill, and came to run next to me. It really helped.)

Quick and easy packet pick up.

A big thank you to the volunteers, spectators and race director. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


s. h. from North America (10/2/2013)
"Great race!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was simply my favorite marathon ever (save perhaps my first Boston, but for different reasons). The course is breathtaking and easily the most scenic I have ever run. The race is exceptionally well-organized by friendly volunteers and finishes at Keene College. With just over 400 finishers, the finish line has a marvellous atmosphere (and folding chairs for runners to rest on). The course is net downhill though the often rolling terrain and a steep hill near the end offer challenges.

While I wish the organizers well-deserved success (and more runners) I hope the race remains a small community race.


r. h. from nj (10/1/2013)
"a nice marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

A well organized need for an expo...great to just pickup your number and tech shirt...did not care that there were not many spectators...great to have volunteers on bicycles thru the race...had a beautiful day to run, a very scenic course, except....HOW CAN YOU HAVE RUNNERS WHO ARE DYING RUN MILES 20-22 THRU A CEMETARY???? hahaha


Ronald Johnston from New Hampshire (10/1/2013)
"Best Marathon? Look no further." (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Clarence Demar Marathons

If you want a fair, but fast course, usually perfect weather, great organization for aid stations, parking and getting to the start, and a chance for a marathon personal best, look no further. The Clarence DeMar Marathon is a terrific experience! Very cold at the start, shaded for the first 17 miles and somewhat shaded in spots thereafter, with a longish, gentle uphill at 15 and a couple of short, steep hills in the cemetary, around mile 23. Lots of downhills too. Beautiful scenery, nice shirt, and a nice medal. You are missing out on America's best kept marathon secret, if you haven't run this one.


David McCorquodale from Wilmington, DE (10/1/2013)
"Need to fix the start" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

While I agree with the positive comments about this marathon, there were a couple of things that need to be changed. The minor one is that one gets the impression from the website that the course is a mildly downhill course. I found it hillier than I had imagined and personally found that the early downhills (much like Boston) tend to take the strength out of one's legs by the time one gets to the second half. Please indicate the difficulty in the course description.

The bigger issue is the start. It may have been complicated by the fact that there was a big growth in the field this year. Runners were bused to a parking lot of a lumber business. It was in the low 40s and there was no shelter. One may find a bit of protection by getting against a building. Being on the first bus meant waiting over an hour. Then everyone was advised to walk to the start 20 minutes early. The walk began by going through a downhill gravel field. My friend had to stop a remove a pebble from his shoe. The shoes I had just cleaned were dusty looking before the race even started. Once through the field, we got onto a road, turned a corner and walked maybe 3/8 of a mile to the start. The problem was that the start would be going back out the road we just walked. Because of the larger size of the field, there were many stranglers, probably waiting in line at the portajohns. Most runners had stripped off their extra clothes back at the parking lot. So we were standing around, shivering. We ended up waiting for the stranglers until 12 minutes after the official start time. It took me five miles to get my hands and feet, which were going numb, warmed up. My friend had to pull off the course to relieve himself, having stood around so long after hydrating. The race directors really need to figure out how to get the runners approaching the start from the back and to start the race on time.


e. s. from perkasie, pa (9/30/2013)
"Top notch event!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This is a great small marathon. Many fast runners in attendance but a slower runner like myself was welcomed and treated superbly. Beautiful course along a bubbling brook, across a historic stone bridge and trees with fall foliage. Excellent medal and well fitting shirt. Easy logistics for packet pickup, bag drop and shuttle to start. Showers available afterward. Volunteers were enthusiastic and helpful. The pasta dinner was a bargain at $10 with good food and a chance to mingle with other runners and learn about the event history. There is true community support behind this race and they are looking to also improve the health of the local community. Highly recommended.


N. K. from Lancaster County, PA (9/30/2013)
"Great Fall New England Marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Overall this was a fantastic race. The number of volunteers was incredible for such a small race, and the organization was among the best I've seen. The shirt and medal were both excellent, and the course was incredibly scenic. Running across the dam halfway through the course was a real treat. Food at the end was pretty good...I appreciated the pasta fagiole, ginger ale, and the chocolate chip cookies. Spectators were pretty good for such a small race, especially at the finish.

Room for improvement:
Start the race on time, though running 15 minutes behind isn't that big of a deal.
Offer GU at certain stops along the course.
Provide information on the website for family members who want to meet runners along the course, along with what roads are open and which are closed.


J. P. from Clifton Park, NY (9/30/2013)
"Already-high expectations were blown away" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I choose this event for my New Hampshire marathon largely based on the positive reviews, so my expectations were quite high going in. I left completely blown away with every aspect of the event. First, the course was incredibly scenic with views of pristine lakes and rivers, fall foliage, and the lovely New England countryside. The course was mostly flat, although there were a few steep hills in the latter half that were challenging. The net downhill the first half allowed for a quick first 13.1. Second, the organization was top notch. I have *never* seen more warm and enthusiastic volunteers. They were clapping for every single runner. The pasta feed was delicious and enjoyed the program put together by the race director. The town of Keene was just lovely; I was disappointed I didn't get to enjoy my stay any longer. Support was sparse along the route, but they compensated for being loud and boisterous - and I say that will great appreciation.

Both the t-shirt and finishers medal were also very nice.

I cannot possibly recommend this race any more highly. Thanks to the organizers, volunteers, supporters, and nice people of Keene for making this one of (if not THE) best marathons I have run.


D. G. from Cranston,RI (9/29/2013)
"Great Race" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I found this race and read the runners' comments from previous races. What stood out was how ALL of them said what a great race this is. They were absolutely right! I have nothing new to add...if you read the previous comments they say it all already. Actually, the one thing I will add is to say that the course seemed hillier than the elevation profile on the website. The one star I deducted for spectators was strictly because of quantity. Those that were out there were AWESOME!!! You will be doing yourself a huge favor by running this marathon.


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