calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Clarence Demar Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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Kenneth LaPenta from Niskayuna, NY (11/19/2012)
"A great race run by awseome people in a nice town." (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I had a great time at the marathon. The course was very scenic. The town of Keene was a wonderful New England town and my non-running wife had a good time. Spectators were sparse and being a small race, so runners got really spread out. However, at every turn there was someone to guide you along. The people running the race deserve six stars. In addition to being very organized and super friendly, they went above and beyond at every step of the way. They even mailed me my my rain gear that I left behind! Can't beat that for special people! A nice touch was having showers available after the race.


C. D. from Connecticut (10/22/2012)
"Thoroughly enjoyed this one!" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I must say, I just got done running my fifth marathon it couldn't hold a candle to the Clarence Demar Marathon! I ran Clarence Demar in 2011. I found it to be a beautiful course that I really enjoyed running. The organization was great. I loved that it ended in Keene at the college and that we were allowed to shower there afterwards. I loved the quaintness of town/area where we started and going into the church beforehand for some goodwill and prayers from the pastor! The smallness of the race makes it feel quaint and personal. The services at the end were great...I loved getting a massage and the food was decent. I would so do this race again! Great job to the event seems like a labor of love.


S. C. from Canada (10/8/2012)
"35 years? Practice makes perfect!" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This event could teach others how to do it right.

Everything about this race was simple and straight-forward, even for someone who had never been to the area. Simple packet pickup, very easy to get dropped off at race start, no portapotty lines, a joke and a prayer and the gun goes off. Lovely, shaded, mostly downhill running for over half the race then into the streets and trails of Keene. A couple of short, sharp hills then into the college to finish.

The volunteers were terrific, no exceptions. And the middle school kids were wonderful.

As I crossed the line, I felt pretty unwell. I hadn't taken 3 steps before the medical personnel were at my side, holding me up while I was quite sick. (Sorry to the poor spectators near me!)

The Nike ls tech shirt fits like it was made for me and it and the medal/ribbon were appropriately gaudy.

Thanks to the race committee and all the volunteers who anticipated everything a runner could possibly want, even perfect running weather.


I. S. from Putney VT (10/5/2012)
"Wonderful initiation into the world of marathoning" (about: 2012)

1 previous marathon | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was my first marathon, so the closest thing I can compare it with is the ING Hartford marathon and half-marathon, where I ran my first half last year. That was fun, and as far as the quality of organizational details - packet pickup, aid stations, ease of signup, website, directions, etc, I'd say pretty comparable, but the overall experience of running the Demar for my first marathon was far superior and I am so glad I chose this one!

This is a lovely scenic course - which just so happens to be similar to the roads I train on since I live just across the river in Vermont - and being old & slow, I ran big chunks by myself, where I could get into the meditative head space that I do on my own long runs - punctuated by enthusiastic welcomes at each of the water stops.

The staff were very helpful from start to finish, and even called me by name along the course! I had lots of friends and family support, and the small size and accessibility of this course allowed them to meet me at a number of different places on the course to keep me supplied with fuel, coffee, bananas, hugs and my own sports drink (we would have needed lots more porta-potties if I had drunk the Gatorade) and I even was able to have a friend pace me near the end when my energy was flagging - not something you can do in a big city race! I can also attest to all of the runners (at the back of the pack at least) were really classy - friendly and encouraging of each other.

Even though there weren't hordes lining the streets, local townspeople in Keene would honk, cheer and applaud as they went about their business - many of them knew exactly what this was!

Even though it took me almost 6 hours, I was welcomed over the finish line like a rock star, and the staff stayed on until the very last runner came in 1/2 hour after the official time limit. I had run with her for a bit around mile 8 and knew that she was really hurting already then (which the staff seemed to know as well), and they very respectfully honored the admirable strength that it took for her to complete the race.

A nice touch that I haven't seen elsewhere was a stop-motion video posted on the website that ran through the entire course in 8 minutes - it helped having seen that before driving the course two weeks before the race, as well as at one point (just past the YMCA) where there weren't any markers or volunteers where I might have gotten lost.

I recommend this marathon to anyone looking for a great place to run your first - or 50th marathon!


J. W. from Sterling Hts., MI (10/3/2012)
"Great marathon with fantastic volunteers!" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

The 2012 race was superb. Everything was great from the quick packet pick-up
to the post race set-up. The 1st half of the course is much more scenic than the 2nd half. No hill at mile 22 now, but some nasty rollers in a cemetary near the end. Great course support. Free messages were appreciated. Could use some beer at the finish and some entertainment to celebrate. Thanks for a wonderful experience and fast time!


F. L. from NJ (10/2/2012)
"Too good to miss!" (about: 2012)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I loved this event from packet pickup to the last person crossing the finish line. I loved it so much you may not believe the review. If you want to feel like a VIP and that the race committee WANTS you to run their race - come here! The course, the attention to detail, the organizers (who you see alot), the volunteers (who make up for the fact that there aren't even dozens of spectators), the EVERYTHING is worth coming to Keene, NH to run this marathon. Aid stations every two miles with water and gatorade at each. Portopotties at the start (no lines) and about every 4 miles on the course, two medical stations on the course, plenty of volunteers to direct you at turns, and plenty of very adorable volunteers (of all ages) handing out water/gatorade and saying all the right things. I never heard 'it's downhill' or 'you're almost there' - NOT ONCE! I was skeptical about the mile directly through the middle of a cemetary but was told by one of the 'main guys', it's really quite pleasant - and it was.

This was number 116 for me, 43rd state on my second time around, and after two days of reflecting on it I still keep thinking 'wow, that was great'.

At roughly 180 finishers it has a lot of room for growth. I just hope it doesn't get too big - it's just perfect.

I could go on and on, but I won't. Trust on this one.


J. T. from West Virginia (10/1/2012)
"Attention to detail was top quality" (about: 2012)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Not sure where to start but sometimes people don't realize the mark they leave and I wanted to express how grateful I was for ......... everything. You can start from preparation and then keep going cause it is obvious the attention to detail was top quality and showed in the event. This race director was extremely personable and outstanding.

The course was beautiful. I love rolling hills so this course was perfect for me. The river and the Surry Mountain Damn was absolutely gorgeous.

The people were amazing!!! The pasta dinner was terrific and the volunteers serving the dinner were just wonderful. Even saw one of the ladies after the race and she remembered us and made it a point to come and congratulate us and thank us for coming.

The packet pickup was again, super. You cant ask for more helpful and accommodating people. Showers at the Keene State College (where you finish) was another terrific bonus. Even students were so supportive and NICE.

You picked up your drop bag right at the finish line. That was GREAT!

It was a outstanding and beautiful! The medals were wonderful and the having marathon shirts tailored for women was just terrific.

The course was well marked, enjoyable and scenic. Thanks to the race director and all volunteers, I thoroughly enjoyed the marathon and New Hampshire!

Also, hot soup and plenty of food and massages at the finish.

This is what makes me enjoy running marathons. Amazing job!!! The was my 68th marathon and I have to say, it was my favorite. I don't know which was better, the course and beauty or the town and people., but Id say you'd have to chalk one up for the race director on this one to get that combination so perfect!


W. F. from Washington, DC (10/1/2012)
"Top-notch organization" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Practice makes perfect. They've been running this marathon for decades, and it shows. Everything seemed to go smoothly: packet pick-up, porta-potties at the start (shortest lines I've ever seen at a marathon), mile markings, water stations, medical tents, after-race food and drink - all went smoothly and were among the tops of any marathon I've run.
The organizers had a smaller-than-expected field, but they did not seem to cut any corners in their work, warmth and receptiveness.

(As for other comments about hills on the course, I found this course to be far less hilly than I would expect from a New England race.)


W. C. from Pittsford NY (10/1/2012)
"A wonderful marathon in so many ways!" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I just love, love, love the Clarence DeMar marathon. Do not let the small-ish size of this marathon keep you from running it; everything about this marathon is top-notch. The course is amazingly beautiful, the volunteers are first class, the organization is seamless, the swag is great, the post-race food is some of the best ever. I highly recommend this marathon to those people who appreciate running in a natural setting, surrounded by positive people. Absolutely marvelous.


P. v. from Pittsford, NY (10/1/2012)
"This marathon was so awesome I couldn't wait to ra" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

When my friend told me she was running this marathon as one of her 50 state marathons, I was skeptical of running a little tiny marathon in New Hampshire but WOW am I ever glad I did!

Packet pick up was simple with no expo. Loved the goody bag. No 'junk' to sift through-just cool stuff I will actually use like socks and a tin of Badger Muscle rub.

Amazing race director Ted seemed to be everywhere with a big smile and encouraging words. He has this race down to a science!

Very organized start with volunteers everywhere to help us find the buses we rode from Keene State College to the start in Gilsum. There were lockers by the bus start(which is the finish)for us to stash our bags as well as nice warm showers right there. The start at the Badger Factory was well organized with plenty of portojohns and lots of water and gatorade.

This is a fast course and a perfect BQ. We had perfect weather-overcast and about 60 degrees with a little bit of 'spitting' rain. The course is gorgeous from start to finish, running right next to the river along beautiful country roads, through a park and a cemetery, and back through residential areas to the finish at Keene State College. The foliage was beautiful. It is mostly downhill with two notable uphills at mile 14 and 22(ironically in a cemetery-was asking volunteer at the top of the hill if she had a shovel to just dump me in!), but really, they were a nice change for my legs after the downhill.

The volunteers along the course were fabulous and eager to help. They even came riding along to take extra jackets, shirts from runners who were getting too hot and take them to the finish line. One volunteer was running along passing out energy chews. I think he must have run 40 miles! Also loved the biking volunteers who rode back and forth along the course cheering the whole way.

The finish was well done with race numbers announced just before runners hit the straight away so you could hear your friends coming and be ready to cheer by the time you could see them. Volunteers were there immediately handing runners Gatorade and water. Pretty medal too! Cool age-group award mugs. Again, I will actually use that!!!!

Food at the end was perfect. Soup and bagels and yummy cookies.
Very attentive medical staff too. My teeth were chattering from cold at the end and immediately, someone was there wrapping me in a blanket and rubbing my back. And ever present Ted was right there with an extra long-sleeved race shirt for me to pop on.

Very well organized, scenic, fast race with terrific volunteers. I highly recommend this to all of my marathon-running pals!!!!!


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