calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Boston Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 418 [displaying comments 331 to 341]
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k. m. from us (5/16/2004)
"Drowning in my shirt" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Boston Marathons

I'm proud to have finished the boilermaker that was Boston 2004. Its a little thing, but at 5'7', 125 lbs, I bet I'm on the average and maybe even larger size for women running Boston. I'd like to wear my Boston marathon shirt as something other than a nightshirt but 'medium' was the smallest size they made available. Even after washing, it drowns me. Maybe over-sized shirts are a Boston tradition but please take note that the super-sizing of America has not really taken place amongst most running the Boston marathon. In the future I hope for two things: a size small shirt and cooler weather (not necessarily in that order).


Frank Hunt from Charleston, South Carolina (5/15/2004)
"Wonderful experience" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

I thought I was going to die!! Was it worth it? YOU BET IT WAS!!!!

Thanks to all the little children lined along the streets high-fiving us as we ran by. Thanks to the little girl with the bag of jelly beans. Thanks to all the kids who had ice chips. They were my salvation. Thanks to the young woman with the bowl of frozen strawberries. You were very generous. The orange slices hit the spot. And to the lady with the white plastic jug of cool water as I entered the outskirts of town, you are an angel sent by God. The water was refreshing and helped me get to the finish line.

BOO to the people who kept insisting 'you are almost there' when I was ten miles from the finish line.
And the worst hill of all was that short street you turn onto before Boyleston Street. And my loudest applause goes to the RED SNAKES. You really boosted my self esteem even though it was nearly dark when I finished. Hooray for the Kaji Aso's.

But the thing I cherish most is the unicorn BAA finishers medal!!! It doesn't say how slow I was and it doesn't say how I almost quit. What it does say is that I participated in a world class sporting event with the BEST atheletes in the world. My time was not recorded but I finished the race and for that I am grateful.


m. s. from Springfield,MA (5/10/2004)
"A must do experience, at least once" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

Boston was an experience. I did not qualify and ran for a non-BAA recognized charity therefore had no number. If you can't qualify run BANDIT for the experience, but if you really want to feel like a winner run NYC. I've run NYC twice and it's for everyone no matter what your time. Believe it or not, there are more spectators. Everyone gets a number and medal too. Remember to print your name on the front of your shirt. NYC is the best.


C. M. from PA (5/9/2004)
"Too few port-a-potties, too late in day." (about: 2003)

3 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

Would not go to Boston again, due to the lack of job-johnies and the late day start. Too many years the temperature has been way too warm at noon.


M. B. from Indiana (5/5/2004)
"I'm throwing in the towel" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Boston Marathons

Once again, a hot day and the noon start spelled disaster for what was my only spring marathon this year. After a few miles, I got the brilliant idea of slowing up to run another spring marathon for time. Everything but the noon start is first-rate. I won't be back again until this memory fades.


Evert Ten Bruggencate from St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada (4/30/2004)
"I had a blast!" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Boston Marathon

I'm from Canada and ran my first Boston Marathon. It was a experience of a life time. What more can you say about the spectators? The course was lined with angels. Even on the subway ride back to our vehicle, people were offering seats and congratulating me. The heat only added to the memories I will cherish for a long time.


M. B. from New York City (4/29/2004)
"Hot, hot, hot!" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Boston Marathons

Ok, I know you cannot control the weather, but maybe its time to re-think the noon start... I'm 0 for 2 at Boston (last year, mid 70s, this year mid 80s). As usual, the fans are great... they even seemed sober this year & didn't yell at you if you started walking. I did appreciate all those out spraying us with their garden hoses and those with ice chests... thank you! To add insult to injury, I had to listen to everyone along the way cheering for the Sox beating the Yanks! (oh well... :)) I'm not sure I have the strength to come back yet another time and gamble with this weather... Boston has become my nemisis...


J. D. from Austin, Texas (4/29/2004)
"You can't beat Boston's spectators" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons

What an emotional day. Yes, it was the hottest run I have ever done and I'm from Austin. It's hard to believe anyone made it through the heat. I'm convinced if you did finish it was because of the unwavering support of the crowds. The ice pops, bags of ice and hoses were life savers in the blistering heat.
Regardless of how miserable I felt, I was amazed at the way the 'fans' carried you through the course. I get all choked up when I'm telling friends about the encouragement of the residents of Mass. Will I be back? You bet, regardless of the slow 2004 times, real runners go back to prove they can conquer.


R. P. from Dallas, Texas (4/29/2004)
"Boston is the ultimate in any weather" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Boston Marathons

WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS SHOULD NOT GO TO BOSTON! Boston is a privilege, not a right. You are paricipating in a world-class sporting event with almost 20,000 others. BAA does an AMAZING JOB! In order to start the race early, they would have to begin busing people to Hopkinton at 2am! Think about it. The communities from Hopkinton to Boston are amazing. A family in Hopkinton offered their house and facilities to me and my friends - they didn't know us from Adam. The Wellesley girls - screaming for at least two hours. The kind gentleman at mile 18 who met me as I left a porto-potty with a cool glass of water and offer to spritz me down with a cool mister. The 100,000's who lined the roads for 26.2 miles.

People, it doesn't get any better than this. For the charity runners, I commend your efforts, but Boston is and always should be about those who trained, sweated, bled and sacrificed to earn their way to the starting line. If you ran for charity, I suggest that you press your charity to tell you EXACTLY how much of the money you raised actually goes for the beneficiaries of that charity. The cost of plane fares, hotels, Gatorade for training runs, etc. adds up and doesn't benefit the charities' constituents.


Jay Hendrickson from Houston, Tx (4/28/2004)
"Tough course & hot weather...ya gotta love it!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Boston Marathons

This was my 5th Boston and it was the hottest weather I've ever run a marathon in...and I'm from Houston.

The fans, organization, and event itself are top-notch. The Boston Marathon is the gold standard.

If you ever get the chance to run it...don't let it pass you by!


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