calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Boston Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 418 [displaying comments 351 to 361]
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julio arce from Oxnard, CA (4/22/2004)
"Bad organization" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

It was very disappointing that the organizers did not provide enough buses to the start. Many runners, especially runners in the first corral missed the gun going off. I can not believe this could happen at such prestigious event. The start could also be earlier, like 10:00 AM or so. The spectators in the other hand were very cheerful; thumbs up for that.


W. K. from Perrysburg, Ohio (4/22/2004)
"Last bus from Boston" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Boston Marathons

I was in line for the last bus from Boston to the start at 8:30am. There were not enough seats and buses left, with about 4 bus loads of us still waiting. We started worrying at 10:30 a.m. Some thought about taking the taxi out, but do not have the money (asking price was $65). At 10:40 a.m., one bus showed up, most people get on at an orderly fashion, except I did see one climb in through the window. Then 2nd and 3rd bus came. I got into my standing room in the 3rd bus, not looking forward to the ride. Then 4th bus came, we disembark and got our seat in the 4th bus, which was 3/4 full. It was close to 11am before the convoy of these 4 buses left Boston. Half an hour into the journey, one bus ahead of us had mechanical problem and pulled to the side of the highway. Gentleman from Columbus, Ohio on our bus got consensus and proposed to bus driver to go back and pick those guys up. Bus driver said there was no good way to turn back, and that the disabled bus had already called for help.

At 11:45 a.m., we got dropped off at the end of corrals on Main Street, but still need to run up the street to drop off our bags at the baggage buses. I made it to my starting corral less than 10 minutes before the start at noon.

This is probably what I would remember about the 108th running, besides the heat. Line at the pasta dinner had been improved. Crowd support and volunteers at aid stations were phenomenal as usual, especially at Wellesley, which was truly appreciated.
I am of limited financial means, but still try to come and run here every year. It is a runner's race. Everybody earns their right to be here. It is all about tradition and I feel fortunate to be part of it.


D. B. from NYC, NY (4/22/2004)
"If you want to feel like a hero..." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

...then run Boston. Make sure the heat is up to 86 degrees (as it was this year):))

A special thank you to all the people with garden hoses along the route, it is incredible how hard they worked to support the runners. Unforgettable experience, I don't even worry that my time sucked!!!


B. Z. from Atlanta, GA (4/21/2004)
"Boston... Hot.... PR!" (about: 1995)

4-5 previous marathons

Running my first Boston Marathon for Children's Hospital Boston was one of the best experiences of my life. The heat was bad and I was disappointed with my time but that was all secondary to the thrill of being a part of this terrific event and team. I had set a time goal long before the race and had been improving a lot since my last marathon (NYC) but with the weather... it was not to be. Actually I did set a PR but that was more of a reflection of my slow times before Boston and a determination (pig-headedness!!) that if I couldn't make the goal I set in training, I was at least going to do better than ever before. It's nice to only have been running for 3 years and still be on the up side of the improvement curve. But at 53 I don't know how long that will last!


C. W. from Milford,Ohio (4/21/2004)
"Generous townsfolk outdoes B.A.A." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Boston Marathons

WOW, what a race! B.A.A. volunteers excellent job. BUT, the folks along the course were just a bit better. These people know their marathon!
The cool water, oranges, hoses, wet sponges, wet & dry naps, bananas, popsicles, ice, jelly beans, pretzels - need I go on? Next year's rookie marathoners are in for a treat.

My first timer hints: Buy one of those cheap pool float mattresses to lie on while waiting at the athlete village. If the port-o-let lines are too long, go outside the village towards the start; there are plenty along the way, on the side streets. Enjoy yourself!! Boston is a great town!! I won't give any running tips because this course is my DEMON course. I've run the last (2) Bostons and I've failed miserably!! But don't think I won't come back to beat that marathon monster. Congrats to all the finishers, the runners who went towards the white light and back from the heat this year, and good luck to all future Boston marathoners!!!


L. D. from New York (4/21/2004)
"Good, but not great" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon is, of course, the one we all aspire to run. It is the most prestigious marathon in the world with a history going back over 100 years. Having said that, perhaps my expectations were too high. The course was as described - hilly, point-to-point course. Some areas were more scenic than others. My biggest complaint is the lack of port-a-potties on the course. They only had 1-2 at each water stop. How hard is it to position more on the course, especially since they really didn't want people urinating in public. The crowds were good, but not great. They got better as you got closer to Boston. The fans did a super job of helping the runners with water, ice, orange slices, bananas, Gatorade, and even sprinklers on the very hot day we had. As far as cheering, I felt that Chicago and Marine Corps Marathon fans were better overall cheerers.

Run it because it's Boston. If you've never run a large marathon, it'll be a pretty cool experience with the sea of runners and lots of spectators. If you've run other large, well organized marathons, it probably won't live up to the hype.


O. V. from NY (4/21/2004)
"It's a history" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

This is THE ONE to do even if you hate road marathons. Despite the big field and big city name, it gives you everything a small town race would: it only finishes at Boston but runs through the outskirts of it with all the perks of locals cheering just for you, their oranges, wet towels, ice cubes (so nice this year), strawberries and the like. The Wesley girls are great (I've heard back then they would practically jump at you), Boston college kids very loud, children are enthusiastic and I could go on forever pointing details.

I liked the course with all its hills: up and down. Not the PR one but we are not all Kenyan, are we? Liked it a lot. Probably will not come back but very happy to have done it. If you can - come and experience the oldest marathon in the US. Organization is great (maybe the corrals are to narrow and it takes up to 30 min for people at the back to start but the street is narrow and it's all part of fun to wait to move). Hot day, never shortage of water. Thanks for keeping this marathon alive.


M. R. from Texas (4/21/2004)
"Problems with 2004 Boston (besides the heat)" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Boston Marathons

Bus to the start:
Since I had a relatively low race number, the race instructions indicated that I could/should board the bus to the start between 8am and 830. I got to the right area (Tremont Street side of the Boston Common) at 8:01 am. I was not able to get onto a bus until 10:45am(???!!). It did not really pull away from Tremont Street until 10:55, really. The 'management' on-hand said some buses got lost and then said that they were blocked by a parade. This is unacceptable and can't be blamed on the poor volunteers. I did not get to the starting area until 11:50 am, 10 minutes before the start. I had to sprint with my bag and skip much of my normal routine preparation. The bus was so packed that I could not do anything en route. There seemed to be several hundred runners in the same boat. Some decided to get together for cab rides to the start (don't know if that worked out). If the management can't keep buses from getting lost or blocked by parades then there should be some contingency plans to provide transportation (cab rides, alternate buses, anything).

Bag is missing:
I dropped my bag off at the yellow buses at the start. I was in a hurry since I only had a little less than 10 minutes (see bus problem above). The lady onboard the bus who took my bag said, "Don't worry, your bag will be there at the finish." When I went back to the same exact bus after the race, my bag was not there(!!!???). I asked other buses as well. I was not in much condition to deal with this. The main action I prompted was to get me escorted off a bus (where I had been previously invited to sit and wait). I do not know what happened to my bag. Any advice is welcome. Since the bag has a sticker with my name and number on it I am still slightly hopeful that it will be returned.

These problems make me want to avoid this race in the future. I don't need these kinds of problems when other races (bigger and smaller) I have done (NYC, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Philadelphia) never have as many hassles. As a minimum I need: a) a properly measured course, b) timely ride to start (if not then indicate so beforehand), c) water on course, d) finisher's medal, e) return of bag at finish.


s. s. from Maryland (4/21/2004)
"Everything was perfect, except the weather..." (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Boston Marathon

For veteran marathoners, I would not spend much time at the expo. The talks were too basic (e.g. drink water, conserve energy, etc...) and there were many posers around just buying gear. It looked like a fashion show.

The course is challenging. The fans are great although their energy can throw you off your plan. The weather always seems to be a factor. This year it got up to 87 with a strong tailwind at points. The problem with a tailwind is it never cools you off. I saw many people struggling--it looked like a M*A*S*H unit at the end.

The city and outlying areas really get into the race. There was about 15 pages of race coverage in the paper.

The organization is great. I always knew where to be and the volunteers were great as well. I even got to run next to the first Japanese winner (1953?). There is a lot of history, and if for no other reason Boston deserves respect.


C. K. from Chino, california , USA (4/20/2004)
"Once again Boston was awesome" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Boston Marathons

Yes, it was hot, but the crowd support was terrific. The was the 5th year in a row I have run Boston. The fans are wonderful and serve to keep the runners motivated no matter how tired and brutal the weather is. I'll be back.


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