calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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K. H. from Pittsburgh, PA (10/8/2007)
"Deserves to be as big as it wants to be." (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This race was a real pleasure for me and I'm happy to say it was my personal record too. I just can't find a flaw in the organization. How could you when you're getting free shoes for Pete's sake? The course was excellent and I really enjoyed the section along the Towpath Trail. It's a wonderful mental and physical break. The pacers were also great. Sometimes they come off as a bit condescending, but not here. Overall, it was wonderful time and one of the most enjoyable running experiences I've had.


M. H. from Lakewood, OH (10/8/2007)
"Supurb Race!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

I ran the inaugural half marathon. It was super organized. Akron has got it together to enable that many races in one day! It seemed to go off smoothly. The course was constantly changing and the elevation was a good challenge. I think that if you train on hills, a PR is not out of question! Good job, Akron! Keep up the good work!! Are you sure this is only your 5th year doing this?!


Clarence Wang from Barrie Ontario Canada (10/8/2007)
"Tough course aided by excellent organization" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

11 of us from Barrie Canada all concurred it was the best event to date (and cumulatively we have done over 500). Excellent value for our entry fee. Organization, volunteers and fan support aided our 26.2 mile journey. I have would have traded my white marathon shirt for the relay shirts as I have a closet full of white ones. Picking up the shoes after the event was quick and simple. Course was scenic and great stadium finish. Very challenging course but marathoners always seek out challenges.


H. E. from Smithville, Ontario, Canada (10/6/2007)
"Shhh, everyone will want to enter after this..." (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I can't imagine how it can get better either as a runner (myself) or as a spectator (my wife). Met another race director at the expo (Don) who was a great ambassador for the event (even though he wouldn't give up his road runner Akron running hat, which I couldn't find anywhere). Before the race, there was a definite air of organization all around as there were constant reminders about where to go and when to be there. Even as a non-American it is awe-inspiring to hear and feel the passion of the national anthem just before we set off. After starting, being able to see my wife again at around mile 3 and 10 without her having to run around was much appreciated. The personalized bib was very cool as it allowed people to call me by my wife's pet name, and any time I heard it (especially past mile 21 or so), it picked me up. The course was spectacular, and although not flat it was not as hilly as I had been dreading (come and run the 30K Around the Bay race in Hamilton if you want hills). Having lots of relay teams meant there was always fresh faces around to follow/pass and say hi to. Support on the course was second to none, as both spectators and fellow runners encouraged us (many thanks to the relay runner who recognized I was flagging near the end, and to the 3:30 pace bunny who knew as soon as he passed me that he was my target time and tried to pull me with him).

The finish inside the stadium was very special as it felt as if the whole crowd was cheering just for me. The only down moment was sitting in the stands by myself and shedding a tear as the emotion of the finish caught up with me and wasn't able to share it with anyone. The beer at 10:30 in the morning might have been the best I have ever tasted (even better than the "just finished cutting the lawn" beer) and the medal and ribbon are THE best in my collection. I look forward to running this race again many times, and although I will probably try and bring some running friends with me, can we please try not to tell too many people?!?!?!


j. c. from newport ky .41071 (10/6/2007)
"ENJOYED IT ALL THE WAY" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

That was marathon 109 for me - my first Akron - and a great experience. The police and volunteers always get an A+. It was great to meet and talk with the race director at the finish line. A great area in which to finish the race, and plenty of food and drink. I will be back.


R. H. from London, On (10/5/2007)
"A Must Run Marathon" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

The Akron Marathon organizers understand the experience marathoners want and provide it expertly. The prerace emails and instruction books are comparable to those provided by the mega-marathons. Arriving in town to see the blue line painted on the road gave me the feeling that the city was totally behind the event. I felt that the expo was very well done and that the blue line through the hall was another very nice touch. In the excitement if you didn't listen to where you had to go next you just followed the line.

I only gave the course a 4 because it is a tough hilly run. That said it is very scenic and interesting throughout. You just need to be aware that it is a bit of a monster and to alter your pace accordingly. If you can run prudently early you'll be able to pass many runners on the way to the finish.

We had perfect weather for late September which is always a risk.


B. R. from Chesterfield, Michigan (10/4/2007)
"Beautiful Course and City" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and I finished in 4:51. I was very pleased. I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the town and course were. I really liked Akron and the people were very supportive of the runners. It was nice to walk out of your hotel right down to the start.

Overall, the race was good. I was disappointed that I only got GU at 2 of the 6 stops because they were all out. Also, they were out of beer when I finished! There was plenty of water stops and I had a muffin at the finish. I do think the marathon runners should have supplies set aside just for them (they did that with the food at the end) so that there is enough. A relay runner is not going to suffer without a GU but I would have but a nice runner gave me one and I had one with me (so I lived).

I thought it was cool for the race director to shake my hand when I finished. The medal and shoes were nice. I agree with the other marathoner wanting a different color for the shirt (I wore it this morning running). The red ones for the half were nice, navy would have been good also.

The hills were tough and made me slow down a lot. I guess it is what you want. I knew it would be hilly and figured I would be okay. It will make me more likely to have a PR next marathon!


J. R. from Indianapolis (10/3/2007)
"Keep up the great work" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

To the marathoner below who complained about white shirts, you should do what I did: I asked the T-shirt manager at the expo if I could have a blue one. 'Sure,' he said. 'You can downgrade.' 'I don't think it's a downgrade; it's a sharper looking shirt,' I said.

This was my first full Akron Marathon after three previous relays. Yes, the hills are a challenge, but the organization, volunteers and amenities are first-rate. Keep it up!


S. B. from Cincinnati, Ohio (10/2/2007)
"Jim runs this event perfectly" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

The course is tough but fun and so beautiful.

The expo was nice and spacious. Having my picture taken with Bill Rodgers is a moment I'll never forget! Thanks so much, Mr. Rodgers!

The goodies offered top all other marathons. Shoes, shirt, nicer medal, etc. They even had a guy at the post-race area engraving name and finish time on the back of the medals for only $5!!! It took 2 minutes!

I brought my own gels but was still extremely impressed with the number of GU stations along the way. Other races should learn from Akron... we need more than 1 GU and we need it before mile 18! And they gave out the GU about 1/4 mile before the water station so you didn't have to stop, open, consume and rinse down. Handing them out well before the water allowed runners to make smooth transitions while consuming. And they had huge signs alerting runners of what flavor they had in their hands.

Something awesome: Jim had the city paint a blue line along the street to follow the marathon course (except for the state-owned portions). This was so helpful when driving in from out of town during training to get some miles in on the actual course. And HUGE mile markers are painted on the street as well. This really helped when training.

I could go on and on about how expertly done this race is... but just go run it! It has everything!

GREAT JOB, Jim! You certainly know what you are doing!!!


Bronwyn Roberts from Michigan (10/2/2007)
"Beautiful Course/Beautiful Day" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and it was a beautiful course. It varied a lot in scenery. The hills in the second half were challenging so I would not recommend this course if you were trying to PR.

This race had a lot of relay runners, and I felt that the full marathon runners should have had more special treatment. For example, there was no GU left at 4 of the 6 scheduled stops. Luckily I had one gel with me and a kind girl gave me one. I think the relay runners were taking GU, which is fine, but I think that it is necessary to make sure that the full marathoners have what they need. And there was no beer left when I finally finished (4:51).

Overall, I had a very good experience. The weather was perfect and the people of Akron were very nice and supportive. I am just giving little critique so that next year it may be better for another first-time marathoner like myself. Some advice would be to have supplies that are set aside just for full marathon runners. They did do that with the food at the end (separate relay and half/full marathon) otherwise there probably would not have been any food either.


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