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Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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D. G. from Florida (10/2/2007)
"This would be hard to beat" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

Although this was my first marathon, I can't imagine any beating the organization and volunteer support I saw during the Akron Marathon. Not a single complaint. The value is excellent.... The already mentioned running shirt and long-sleeve tech shirt make it seem as if I was paid for entering. I particularly liked that the fluid stations were colored coded: red cups for water, blue cups for PowerAde. Scenic course with great spectator support. Oh... the finish at Canal Stadium is awesome!


T. B. from Cincinnati, OH (10/2/2007)
"Nice Job, Akron!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

Yes, there are several hills and yes, I tanked; but it's still one of my favorite marathons yet. Akron tries very hard to make every runner feel special and that alone should make this a very popular event. Like others who have commented here, I also had the opportunity to run and chat with Bill Rodgers for a few miles... it was almost surreal. He was incredibly approachable and a great ambassador for the race.

Other positives:
1) The crowd (fewer than 1,200 full marathoners)
2) The finish (in a ball park filled with cheering fans. Free beer also!
3) The handshake from the race director at the finish (again, making everyone feel special)
4) The free shoes. I haven't gotten mine yet, but definitely a good deal!
5) The convenience. My hotel was reasonably priced and 1/2 block from the start. It could not have been easier.

Suggested improvements:
1) Better ordering at start. Although only around 1,200 full marathoners, there were almost as many 1/2 marathoners and around 800 relay teams. This lead to a crowded, slow start and passing was difficult.
2) Better finish area for runners. The ballpark was a great place to end the race because of the crowd in the stands; however, the runners area was way too crowded. I think because of the beer (assumption on my part) the runners area was separated by barricades which made escaping and meeting up with family a 30-minute ordeal... not what I wanted after 26.2 miles. It was also becoming a safety hazard... all this because a child may see me drinking a beer??? Please fix this problem.


Tom Oswald from Dearborn, Michigan (10/1/2007)
"Big-Time Event with a Small-Community Feel." (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

This event lived up to it's five-star billing. Very well organized and you would not guess it has only been around five years. The course gives one a fine tour of Akron and the history and diverse neighborhoods, and nature of this city. Challenging, but fair and a great finish in the minor league ballpark where fans and families could comfortably cheer. Jim Barnett is to be commended, and I happened to meet his daughter, who, by the way, sang the national anthem at the race... in the elevator of the host hotel the day after. She sang beautifully!


M. P. from US (10/1/2007)
"Fantastic race!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

This is only my 2nd year running here, but I have had a blast doing this. This year however - although the band is a good idea - it was overpowering not being able to hear all runners being announced as they cross the finish. Also, they're awesome for allowing wheelchairs to test the race; however, there were a few close calls when it came to maneuvering. Perhaps they should designate the blue line for wheels only for next year and give them a designated area. But it's great to see them in the race - what inspiration!!! Just don't want injuries...


Gid Oswitch from Kent,Ohio (10/1/2007)
"5 in a row for "AKRUN"!!!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Akron Marathons

This was my 5th Akron Marathon and the reason I keep coming back is because they treat every runner like a star; from the great organization, to high crowd support, to free shoes and the race director shaking the hand of every finisher. Yes, the course in the 2nd half is tough, but the afterglow lasts a long, long time. Well done again, Akron!


J. M. from Medina, OHio (10/1/2007)
"maybe the best one I've run" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I've been running for about 50 years and have done about 40 marathons and this one rates at or near the top. It was expertly done, like a Swiss watch. Two things that are badly needed in other marathons which I saw in Akron: 1. Relay runners wear bibs on their backs as well as the front so that full marathoners are discouraged when someone who is only running a few miles comes shooting by; 2. One or more water stops actually had big signs indicating which part was water and which part was a sports drink. Ordinarily, its hard to tell when your running by and trying to hear the shouts of the volunteers as to which is which. The signs cleared all that confusion. The results were posted on the website almost immediately after the 6-hour cutoff, not days later as in too many marathons. The course was tough but not unbearably so. Seafair, Yonkers and Boston are tougher. All in all, a great race!


P. C. from Columbus, Ohio, USA (10/1/2007)
"Fantastic Organization, Spectators, City" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Akron Marathons

This was my third time running this race in Akron. Just as before, this race featured outstanding organization, fantastic crowds of spectators and a run through what is one of the nicest downtowns around. The course is not an easy one, but the support makes up for the hills. Also, great pace team!!! Thank you, Akron!


Bob Kroeger from Cincinnati, Ohio (10/1/2007)
"Can Akron get any better?" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

I don't know if this race could be any better. Jim Barnett, arguably one of the premier marathon directors (no, I am not his relative), has fashioned this 5-year-old marathon into one of America's best, far surpassing marathons that have been going on for decades. He even tossed in a beautiful autumn day with the temperature ranging from the high 40s to the mid-60s at noon.

This was my second Road Runner marathon and, despite some hills, I've qualified for Boston in both of them; so it should not intimidate anyone. What surprised me about the route was its beauty and its shade (nearly the entire first 24 miles are shaded). The tow-path and Sands Run are not only lovely to run through, but, to history buffs, exude the memories of the aches and pains of immigrant workers who built the Ohio-Erie Canal in the early 1800s.

All marathon directors (are you listening, Boston?) can benefit by learning from the Akron experience: great expo, convenient to the downtown hotels, six GU stations with plenty of volunteers, 5MM medal with the Road Runner logo (even a most impressive ribbon this year), Running Times magazine subscription, long-sleeved Brooks podium technical shirt, free pair of Brooks running shoes, nice goody bag, great post-race food and concert, and a good deal at the local hotels. The Radisson allowed us to stay until 1:00 and provided a wonderful pasta buffet for $10.

The only way I can think that this marathon could improve would be to transport the Bar Harbor coastline to next to Exchange Street. Now, if you can do that, Jim, I will be impressed even more. Congratulations to you and all of your volunteers!!


Tom Reilley from Cleveland, OH (10/1/2007)
"Awesome, but sick of white shirts" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Akron Marathons

Okay, I agree with all the awesome comments about the Akron Marathon. It was my 3rd time and it is definitely one of the best marathons around. My one and only complaint is that I am sick of white shirts. The relay runners got these cool navy blue shirts and the 1/2 marathon runners got beautiful red shirts. Every year the marathon runners get the same white shirts. The marathoners should be the last ones to get white shirts. We sweat more; we spill more Gu and Gatorade; and our nipples bleed. Please give us marathoners a little color in 2008. Thanks!


N. B. from Rootstown, Ohio (10/1/2007)
"Great course, crowds, organization, size" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

My 5th marathon this year and Akron certainly is one of the best! Living only 20 minutes from the start, I'll be honest and admit I didn't expect a quality marathon so close.... I've always had to travel far. Yes, it is a rolling, challenging course... but, it is a very nice course and as long as you've trained on a variety of hills/flat roads, you'll be fine. If you have family there to watch, they can see you at the 3-mile point (only 1 block from the start) and again at 10 miles where the course crosses the start line. After that, they can walk down to the ballpark to wait. The ballpark is downhill and only 3 or so blocks away. Crowds were good... I love those marching bands, especially Ellet! I especially loved the docs at the NEOUCOM water stop around 24 miles. EXCELLENT expo, EXCELLENT race-branded gear for sale, great race start (love the bells!), and I loved running downhill into the baseball stadium for the finish. Great way to finish fast. One recommendation: create a better system to minimize the great congestion inside the park following the race and make it easier for family to find their runners. Overall, 5 out of 5 stars! I'll be back!


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