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Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 736 [displaying comments 601 to 611]
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b. b. from Texas (12/12/2006)
"below average marathon" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

The Good:

1) GREAT spectators along every mile
2) rest stops were EXCELLENT with gels/bars still availabe for the "back of the pack" runners
3) an overwhelming number of portable bathrooms, as there never seemed to be a long line for people
4) the running Elvises noted throughout the race & relatively flat course (except the end--see below)
5) the Blue Man Group performing when you are starting
6) seeing the mountains in the background and the strip during the first six miles

The Bad:

1) HUGE PROBLEM: mile markers were incorrect the whole marathon and off at times by 3/4 mile which makes it difficult to pace yourself (wear a GPS in case this problem occurs again). Water stops would also claim to be a certain mile marker when they were off on average by 0.25-0.5 of a mile.

2) all the neighborhoods that we ran through were very boring and unexciting for a city of this size

3) walkers started at the same time so we were dodging them for the first 3 miles (only problematic due to the high volume of runners not because they are walkers)

4) it was difficult to get to the starting line (due to the high volume of runners and no easy access around the Mandalay Bay from the north)

5) make reservations early as airfare/hotel can be expensive if it falls on the same weekend again as the national rodeo

6) the last 2-3 miles are actually uphill with only the last 0.2 miles being that downhill sprint they rave so much about--save some energy!

And THE UGLY was definitely the wind!

Overall: spectators and rest stops/porta-potties were above par but the course was poorly marked with inappropriate mile markers, not that scenic, and very crowded at the beginning.


Stan Sweeney from Oklahoma (12/12/2006)
"Great start - needs follow through" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathons

My second Vegas Marathon and I will probably come again. I was disappointed at the lack food on the course and at the finish. I heard there was food somewhere if you wanted to hunt it up. I also heard that there was a finisher's shirt but if there was, it was nowhere near the finish line. It sure would be great to finish up the last two miles on a flat plane or even a decline.


Sheldon Stadnyk from Denver, Coloradeo (12/12/2006)
"Gamble in Las Vegas: trust the mile markers" (General Comments)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

This was my 8th qualifier for Boston, and I'm amazed. Running at the same pace, the mile markers told me I had run a 5:45 mile, then an 11:20 mile, then an 8:30 mile, and finally a 9:56 mile - all at about the same pace. Don't think I'll be doing this one again until they get someone who can pace off a mile before they plant a mile marker. I qualified at 3:36 - just hope the Boston Marathon doesn't pull the USTAC certification of this course.


J. S. from San Diego, California (12/11/2006)
"Fun First Marathon :)" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

This was the first marathon I've ever run. I loved the flat course, but I thought it was supposed to start and finish on the strip and instead it ended on a small street behind the casinos. The spectators lining the bridges above the strip and the spectators along the whole course were very supportive; it was surprising to see so many people come out of their houses in the neighborhoods to watch us. It was pretty cold, but not unbearable - I just noticed that I didn't sweat hardly at all. The mile markers were WAY off, which I found bothersome. For instance, I run at about a 13 minute-mile pace and I was tracking my mile splits - I think mile 17 was 20 minutes and mile 18 was 7 minutes (I've never run a 7-minute mile in my life). Also the time clocks and the mile markers were in significantly different spots and there were occasional marks on the street as well for distance that were in a completely different location.

The volunteers were awesome and there were tons of them handing out water and Gatorade. There were several entertainers at different places that broke up the monotony of the course as far as scenery goes (pretty much the only exciting scenery is the strip and downtown otherwise). I did not try to get food after the race, but another runner told me there was none available anyway. Didn't bother me, because I wasn't hungry, but post-race refreshments should be available. The fireworks to start the marathon were a nice touch!


B. S. from Boise,Idaho (12/11/2006)
"Like Vegas, all glitz and no substance" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Granted the fireworks at the start were great, But I couldn't see the Blue Man Group. They need different placement for that if they plan on a repeat. The wind was very strong and the course the last two miles was the pits since you run BEHIND the casino and under the highway. NO FOOD at the end! Had to walk quite a way for water and one banana, and they need to place the photo-op with the showgirls after you get a drink! So the town is fun (bring LOTS of cash), but I think the race organizers spent the hefty entry fee on entertainment rather than taking care of the runners after the event.


J. H. from San Jose, CA (12/11/2006)
"Less money on blue men; more on organization!" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

As a relative novice on the marathon scene, I really only have the excellently organized San Jose R'n'R to compare with but:

- NO signs or stewards at the starting point/corrals. It was chaos.
- Way too few gear check people (I found our bags just dumped in an open space at the finish)
- Too few stewards on the course
- Not enough mile markers
- Not enough chip tags for timing chips
- Not enough space blankets for finishers
- NO food or refreshments at the end of the race

I think the organizers should think more about runner comfort and smooth organization than about entertainment and publicity.


P. P. from Denver (12/11/2006)
"A great getaway" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

The organization was great - registration, updates, website, e-mails with Elvis, and the expo. Getting to the race was easy. The Blue Man Group, Robin Leech and fireworks kicked the race off. The first seven miles were spectacular - going slightly down hill on the Strip and then through The Fremont Experience. The course then was uphill slightly for 11 miles with a wind that seemed to be in your face the whole time even when you made turns. Six miles then were downhill and then a slight incline to the finish over the last two miles. Aid stations were well stocked and volunteers were very friendly and efficient. Pacer was right on time. Spectators were encouraging - the personalized bibs allowed spectators to call you out by name and give you support. Fun bands, running Elvises, people getting married all added to the experience. Only letdown was no food at the end - or if it was there, I have no idea where it was. A picture with a showgirl at the end. Great coverage on local television showed the race that night. I plan on coming back.


D. S. from Portland, Oregon (12/11/2006)
"More flash than substance" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

I'm not sure if I was actually at the same race as M.H from Cleveland but, I have to disagree with a lot of their comments.
1). Apart from the 1st 6 miles along the strip and past the Fremont experience, the course is boring and windswept. There are several sections where you are on a long straight road where you can see for several miles.
2). Mile markers and timing? Maybe the clocks were put in the wrong place but how come one mile could be 1.2 miles long and the next was 0.7. This happened repeatedly. The 24 mile-marker turned out to actually be at 25 miles....
3). For $100, I would have expected more than a bottle of water and a smoothie. Portland charges way less than that and you almsot need a bag for all your swag/food at the end.
4). T-shirts. I heard many women, including my wife, complain about how there were no small sized t-shirts. Surely the organizers can work out it that when everyone signs up and states their shirt size you should provide enough to meet the demand.
5). Why the 6 a.m. start? Everyone was freezing before the race. We were told to get there "early, early."

I could go on. Sorry for the whining. I felt that this marathon will probably get bigger despite the race orgaization instead of because of it. It was cool to run down the strip but the 20 miles could have been better.

I will give the organizers credit for a great job with the number of porta-potties, and having different corrals at the start line. I also did appreciate the enthusiasm of the few spectators that were out on course.

Sorry Vegas, but I'm going to vote with my feet and go to a different winter marathon next year.


l. p. from chicago, illinois (12/11/2006)
"Great first 8 miles... then dull." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Most of the mile markers were WAY off!! Also, when you did finally see a mile marker, they were too low. Put them on higher poles so you can see the time.


O. T. from Pasadena, CA (12/11/2006)
"Windy, Mislabeled, DO NOT DO THIS MARATHON" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

First marathon. Picked it because it's pretty flat and not to far from where I live (Southern Cal). Mile markers were WAY off on some miles. Was very windy. I finished in 4:02, and there was no food at the finish. The Gu was not at the advertised miles. I would definitely not recommend this marathon. The mislabeling of the miles was TERRIBLE (mile 25 was actually posted closer to 25.5). The first 7 miles down the strip were cool. The 2nd 7 miles were miserable - headwinds, slightly uphill, through a very dreary part of town. DO NOT RUN THIS MARATHON.


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