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Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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Ryan Nied from Plainfield, IL (10/9/2008)
"TC Marathon - Thumbs Up!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Twin Cities 2008 was marathon #13 for me in 7 short years. I recommend you run this race.

I've read a number comments about the weather. I ran Chicago last year in 88-degree weather, so although I did fear hypothermia at one point, it was much better than last year.

The reason? The spectators were downright awesome. I couldn't believe how many weathered the storm along with us runners.

The finisher's shirt is great.

I set a 55-second PR despite the challenging conditions, and I am totally ecstatic about how the morning went. It was an extremely memorable, positive experience for me.

Couple of minor suggestions:

1. Aid stations need to be more frequent earlier on - not a fan of having to wait until almost mile 2.5 for a drink. Later on, they are in good frequency.

2. Check mile marker #3's position for accuracy. Had an unusually fast mile - and it felt short.

Overall, great job by the organizers.


P. M. from Pennsylvania (10/8/2008)
"Only for the Elite... TC Aspirations" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

I first did this in 1984, and I have good memories. Fast forward to 2008; now I'm in my 60's. No water until around mile 3. It's 48 degrees and there's pounding rain, which makes for a slow time (over six hours). The sweep bus at mile 17 said, "Get in or acknowledge NO WATER for rest of course." I persevered, and had to scrounge water from spectators. I finished, and was totally ignored/treated like scum for doing so. The attitude was: "How dare I run over six hours?" Yes, the rules said that the course closed at 6:15. I understand. But how hard would it be to have a bit of water and a clock finish at the end? I have no problem with getting no medal... but I'm not happy at getting NO T-SHIRT, after paying for it. MTC has ego problems; it's NOT about the road permits. THIS RACE IS NOT FOR SLOWER/OLDER RUNNERS!!!!! IT SHOULD BE BILLED AS, "WE WANT TO BE BOSTON."


R. T. from Atlanta (10/8/2008)
"Great Spectator Support" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my second Twin Cities Marathon. I also ran last year's race. The weather for both years was less than ideal, with hot and humid conditions last year and rain for the first half of the race this year. I will be back next near, though, because of the scenic course and fantastic fan support. Even with the rain, there was as much fan support as last year when it was nice (for the spectators anyway). Except for portions of the race where we weren't running through a neighborhood (small portion around the lakes), the entire course had spectators cheering us on. Awesome, to say the least; and it was needed on this day, when we needed all the help we could get.


D. B. from Southeast Minnesota (10/8/2008)
"Awesome fans, but give us porta-potties!" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon, which I modestly under-trained for - followed Higdon's novice program, so there's a big caveat.

I loved the expo, loads of great treats and shopping for running geeks, and very kid-friendly. As with a comment before, let us know where to get the race packets, and how the heck to get a wheelchair or stroller into the place. Once I found the packet pickup, organization was exceptionally smooth.

The start was extremely well organized, with loads of porta-potties, water, coffee, and signage - kudos! Arrived at the 4:45 sign in corral 2:20 minutes before start, and there was hardly anyone there. People came strolling in by 10 til, and then pushy people showed up just before the start - very uncivil. And where the heck were the pacers for people 4:30 and slower? Never ever saw them!

As race started, it was dry and fun. Cruised through downtown packed with support nicely, then rain started to fall as we paced a pathetic number of porta-potties at first big turn - the walls were stained with urine as the lines were really really long. Kept it going with modest support (love the cowbells and Alan Page soulfully rocking his tuba in the rain at about 4 miles!) as rain kept falling and the porta-potty lines kept getting longer. Thank goodness I had a trash bag or the rain plus wind plus 48-degree temps would have left me with hypothermia. I don't remember a lot before 11 miles, as the rain and skinny paths made me concentrate too much - elbow-to-elbow and almost walking due to congestion at times.

The PowerAde/water stops were OK, though let me know which side of the road they will be on with some signage, please! Also, I am glad for my hydration pack in the first 15 miles, as water stops are still too far apart for a 4:45 marathoner.

From 11 to 20, it was fun and dry with awesome, awesome spectator support - love the kid dressed as Gumby giving out licorice. Lots of medical folks with tubs of Vaseline for chafing issues - don't know if hypothermia was an issue. Miles 20.5 to 25.5 did me in, as my under-training and rain-induced mental exhaustion reared their ugly head. Support was great, however, and I loved the last half mile with the giant US flag and finish line!

Post-race was very sharply organized, with lots of volunteers and goodies; I deeply savored the hot chicken broth! Meeting the family was easy afterward.

Overall: Very well run race, but needs more porta-potties and signage for water stops. Maybe give out ponchos next time?


Eric Ortman from Emmetsburg, Iowa/Apple Valley, MN (10/8/2008)
"An Incredible Experience" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my second marathon and after running in the extreme heat of Palm Beach, Florida last December, this was definitely a much easier run. I have nothing but positive things to say about this marathon!! The online registration was simple, the packet pickup was easily manueverable and had lots of vendors, the opening of the HHH Metrodome for warmth prior to the race was awesome, the start line was wonderful, the course layout was absolutely gorgeous, the spectators along the route (and I mean all along the route) were incredibly enthusiastic and provided much needed support (even in the pouring rain), running from Minneapolis to St. Paul and around the lakes in between was breath taking, aid stations were plentiful and in no shortage of PowerAde/water and the support after the race was superb! Beautiful shirt and medal after the race as well. This was a class-act put on by Medtronics! Even the hills are very manageable! I tore my left hamstring at mile 8 and by the half mark, my pace had slowed from a 3:40 to a 4:10, as I had no forward movement in my left leg other than the momentum. But this forced me to slow down and even stop numerous times but that allowed me to see the gorgeous homes along the route. The route was certainly worth the pain. There was nothing negative about this race and I definitely plan on running this marathon again next year.


J. D. from Eastham, Cape Cod (10/7/2008)
"A superb race!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my second TCM. Two in a row for me. The heat beat me down last year, and the cold almost killed me this year. But I love taking a beating when I do this race. The course is just sweet. The crowds are great. A Minnesotan will stand there for hours in the rain to cheer you on and there's something to be said for that. The volunteers were great again. My only issue? They need to fix the corral system they use. It's not rocket science, but theirs flat out didn't work this year. It took me over 15 minutes to go from less than a block away at the dome to the first corral. When I got there I couldn't get in. Trying to get hundreds of runners through a four-foot opening and herding them like cattle just doesn't work. Do it like Boston. Use a previous race time for the first corral and allow multiple entry points based upon their previously demonstrated paces.


B. B. from SLP, MN (10/7/2008)
"TC Marathon, well done" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

Another great year for the organizers of the TC Marathon. They should be proud of their efforts. As a spectator in '06 and a runner for the past two, it is evident that runners, spectators and volunteers enjoy and get into race day as a community.

In 2007, we had record heat, and this year the early rain made for a challenging day - especially early on, around the lakes, when the course is congested and the roads are narrow. But that is the nature of marathoners, to hope for the ideal day. As a native MN'er, those are tough to predict and come by, even in October.

Expo, medals, finisher long-sleeve shirts were top-notch. Web tracking made it easy for those who came to watch me and find out how I was progressing (so they wouldn't miss me at mile marks).

Some small suggestions would be food selection at the end. After running 26.2, I want to get my hands on things that I have a craving for (Memphis has pizza, cookies, beer, etc.) in the designated runners area.

As this race grows (11,000 this year, up 500 from last year) because of its popularity in the running community, the organizers should think of instituting an improved corral system (with more than two). The paranoia amongst runners in the confined starting area of moving up (particularly in Corral 2) is unnecessary and could be broken up more.

The only course modification I would like to see would be to stay on Hennepin at Mile 2 and run through Uptown to get to Lake Calhoun, as opposed to Lake of the Isles, which, while scenic, narrows quickly and constricts the overall early pace.

I look forward to running again in 2009!


B. S. from Minneapolis, MN (10/7/2008)
"Wonderful in spite of the conditions" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my first marathon ever and I was more than a little nervous. Cold wind, driving rain... it could have been a disaster. Thankfully, the organizers and everyone in Minneapolis (City of Lakes) and St. Paul (City of Aches) helped make it wonderful experience. Fans lined the streets for every mile and were more than supportive. I'm already looking forward to 2009. Proud to be from Minneapolis. This is a great event!


J. H. from Ventura, CA (10/7/2008)
"Proud MNer" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

I ran my first marathon this year and I loved every minute of it. I had grown up in the suburbs of St. Paul and I was very proud to be running my first here. Despite the weather, the course was beautiful and the fans/cheerleaders/people were great. I'm proud to be associated with this great state.


L. Y. from Southeast USA (10/7/2008)
"Holy Hannah!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Wow, what can I say. The weather was AWFUL!!!!!!! But the race was fabulous!

As everyone stated previously, the fans were amazing. Hats off to the guy dressed up as the televangelist with the "BELIEVE" sign. You definitely were the best out there!

I keep reading these comments about the hard hills from 21 to 25, and I'm thinking, "Really?" Seriously, they were not that bad. Very slow and gradual. Totally doable.

I have to agree with the comments about the porta-potties. There were definitely not enough. Sadly, I had to stop twice, and each time I did, it cost me about five minutes off my time. And since I'm a woman, I don't exactly have a choice but to wait in line.

The post-race support was great and the food was adequate. I appreciate the simple things, so I was psyched when I saw the rolls!

Overall, no complaints about this race. The weather was terrible but the city, support, and beautiful route more than made up for it! Kudos to Minneapolis!


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