calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 455 [displaying comments 191 to 201]
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N. G. from Minnesota (10/6/2008)
"If it were easy..." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

The 2008 version of TCM was cold, wet, and rainy. The weather didn't allow the course to live up to being the most beautiful urban marathon in the country. I hope Al from Colorado Springs, and all other out-of-towners come back. When the sun shines, the leaves sparkle, and the course is magical. When it's cloudy and rainy, like 2008, and you have to run through a river along Lake Harriet, the "magic" of the course loses it's appeal in a hurry. But the rain ended, and we kept moving (socks and clothes soaked), finally crossing the Mississippi to St. Paul, where the real challenges would now begin. Several hills challenge how honest you were in training and how accurate you paced the early miles. But finally you're on Summit Avenue, and though you still have five miles of incline to go, you know you will finish. All in all, another great marathon, and I salute the hearty spectators for braving the elements. Crowds were down compared to other years, but nonetheless enthusiastic. And thanks to Kirsten, who helped me through miles 16-21. A tough day can bring out the best in everyone; participants, volunteers, and spectators. Thank you all!


D. J. from MN (10/6/2008)
"Best Marathon Spectators" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Twin Cities Marathons

I was amazed that anyone would brave the rain and temps to watch and cheer a bunch of runners slog through the Twin Cities' streets. Maybe they were laughing? Still, the best spectators of any marathon I know.


J. S. from USA (10/6/2008)
"Minnesota, You Guys Rock" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Given the weather conditions (rain, wind, cold temps), I would not have blamed one spectator for staying home, nor hundreds of runners for turning back to their hotels. To my surprise, the opposite occurred - thousands of wild, boisterous, loud, crazy fans turned out in costumes to support the dedicated and positive runners who persevered through horrible elements to finish their 26.2. Minnesota, I am impressed. THANK GOODNESS for the no-headphone rule as well. Had there been idiots with headphones on, I am sure we would have had many crashes, collisions and spills, given the wet surfaces across which we ran. I will run this race every year, as long as the ban remains in place. The course, volunteers, expo., and organization are all first-rate. One of America's top events. Great job to TCM for an amazing weekend in 2008.


S. B. from Northern Iowa (10/5/2008)
"Fabulous spectator support!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Overall, this was a fantastic city marathon. I'll start with the expo - tons of free samples and running gear to buy. My only complaint on the expo was that it was hard to find the area for packet pick-up - I did not see any signs directing you to the area (and the location was in the back corner of the expo). The start of the race was well organized. Lots of port-a-potties. They allowed you to wait inside the Dome to get out of the elements. They did a nice job of announcing how close it was to race time. I arrived in my corral at about 20 minutes before race time and it was a ghost town. By 10 minutes till, it was crowded, but then there were runners still trying to get up to their starting positions, pushing through the crowd with 3 minutes left to go - that was just annoying.

The course itself was very scenic, taking you through upscale neighborhoods and around lakes. The first half of the course was quite congested (elbow to elbow most of the way). Mile markers were very visible. There were lots of water/PowerAde stops, but at times you didn't know what side of the road they would be on. The crowd support was wonderful (even in the rainy conditions). The course wasn't that hilly - just two medium-sized, gradual hills (very doable). My only complaint was there there were not enough port-a-potties along the course. When there were bathrooms, there were only one or two together, with a huge line. MANY people were going to the bathroom along the bushes or even out in plain sight. That situation can be preventable (please put in more port-a-potties along the first 15 miles of the course next year!). There was only one stop that you were offered Clif Shots, so you probably want to bring your own GU/Power Bar Gel with you. The finishing area was adequate - right after you finished, you got a Mylar blanket, finisher medal, finisher shirt, and some food (chicken broth, a roll, banana, milk, and/or water). I think they should offer more food next year (yogurt, breakfast burritos, cookies, oranges, etc.). I did appreciate the family meeting area (there were signs for every letter of the alphabet, where you could meet up with family once you got outside of the runners-only area). Overall, I would recommend this marathon - it's not too big and not too small.


J. L. from Duluth, Minnesota, USA (10/5/2008)
"2008: The weather was horrible" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

While I always love the TCM, and the course is perfect, nothing could have prepared me for the nonstop rain (heavy) for the first 10 miles. The forecast did call for rain, but this was complete downpour rain - of course this isn't the fault of anyone (the marathon happens when it happens!), but this had to be the most mentally challenging marathon ever - even more so than the 80+-degree weather in 2007. Constant, heavy rain, coupled with cold wind and wet shoes for the first 10 miles take a real toll on your psyche for the rest of the race. I finished, but I was more mentally exhausted than I've been in all of the years of 80-90 degree heat.


m. l. from usa (4/5/2008)
"no headphones, so we won't run" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

We will not come back: no headphones.


J. L. from Ohio (3/28/2008)
"First-Class Event" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

I first ran this race back in 1991 when I was just getting into marathon running. It was a cold windy day and the race was great. Jump forward 16 years for my second running of the TCM and it was a blistering hot day that took its toll on everyone... and it was still a great race! I have run more than 40 marathons across this great nation, and this one ranks as one of my favorites. The course is beautiful from start to finish. It is one of the most organized events I have been a part of, and the people along the course are awesome.

The organizers provided a safe and supportive environment for the runners on a day that could have easily gone awry (same day as Chicago). The heat was brutal, but the support was there. I adjusted my pace and expectations to the conditions of the day and enjoyed the race, the course, and the people.

The only thing I would like to see is a finisher medal that is as good as the rest of the event.

Thank you to TCM for a great event.


Joseph Malone from Kilkenny Ireland (3/22/2008)
"great race - well done" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my 2nd Twin Cities Marathon. It was also the hottest I have ever run in. Organization was great - water stops and PowerAde were sufficient, in my opinion. I was unfortunate to wear new runners, which was not a good idea. I was unable to get a Band-Aid for a blister due to a number of runners requiring medical attention at the stop at halfway.

I was surprised to hear of disqualifications over headphones, but I did read it in the rules at sign in.
Maybe it is possible to discriminate between fun runners and national team qualifiers, but rules are rules, and as I have competed in race-walking, I am happy with the rules being enforced (but with a bit of discretion).

Crowd support was fantastic. Finish area wasn't as good as 2001 (in my memory) - a bit congested.

Start bays were ok, as I was phase 2. I have read that people were delayed by slower runners. This is rubbish, as I have completed 25 marathons and even a slow start can be beneficial (and it's easy pick up pace after 5 miles).

To sum up: excellent race; well done by all - it is not easy to organize. Hope to do it all again soon.


L. F. from Terre Haute, IN (3/4/2008)
"Twin Cities beautiful inside and out" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I returned to my homeland for this one and can't wait to register for 2008. I think everyone should be proud of how well things went in spite of the weather: volunteers, EMT's, neighborhood fans, organizers, and runners. I have great memories of the course and people, and that helps me endure the pain of my very poor (PW) finishing time. Lining up I was filled with dread - it was already too humid. But when I called out, "Water??" on mile 6, a U of M t-shirt-wearing young woman got off her bike and brought me her personal water bottle (as a U of M alum, this also made me proud). On mile 17 I was feeling very nauseated and an EMT on a bike noticed me and evaluated me while I was trotting along - gave me Rolaids and I was instantly better. By mile 20 or so I was fading again and some wonderful kids (were they Girl Scouts?) gave me a Pearson (made in Twin Cities) thin mint. Childhood memories came to mind and I remembered why I get homesick!

Did everyone notice the handsome and thoughtfully-designed finisher shirts memorializing the bridge tragedy with the black color, arm patch "35W" and the white ribbon of the finisher's medal? As to people being angry regarding the headphones, I am sure it's frustrating, but it's how they want to run their race - and it's in keeping with the professionalism of the sport. I love the low-tech requirement - it's pure. What's great about this race is that it's the real thing (Olympic-trials qualifying athletes like Dan Browne and Abdi racing the USA 10-mile; USA Masters on the marathon course with the rest of us mortals). And in 2008 the USA Men's Marathon Championship comes. Lose the iPods and enjoy the sport. This race beautiful on the inside, not just the outside. And it's the real thing.


D. B. from SC (3/3/2008)
"Very well run race" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Although it was a very hot race, beyond that I have no complaints. I'm not a fan of the uphill climbs many marathons seem to have in the last 10K, but I think the heat made this one much worse than it really was. Also, the crowd support was fantastic and really helped out those last few miles. :)

As for the comments about disqualifying people with headphones.... They are bound by the rules of the USATF, and I for one applaud them for enforcing the rules, as they were explicitly stated on the website months before the race.

All in all, I highly recommend this race, and will be back at some point - I hope with cooler weather. :)


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