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Cape Cod Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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D. M. from Atlanta, GA (11/14/2012)
"Lovely Cape Cod Race a Winner" (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my third, but most enjoyable, albiet, slowest marathon. CCM has excellent organization, and a superb group of volunteers. This race allows one to soak up all that is Cape Cod, the ocean, the country roads, the weathered gray cedar shingle homes, harbors,etc. Others comment on the road traffic, but there are signs throughout the roads that inform drivers for probably a week ahead that there will be the marathon that Sunday. These roads are too narrow to close down. The traffic issue is overstated. The scenery, as mentioned, is great. The hills during the latter half of the race will take their toll without proper training..yeah, guess who did not train properly? Run this race to experience all that Cape Cod has to will not be disappointed in the slightest. The small town feel adds even more, and the sparse spectators were truly enthusiastic. I used GU by the way, and passed on the Cytomax. If possible, I am in for next year.


B. P. from Lexington, VA (11/8/2012)
"Classic Cape Cod" (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my first time running the Cape Cod Marathon. It did not disappoint. I grew up in the area so it was a welcome trip home. I stayed with family about 30min outside of Falmouth and the drive in on race morning was a piece of cake. I would suggest showing up earlier to get a good parking spot.

The race itself was excellent. The rolling hills gave some variety to the race and really make you work for that PR. With Hurricane Sandy rolling in, the head winds were pretty rough along the water, but not the worst I've ever experienced.

Some have complained about aid stations and race policies being lacking. However, I found that the information the race organizers provided on the website was extremely accurate and when I did my training to prepare for these conditions I knew exactly what to expect and had a great race. Cytomax isn't so bad once you get used to it. They did have Cytodrops (cytomax version of GU) at 1 or 2 of the aid stations.

I would recommend this race to anyone looking for a scenic marathon and if you train correctly it is a good place for a PR.


Ed Robins from Philadelphia, Pa (11/5/2012)
"Scenic, moderately challenging race" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons

I ran this race as my Massachusetts marathon. For the most part I was pleased with my choice. This is smaller race (about 1000 runners) run through very pretty Cape Cod. It has been put on for 35 years by the Falmouth Running club. My experience with races run by running clubs is that they are well run and they tend to capture the local flavor. The volunteers were all enthusiastic and well trained.

The expo is held at a high school. It is small but has enough booths where a runner can purchase any last minute supplies. There is a half marathon that is held on Saturday and if folks want to run both they have a 'Clam Chowdah Challenge'.

Race day begins by the same high school. Runners can keep warm in the Gym and use the schools restrooms. There isn't enough parking at the school and if you get there a little late (that was me) you have to make due on the side streets. That wasn't a big deal but it did provide some pre-race anxiety.

The race actually begins a block or so from the school at the Falmouth village Square. It is a very lovely and quintessentially New England.

The race is quite scenic. There are stretches along the water, much wooded areas and we go through few more small Cape Cod towns (like Woods Hole). The early miles (about 8 or so) are flat but then there is a steady stream of rolling hills. Most are fairly modest but they do take a toll if you are not used to hills. The toughest one we hit is at mile 22 by the Nobska Lighthouse. There are not many fans but there are a few pockets of enthusiastic spectators. There is a team relay component of the race and the relay points tended to be rocking. There were a few musical groups along the way which was fun.

Beyond the parking I do have a few complaints. There are only 10 water stops. Even on a cool late October day I don't feel that is enough. The website is very clear about this so I carried extra liquids but if runners didn't notice that it could be an issue. The sports drink they use is Cytomax which is not the most pleasant tasting drink in the world. Lastly I echo the complaint I'm sure you've already seen on other comments. The roads are not closed and too many times cars are fighting their way through the runners. Even the early miles before the runners spread out the roads are open. One just hopes this never becomes a serious issue. I am not sure but I don't think any gels were handed out (I carry my own so I may have just missed it).

Post race is held in the school gym. They give long sleeve cotton shirt and a very nice, modestly sized medal.


J. R. from Alexandria, VA (10/30/2012)
"Spectacular Course... Except for the Traffic" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

Hurricane Sandy was on the way, but the weather held for us, with a beautiful fall running day: overcast and in the 50's. Falmouth is a great place for a race, and the quality and challenge of the CCM course doesn't disappoint. Some flat spots, but lots of easy rollers. There aren't huge hills here, but you've got a few around the halfway point and again through Sippewisset. most of the course is wooded, which cuts the wind and direct sun, though the first few and last few miles along Vineyard Sound had a good headwind. I thought there could have been more aid stations, but if you run with a bottle and/or belt, you'll be fine. Biggest issue: the course is open to traffic and many of these scenic roads are narrow. CCM would be so much better with road closures! Note also, no gels offered on the course. Post race goodies were in a warm school with showers- a huge plus. Thumbs up overall.


J. P. from New York (10/29/2012)
"exceptional scenery, fun course, too much traffic" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

I had the pleasure to run the 2012 Cape Cod Marathon. It's a bit of a mixed bag, but the good of the race definitely more than offsets the bad.

The good: great scenery with views of the cape, the Woods Hole lighthouse, and a pleasant countryside. The crowd, while sparse, were just terrific. Good volunteers. Nice finisher's medal and (cotton) t-shirt. This was my first time in the Falmouth area, and really enjoyed my stay. Nice people, and a great community!

The bad: Two things - the traffic and the planning. The traffic was far more problematic. Few roads were closed off entirely to the traffic, and cars were surprisingly aggressive weaving in and out of runners. I would say this is a relatively unsafe marathon. Volunteers, who were great overall, were not briefed what to do when traffic became a problem in some areas. This race would be orders of magnitude better if they would re-route traffic in a more efficient matter. Moreover, the planning was poor overall. The website did not state many logistical information and race policies (some were posted a night or two before), which would have been useful to know going in. I also did not like the energy drink (cytomax?) given along the route. An additional one or two water stops would have also been welcome.

Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed the race... the hills near the end were definitely a challenge - especially into a still wind. Make sure to do plenty of hill training!


r. r. from Minnesota (11/14/2011)
"Great scenery & organization, lonely at the back" (about: 2011)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my first marathon. The scenery was outstanding (loved the sections along the water, and the lighthouse at mile 22 was really a huge lift). The hills were less scary than advertised. The organization was incredible  friendly volunteers at every well marked turn and water station. If you're a slow runner (5-6 hours) it gets a little lonely during the last 10 miles or so. There were very few musicians out on the course (the race bulletin made it sound like there would be many more) and Elvis had even packed up and left by the time we got to mile 24! I was glad I did it with friends instead of alone  it could have gotten discouraging and lonely otherwise. Small but fun expo. Great post-race food and massages. I wish I could have paid a little extra $ and gotten a tech T-shirt instead of a cotton one.


L. E. from Bishop, CA (11/3/2011)
"Please close the race course to vehicular traffic!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was a scenic and well-organized race. The community was welcoming, the runners were friendly, and the volunteers were enthusiastic and helpful. However, I would not run this race again unless the course were closed to vehicular traffic. Most marathons, including those in large cities, shut their roads down to accommodate races. It's difficult to understand why the same could not be done in a small town like Falmouth. There was quite a bit of traffic on the road, and at times, it was downright dangerous. When you're at mile 21, the last thing you want to deal with is an irate driver spraying you with water as they speed through puddles, talking on their cell phone and flipping you off. Please close the race course to vehicular traffic!


K. T. from Chicago, IL (11/2/2011)
"lovely course, great organization" (about: 2011)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my first marathon, which I ran with my mom and sister. We picked it because it wasn't too big or too small, and was scenic. The weather forecast was for 25-35 mph sustained winds with strong gusts. The course supposedly was 'designed to minimize the effects of strong winds'. I have to agree - it was excellently designed and, although it was breezy, the most exposed portions had the wind at our backs. Organization was excellent, with people out at every corner making sure runners didn't get lost. We didn't have too many spectators, but given the nasty weather, I suspect it was more sparse than usual. Water stops were a bit infrequent (every ~2.5 miles) if you are a slower runner or if it had been a warmer day, and we were disappointed that by the time we made it to mile 23 Elvis had left the course. Beautiful place to run - the rolling hills didn't seem bad to me, and we enjoyed the harbors, cranberry bogs, and the lighthouse. My only 'watch out' is that if you are a slower runner (5+ hour finish) and you're running alone, it could get a bit lonely from mile 18-25. All in all, this was a great first marathon experience. The only change I would make would be to add an extra $10 onto the (cheap!) registration and give us better tech-type shirts instead of long-sleeve t-shirts.


M. E. from Portland, CT (11/2/2011)
"A Fun Race On A Blustery Day!" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons

I had scheduling problems this Fall, so this was my third choice, but it sure was fun! The precipitation cleared out just in time, but not the wind. Between the cold, the wind and the second half hills, this was a tough race for me. I don't thrive on crowd support, which is a good thing - I assume the weather kept the spectators away - can't blame them. I officially hate Cytomax - yech. But the organization was great, the logistics are easy and some of the course is beautiful (much of it is really pretty ordinary New England scenery, pretty enough, but nothing special, but the ocean views are awesome). I would do this one again. One problem - the traffic on the roads that are open, especially down in Woods Hole, was bad, and dangerous at times. Race organizers need to do something about that. Also, where the road flooded over was tricky - I was glad I was not in the middle of a PR at that point!


G. R. from New Hampshire (11/2/2011)
"Fabulous first marathon experience" (about: 2011)

First Marathon

This was a first marathon for me and my daughters. We chose it because it was reputed to be scenic, and it was! Charming village, cranberry bogs, beautiful fall woods, lighthouse on the coast, it had it all. Although the forecast had been terrible, actual race conditions weren't bad, cool, overcast, and breezy. Wonderful small venue, we arrived less than 10 minutes before the start and had plenty of time. Great volunteers and race support. Can't say enough good things about the planning and organization. Really appreciated the Halloween candy at the 19 mile water stop! Thought the hills were overrated, more rolling than 'memorable.' Plenty of chowder at the end. A fabulous first marathon experience!


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