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Cape Cod Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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J. R. from Cambridge MA (9/29/2010)
"Fabulous First Marathon" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my first marathon and I have to say that it was a fabulous first time. I would agree with most posts that the course is challenging, but I did my training on some hills and was fine. More than anything else, this course is spectacularly beautiful. The cranberry bogs, the ocean, the lighthouse, the small Cape Cod downtown.... The spectators were sparse in the middle miles, but that's to be expected in a smaller race. The food was lacking at the end (no donuts?!) but water was plentiful throughout the race, which was the most important obviously. All in all, a great race I would highly recommend!!!


A. D. from Pound Ridge, NY (11/8/2009)
"A Great Race" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

I had a great time. The course was tough (especially in the second half of the race), but absolutely beautiful. There were long stretches along the water, and long stretches (and hills) in the countryside. The host town is very pretty, and the host spectators were great. We got lucky this year with a beautiful and sunny autumn day. I drove up from New York, and it was well worth the trip. I would highly recommend this race to someone looking for a tough challenge and a great race.


L. R. from Seymour, CT (10/30/2009)
"Wonderful experience!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

I went into the CC Marathon fully aware of the challenging nature of the course... yet I chose it anyway. And I'm not one bit sorry! This was my 11th marathon and one of my favorites so far. It had just the right amount of participants... plenty of company on the course, yet not too many so you couldn't find your own spot. And the race had a small-race appeal... meaning easy parking (close to the start), easy access to port-a-johns, non-congested start. And, even though a little sparse on spectators, the ones who were on the course were very enthusiastic... as were all the people at the relay stations.

Yes... the hills were there, more even than I'd pictured, but luckily I trained well and fared decently. I'm sure my time could have been better if there'd been fewer of them. But all in all, not too bad. It also got a tad warm at times (temps reached into the 60s and bright sun)... but lots of shade on the tougher sections - namely Sippewisset - so it was not really a factor.

I definitely plan to go back. Next time I'll train on even more hills and see if I can't lower my time. But the gorgeous scenery was so well worth all of the effort... and the people (both volunteers and runners) were the friendliest I've encountered yet at a marathon. I so love a challenge... and I got just that in Falmouth, plus a tour of one the most beautiful coastlines on the East Coast!


Ross Wilcock from London, Ontario (10/28/2009)
"The most beautiful course I have ever run" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

This was my 16th marathon and I have run Big Sur, Ottawa, London, Rotterdam, Boston, Chicago, New York, Sydney, and this by far is the most scenic and beautiful marathon route that I have run. The ocean views are breathtaking and the inland sections are chock full of beautiful trees in their fall colors.

The organization is great. The expo is small, but had everything I would want. The post-race pasta lunch was terrific. The size is about perfect for the staging areas. It is easy to drive to the expo and the start area.

The course is difficult, but you almost forget that because it is so scenic and interesting. If you want to participate in a well-run event and run a beautiful course, then put this one at the top of your list. The Falmouth Track Club puts on a great event.


r. d. from allston mass (6/14/2009)
"great course, great post-race party" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

Great race. I should have had a better time, but I hurt my leg. My time was 4:20; I'm running it this year to try to beat my time. It's a great race. The post-race stuff is at the Falmouth Inn. If you want to run in New England in October, run the Cape Cod Marathon.


J. S. from Marshfield, MA (3/13/2009)
"Awesome small marathon." (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Cape Cod Marathons

Great race. It was my 2nd time there, and I qualified for Boston both times. Not a lot of amenities, but organization is first-class. Highly recommended for first-timers or veterans.


R. F. from Michigan (12/31/2008)
"First-timers need not apply" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

I'm agreeing with everyone else that this is absolutely the prettiest marathon I've ever run (out of 25+). The village of Falmouth was charming, and the residents were delightful and helpful.

Race expo was really lackluster, and I'm agreeing with another runner who said a technical t-shirt would have been nice (I'd even pay extra in my registration fee).

The course was super hilly (second half), but the traffic was not a problem, and the (very) few spectators on the course were supportive and friendly.

The finish area was a joke. You cross the finish line, get your space blanket, someone removes your chip, and then... that's it. Pretty pissed that there wasn't even water - and NO DONUTS??!

The volunteers driving the course were pretty rude to the back-of-the-pack people... making comments like "You know, you've still got 5 miles to go... we're gonna be out here ALL DAY." Seriously? If you didn't plan on your whole day being shot, you shouldn't have volunteered.

In a nutshell: beautiful course, beautiful location, friendly locals. Skip this one unless you like hills in the second half of your race.


Scott Brooks from Central New Jersey (11/12/2008)
"Great race; challenging - no fans" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

The course was beautifully routed through the trees set back from the coastline so you were always running in nicely colored scenery. This made it difficult to get to if you were fans, but great to see as you ran.

The course was generally flat through 15 miles, but then were solid rolling hills for 9 miles. For a guy my size (200+ pounds), it proved to be quite a challenge to haul myself up them repeatedly.

The start was convenient and easy to find. Port-a-potties were accessible up to the start, which is not always the case. And the organizers really understood the value of coming into the finish with tons of people cheering you on - including bagpipers. I did really miss the donuts - I mean the sponsor is Dunkin' Donuts, right?

This was my 15th marathon and thought it was near the front of the ones I've run, with the best still being my first.

Well done, planners! Next time, I'll bring the donuts.


Jeff Guyer from Pittsfield, MA. (11/10/2008)
"Who are you people?" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

I realize that as a first-time marathoner, I am about to be called inexperienced or maybe much worse for what I am about to say, but keep in mind that I have been running and racing in events of various distances for over 30 years. My comment is: When did running become a sport for wimps, whiners, and the terminally hard to please? I ran this race expecting all of the things that some folks here have berated as negatives (hills, small crowds, weather, etc.). I could not have been more pleased with every detail, right down to the choice to play U2's "A Beautiful Day" over the sound system minutes before the start. The town of Falmouth is awesome and offered lots to do before and after the race, which was a good thing, as this weekend also doubled as our honeymoon. My wife was able to catch me at several points along the course. The aid stations were more than adequate. The fans were not legion, but they were very into it and I can't count the number of high-fives I received. I will always remember this race for these reasons and more. To those who say they would not return to run here I say, thank you!


P. D. from New York City (11/5/2008)
"Build hills into the 2nd half of your long runs" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Cape Cod Marathon

For the most part, problems I had were my own doing. But, I wasn't ready for the hills. I was following a training program pretty well, but the hills, especially given that they started around the halfway mark and just got worse, killed me.

Also, BE WARNED: HEADPHONES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. They even threatened to send disqualification letters post-race if they saw you with them. I thought that ridiculous because they changed the rules 3 weeks before the race. That was a real mental struggle.

Also, the mile markers were easy to miss, and the expo was a bit lackluster.

However, though the crowds were a bit sparse, where there was support, it was fantastic. Thanks so much to the volunteer who ran up the hill at the 20th mile with me.

Definitely a challenging course. Build hills into the second half of long training runs.

And stick to your race plan.

I won't be back, but good luck if you go!


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