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Marathon Details - St. George Marathon

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St. George Marathon

St. George Marathon & 5K

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calendar icon October 4, 2025

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Race Details

The Marathon is a point-to-point race which begins in the majestic Pine Valley Mountains and descends nearly 2,600 feet through scenic Southwest Utah to Worthen Park in St. George. This USA Track and Field certified ad sanctioned race is listed by Runner's World as the fastest Fall marathon, and one of the 10 most scenic marathons in the United States.

Contact Information

Address: St. George Marathon
86 South Main
St. George, UT 84770
Phone Number:  (435) 627-4500
Fax Number: (435) 627-4509
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (216)

Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.3 
Number of comments: 216 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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C. H. from Carroll, IA (11/14/2019)
"Beautiful marathon and well organized." (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

Well organized marathon and the views are awesome. I did not prepare for how cold it would be once bused up the mountain where we started so bring throw away clothes or blankets. They had plenty of port a pots, bonfires and space blankets. Volunteers were great, I especially liked the Icy Hot rub stations at the water stations, saved my screaming calves. Run the course as a negative split, the first half is hillier than I expected so prepare, second half you can fly! Definitely go to Zion National Park!


T. H. from Boise, ID (10/20/2019)
"Well organized, great volunteers, fast course" (about: 2019)

2 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

I thought it was a great experience overall. The start was chilly but they had space blankets available, hot drinks, food, lots of port a potties and fires going at the start. It started right on time with a strong tail wind. Once I got moving it wasn't too cold. Mostly downhill with a few uphills. Lots of well staffed aid stations. Great volunteers, very friendly with well supporting spectators. Only my third marathon but I got a PR by almost 12 minutes and got a BQ time. Finish line was amazing and I loved the scenery along the course. Would love to do it again sometime.


Patrick Howley from Anthem, AZ (10/7/2019)
"Best organized marathon I have ever run." (about: 2019)

50+ previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

In most marathons, I think wouldn't it be nice if they had this or that. This marathon anticipated every runners need. I caught the first bus to the start leaving me close to two hours to hang out and it was cold. So prepare yourself (better than I did) for whatever conditions you'll be waiting in prior to the start of the race.


a. t. from San Francisco (10/12/2018)
"Great view. Down Hill. Started 30 min late." (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

The positive out way the negative. Amazing views. Have to be careful on the steep downhills. Not enough buses. Had to wait for last bus over 20 min. Happened last yr also.


R. H. from Milwaukee, WI (10/11/2018)
"Be prepared for the mountains" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

I travelled to St. George as a destination marathon from Milwaukee. My wife and I went a few days early, rented a car, and checked out Hoover Dam and Zion National Park. Both were worth seeing!

The St. George Marathon is known for it's organization and I can verify that it is on point! No issues at all with packet pickup, bus transportation, etc. It was raining while we were waiting for the marathon to start and the rain continued through the first half of the race. I thought the altitude would hit me but this was not an issue. First part of the race was enjoyable and then came miles 7-11 where you are running up a mountain. This took A LOT out of me and wound up hurting for most of the back half of the race. The scenery was awesome even on an overcast/rainy day. I normally run around 3:45 but given the challenge of this event, I had a goal of under 4 hours. I was getting close to the finish and sprinted the last .2 of the race. Crossed the line and stopped my watch at 3:59:39...just made it. I then get the 'official' race results and see it sits at exactly 4 hours. Emailed the race director and they sent me a one line statement back saying I finished at 3:59:59.8 and they rounded up? That is the only disappointing thing I can say about this event. Medal was cool as it looks like the color of the mountains we ran through. Finishers area was okay but nothing special.

All in all, I would recommend this race but of the 12 marathons I've done, this was by far, the most challenging!


A. P. from AUSTIN, TEXAS (10/11/2018)
"Amazing, Beautiful, FAST!!!!" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 St. George Marathon

Prior to running this marathon I read numerous blogs and comments to prepare myself. Some posts had me worried about extreme down hills and some had me anxious about the massive Veyo uphill. Here's my take on it all from start to finish.... We arrived at the finish line area around 4:30am to catch the bus that takes you 26 miles up to the top where you will start at 6:45am. It's typically a good bit colder up top so they have bonfires that they light for runners to stand around until the gun goes off. Race was delayed about 20 minutes to wait for busses still bringing runners up the mountain. The course is basically 24+ miles running on one road/hwy (not sure what it was) but it was awesome. You make a couple of turns once you get back into St George and head for the finish line. A few little climbs in the beginning, but mostly down until around mile 7 1/2 or 8. You'll see it before you get to it...the Veyo climb. It's a doozey for sure, but push through!! A few more downs and ups and then I'd say miles 13-24 are just a gorgeous down hill run. WAIT - there was a surprise uphill around mile 18 that I wasn't expecting. Save a little something for that, but then you just continue downhill pretty much to the finish line. It wasn't a painful downhill, honestly it just felt like effortless running. I came from Texas so the cooler temps and lack of humidity likely helped, combined with the downhill. I've never in my 13 marathons had a negative split, but this time I did. I also took 35 minutes off my best marathon. OH, and the views!! OMG!! Just wait!!!! Hopefully you will all be fortunate enough to have amazing weather like we did this year. Rain at the beginning may not have been ideal, but the cloud cover that remained for the entire race certainly made for great running conditions as there isn't any shade on this course. Best of luck if you choose to run St. George! If you're a golfer, or traveling with one, you HAVE to play Sky Mountain. I don't play, but glad I tagged along with my hubby. Most gorgeous golf course/views I've ever witnessed.


J. J. from UT (10/10/2018)
"Consistently Awesome Marathon" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 St. George Marathons

This was my third St. George Marathon and it was as good as ever. I ran it in 2010 in average (hot) conditions, in 2015 in very hot conditions, and this year (2018) in rainy and cool conditions. Each year the experience was awesome. St. George Marathon and the community there operate this event like a well oiled machine.

- Great expo for a mid-size race
- Bus loading was a cinch
- Tons of port-a-potties at the start
- Fire pits, space blankets and hot drinks at the start
- Plenty of road to warm up prior to the race
- Great rendition of National Anthem
- The start was late but this is, I think, was a complication of the weather and tons of people taking later buses.
- The course is scenic and perfect for a negative split (which I have achieved every time here)
- Aid stations are well stocked and volunteers are trained
- The finish line area is one of the best I have experienced
- Beautiful medal and ok SWAG
- Space blankets at the finish
- Massages and medal engraving at the finish

In short, this is the most organized and best large/midsize marathon in Utah. If you want a more intimate experience the best small marathon in Utah is Morgan Valley, hands down, but for the big event experience there is no beating St. George. And if you are in the BQ hunt I would not choose Revel Big Cottonwood over this race. If you run it right (negative split strategy) St. George is faster (and easier on your legs) than Big Cottonwood. IMO.

Finally, I gave 5 stars for spectators because I love the mix of areas with a lot of spectators and those without. Lots of spectators cheering continuously gets old for me after 20+ miles.


S. L. from chicagoland (2/4/2018)
"A bucket list marathon for sure" (about: 2017)

1 previous marathon | 1 St. George Marathon

I really loved the St. George Marathon! My little boy ran in the kids race the night before. I highly recommend partaking if you have kids. The Marathon is run like a well oiled machine. It's no small feat getting all the runners bussed from town to the starting line. Big Kudos to all the bus drivers and all the volunteers and spectators. They, along with the St. George Parks & Rec staff made this a race to remember. The race itself is tough. Like really tough. I drove in from Chicagoland. I wasn't going for a specific time because there is no way to train for the elevation where I live. All in all, the scenery, the people & the experience are more than one could ask for. I recommend the Hampton Inn St. George. They had a shuttle to/from the park (1.2 mile) & they started breakfast at 3AM, too. Another big plus was they offered free massages at the hotel to all of us runners. What an amazing racecation!


A. F. from Lansing, MI (10/12/2017)
"Amazing Race!! Cannot recommend enough!!" (about: 2017)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and WOW it set the bar high!

It was an amazing course, absolutely beautiful. Don't be fooled though, there are definitely hills, but the downhills definitely make up for it. Everyone warned me about how the first half trashes your quads, so you don't even want to run downhill the second half. However, totally didn't have this problem! With all the aid stations completely stocked with treats and goodies, I felt great the whole race!

The race support was amazing. Nurses ready to lather you with icy hot, vaseline being handed out, water bottle refills, fruit at many of the stations, and then in the city, they had bags of ice and otter pops!

The beginning of the race was also super cool (literally and figuratively) as they had bonfires for every to get cozy around. People were even roasting s'mores at the start line. Some people had sleeping bags at the start line to keep warm and cozy in - highly recommend and will definitely do that next time!

The race did start a little late due to a bus being late, which was a little frustrating as I am a slow runner and need all the time I can get! But other than that, organization was great! They didn't get rated most organization marathon in the country for just any ol' reason!

I had heard a lot about the community support for St. George and unfortunately, by the time I got near the finish, most of the crowds waned. HOWEVER, it is not to say that there weren't people there! I highly appreciate many of the residents having 'unofficial' aid stations and still being out there when I passed! They really do cheer you up and provide invaluable support!

I really can't recommend this course and race enough! Plus, you're near some of the most beautiful national parks and it provides for a great run-cation!!


R. H. from Billings, Montana (10/12/2016)
"Fantastic Marathon" (about: 2016)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 St. George Marathons

This is my 2nd time running St George, and it's a great marathon with a slightly difficult course. The weather is unpredictable and often warmer than other areas due to it's desert climate. Both times I've run the marathon it's been average or above temps, which impacts me. I keep hoping for temps closer to 50 the entire race which would help. Excellent organization of the race, great spectators. The entire community supports this marathon. I highly recommend the experience.


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