calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Clarence Demar Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 91 to 101]
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M. M. from Maine, U.S. (10/3/2006)
"Beautiful start, tough finish" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Signed up to run this marathon because I heard it was an easier qualifier for Boston, which I was trying for. They changed the course this year but didn't let on that it was probably tougher then it used to be - or at least, that's all I can figure. Beginning is beautiful in Gilsum, with a gradual downhill for quite sometime. But the course then got much tougher, and finished real tough, I felt. After talking to four other people, who honestly felt it was NOT an easy qualifier, my feelings were validated. Winning time was 2:35. I ask you, is that a fast marathon? Didn't qualify for Boston, missing it by 9 minutes. Organization was wonderful, and the pasta dinner the night before couldn't be beat with all you could eat, and what a variety of food. A pretty marathon if you are not concerned with your time.


D. M. from Lubbock, TX (9/29/2006)
"Excellent small marathon" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

The first half, especially, is classic New England. The second half, while through a variety of residential areas, is still very charming. Few spectators, but those who came out were enthusiastic. And, don't miss the vegetarian vegetable soup in the finisher's area.

I wasn't sure about how fast the course would be. It is rolling hills (pretty modest, with one notable exception at mile 23) and a net decline. This produced my fastest time in 14 marathons, finally breaking four hours. So, you can get it done here.

This is a must for those who like serene, scenic marathons.


P. H. from Pennsylvania (9/26/2006)
"Scenic, rolling course w/ respite (flats)." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Excellent support on the course - plenty of hydration available. Spirited community/neighborhood goodie stops were appreciated. The most notable: bagpipe music, the Mile 21 spray, the Mile 23 greeting with cool cloths and Gatorade distributed by grass-skirted helpers. Police staffing, and course bike-riders were very helpful and friendly.


John Sovocool from Cooperstown, NY (9/26/2006)
"Terrific, scenic, fall race" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was probably the best organized small (approx. 350) marathon I have ever run. The pasta dinner on Sat. night was wonderful (it was really a huge all-you-can-eat smorgasbord). The course was interesting and highlighted the fall colors and beautiful New England scenery. The spectators were sparse but very supportive. The race ended at the Keene State College gym, where hot showers and great post-race food were waiting. All in all, a great fall race. My only question is why it hasn't attracted bigger numbers of runners.


Ronald Bucy from Bridgeport, WV (9/25/2006)
"This is a "must" marathon for New England" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

The race director and his staff did a terrific job in all phases of the marathon. The important organizational items (package pick-up, course, water stops, bus to start, hotels in area, medal) went picture perfect. The shirt could be changed from cotton to the new high tech material if I really wanted to be picky. The pasta dinner was the best in my 140 marathons. Definitely a good choice for club reunion runs. I had a wonderful weekend in Keene.


W. R. from Belchertown MA (8/15/2006)
"My favorite small marathon" (General Comments)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Clarence Demar Marathons

I've run 133 marathons, and have run Clarence Demar every year for the past 20 years. It's my favorite small marathon (Boston is my fav large marathon). The pre-race pasta dinner is the best of any marathon I've run.


R. L. from Ludlow, MA (10/11/2005)
"Great race to run a fast time" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

I picked this course to run my first marathon based on the comments posted here and I'm so glad I did.

I wasn't interested in the shirt, the size of the crowds, or anything like that. I just wanted to find a well-run race where I could run a fast time. That's what you'll find here.

Yes, there is little to do in Keene on a Sunday and spectators are sparse along the route. But the course is fast. Settle into a good pace over the first couple of lightly rolling miles and get rewarded with an awesome split at the halfway mark.

The hill just before mile mark 18 is not huge - it's managable.

Traffic is controlled at the main intersections but your're running with traffic on most roadways. Expect a small number of police and volunteers controlling traffic, which after all is pretty light on a Sunday morning in NH. I was able to cut back and forth, with caution, over the roads pretty much as I wanted. As long as you're not expecting to run 5-10 wide like you own the road, you'll be fine.

All in all, a well-run race without a lot of hoopla. If you get nice temps, as was the case in 2005, you should be very pleased with your result.


R. P. from Vermont (10/1/2005)
"Small, but fun. " (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was my first race and overall the Clarence DeMar is very charming. The runners at this course are experienced and fast and despite it being cold as heck at the start (a chilly 37 degrees), lucky for me, it felt just like training: running on the side of a major road with cars going by, few to no spectators and no porta-potties. BUT these variables were not at all bad! You really can get in the zone and run strong. Despite how small this event is it seems well organized and everyone was helpful and friendly. The course was great. The hill at mile 18 was really not as bad as they say, esp. if you run hills. It was great to see a water station at the top and a few folks cheering me on. All in all, I still had enough energy left at the end to sprint down the chute and enjoy a beautiful medal, hot soup and a good massage!


W. C. from NY (9/30/2005)
"A MUST-DO" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was a no-frills marathon. Great course and great support. I did not have a problem w/ traffic. Soup at the finish was great, as was the ease of getting your post-race bag.


M. S. from Springfield, MA. (9/29/2005)
"A well organized, no-frills marathon" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This is a 'no frills' marathon with the chance to meet fellow runners at the beginning to share 'marathon war stories.' Got the chance to meet Larry fron San Antonio who was completing his 204th. (Nice job, Larry; what an inspiration.) The course was scenic and the day was cool and overcast.

Nice medal and the hot, homemade soup at the end was a plus. Finished near the end but who cares; finished vertical, finished my 19th marathon and 12th state. Tony Clamato's Italian restaurant in town had some great food the night before. Everything was easy to find in Keene.

Good organization, great water stops and the hill at 18 was a 'walker' for me. Would recommend this marathon for those seeking a small, well organized, user-friendly marathon.


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