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Clarence Demar Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 81 to 91]
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A. B. from Boston area, MA (9/30/2008)
"Beautiful course; peaceful run" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

What a beautiful course, especially in the first half!! Streams, small waterfalls, bridges, colorful trees, etc. I was running alone some of the time, and there were VERY few spectators. However, I would highly recommend that you consider running this race; the beauty of the course alone is worth it. Be warned that there is no shelter at the start, so if the weather is bad: be prepared! Definitely bring a bag so that you can stay warm and then quickly drop off your stuff before the start of the race.

I enjoyed the many turns in the second half because they kept me alert and on my toes. I drove the course the day before and found that to be VERY helpful. I highly recommend doing so if possible. The section in the park on the bike path was very interesting, and came at a good time (sorry to hear that some people got misdirected there!). A big thanks to the homeowner at mile 21 who sprayed me with a hose! Very steep hill at mile 22, but overall, the course difficulty is very manageable, with lots of downhill and flat sections in first half. I would definitely pay more money to have Gatorade at every aid station. They did publish a list of which stations would have which fluids, but who can remember that when your mind is mush during the marathon? :)

I recommend Pappagallo's for pasta, which is two miles south of registration. This year the race fell on the same weekend as Keene State College's family weekend, so be warned about that potential conflict (hotel rooms are SCARCE). Showers in the gym were much appreciated, as were the chocolate chip cookies and soda at the finish. Finish line traffic is tough, but VERY well managed, as was the traffic in other spots. Mostly, though, the traffic was no problem at all. I have run Boston twice and loved it, and while this is the opposite experience of Boston in many ways, I loved it just as much. This race is all about YOU and your own mental strength, since there are very few people to keep you going (runners and/or spectators).


R. O. from Connecticut (9/29/2008)
"Affordable, friendly, scenic, well-organized" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I'm very happy with my decision to run this marathon. It is very well organized including the check-in, busing to the start, plenty of fluid stations, and finish line. It has an honest, low-key feel to it with great volunteers that makes every runner feel special. The spectators may be few and far between but they are genuine local supporters that provide plenty of honest encouragement. My only wish: to find a way for the entire course to be like the first half. The first 13 miles are fantastic as you run on quiet country lanes, alongside a stream for miles, through the foliage, and past a farm or two. Just a few too many turns through the neighborhoods and along some busier streets in the second half. Overall, it was a very nice way to spend a autumn morning in New England.


T. M. from Atlanta (9/29/2008)
"Lost on course" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Clarence Demar Marathons

I ran this course in 2008. After an aid station around the 18-mile marker, there was no arrow and no one to direct traffic. Unfortunately, 10 runners (including me) went on a path into the woods and ran for a mile before we exited the woods to find that runners who were a mile behind us now were ahead of us. This is not good course marshaling. I also thought there needed to be more stations with Gatorade and less with just water. Add $5 to the entrance fee and have more Gatorade. I ran this course about six years ago. It seemed better back then - I would not travel to this race, but if I live close by, I would run it. The course difficulty mirrors Boston.


S. M. from Connecticut (12/2/2007)
"'Keen'e to run it again" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was my 14th marathon in my 6th state. The course is beautiful at the beginning. The start is in a tiny quintessential New England town. It was a quick downhill course for a few miles. I've run Boston 7 times and it was a similar start. The people along the course are of the "bring your own fans" variety. But, they were so encouraging and kind to all the runners. There is one hill at about mile 22 that was just ridiculous. It was short and steep but at that point in the run, it made no sense. The food at the finish was scrumptious. The soup was the perfect ending to a great day. The showers in the gym complex were hot, powerful and very much appreciated. The massage tent was terrific. I had never had a massage after a race because there are always so many people. Not at this race. It was a 15-minute wait and I felt great the next day. If you are looking for a race with the absolute nicest people ever, this is the race. Everyone talks to you, before, during and after. The volunteers and runners were the nicest I have ever come across. I recommend this run to anyone who is looking for a race that feels like a nice, long run with friends.


Jason Marschner from Detroit, Michigan (10/8/2007)
"What a marathon should be" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I have nothing but praise for this run. The hills were a good challange, not overwhelming but not to easy. the starting line was a good place to meet people and exchange stories while I waited for the start. The scenery was fantastic. Rolling hills, forests and streams to keep you occupied. The crowds were great, cheering everyone on, not just their family or friends, the staff was super friendly and the food at the end was magnificient. I almost think I might not ever run a large marathon (20,000 + people) again. Small towns are where the real races are at. I recommend this to anyone who wants to enjoy a marathon. Small town charm, great course, you can't go wrong. And if that isn't enough, just driving through new hampshire is worth it. Cheap and clean places to stay. Tons of maple surup for sale everywhere you turn. I also qualified for Boston, so I am a bit biased. But still, take my advice, fit this one in, you won't be disappointed. Thanks for all the effort and time the staff put into this marathon!


S. L. from Greenfield, MA (10/8/2007)
"A nice run through Southern New Hampshire" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was my second marathon. I was looking for a well organized race without all the hoopla surrounding larger events. This event is fairly small in the menu of marathons that are in New England this time of year, but it was just what I was looking for.

The race website did a very good job describing the course and outlining the registration process. I live fairly close so I drove up in the morning and registration was a breeze. I got my number and t-shirt and then turned my attention to the start. Gilsum is about a 10-15 minute bus ride from Keene and the school buses were more than adequate to bring you to the start. I met several '50 staters' on the bus and before the start as they were looking to cross NH off the list.

Gilsum is a very, very small town and there was bottled water at the start as well as porta potties. It was a cool morning but once you got going it warmed up nicely. The first 5 miles or so go along a river which is very serene. After which the course turns to a secondary highway for 6-7 miles as you head towards Keene. There was some traffic on this stretch, but not a ton.

At the half way point is probably the most traffic the course encounters as you run with or against if for no more than 1/2 mile. After which you head toward several different neighborhoods in Keene, all with their own look and feel. Given its geography the course is extremely flat. There are a few small uphills at the start and then the only other hill the course presents is a tester at mile 22. It is not long, but it is steep.

The next couple of miles are long and straight and is quite a challenge as due to the small numbers in the race I found myself taking it one step at a time as there were was nobody directly in front of or behind me. The finish is nice at Keene State College. There are not a lot of supporters along the way, but the ones that are there are vocal and show their support.

The changes in the course from the woods at the start to the different neighborhoods make it a nice change of pace every few miles. There were plenty of water stops along the way and had gatorade at it seemed every other station with plenty of volunteers on hand. The bag check at the start and pick up at the end of the race was a nice touch. Thanks to all those who made this day a memorable one. As for the weather it was about 40 at the start and warmed to the mid 60's at the end. Quite comfortable for a nice long Sunday run.


J. M. from Guilford, Vermont (10/2/2007)
"Great course and organization" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Clarence Demar Marathons

Take it slow on the way down from Gilsum to Keene: it's easy to go out too fast. The first half of the course is mostly rural; the second half takes you through the streets of Keene. With only a couple of hundred runners you may find yourself running alone for much of the time. There's one nasty little hill between miles 22 and 23, but otherwise it's pretty flat or gently rolling. Few spectators, but the ones who were out there were enthusiastic and appreciated, especially toward the end. Organization is great, no frills. It's like a field trip taking the school bus up to Gilsum in the wee hours of the morning. There was a huge line for the port-a-potties about 15 minutes before the race began, so more than one runner (me included) ran to the woods in order to get to the starting line on time.


Carpe Viam from Massachusetts (10/2/2007)
"Beautiful New England Course" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

The course is gorgeous, net downhill, with only 2 hills to speak of. The crowd is sparse but enthusiastic. What amenities are provided are top-notch: bag check and return, traffic control, water/Gatorade stations, mile markers and turns, and post-race food (love that veggie soup). The one amenity I noticed lacking were on-course porta-potties. There were some at the start, but none en route.


M. B. from New York, NY (10/1/2007)
"Gorgeous small marathon" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This run was absolutely beautiful. I am a slow runner (marathon best of 4:57, average time of 5:15), so I was alone on the course a lot and one of the last 10 runners to finish. The turns were marked with white paint on the concrete, so keep an eye out! The beauty made up for the lack of other runners and spectators. The expo is very small, but to be expected for such a small race. The town of Keene is just adorable and this is the perfect time of year to visit! I stayed at the Inn of the Tartan Fox (B&B) which was just lovely. Also got to meet many fellow 50 states members trying to complete a marathon in the state of NH. (This was my 12th marathon and 10th state.) I would not recommend this course for first-timers.


m. h. from massachusetts (10/8/2006)
"Just what a marathon should be." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

The course, the organization, and the people are great. Unlike so many other marathons these days (which seem to be about entertainment and crowds and walkers), this one is about the run. It's a rolling course but only two hills are steep, and they're short. If you like small, quiet marathons, this is the one for you.


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