calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Clarence Demar Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 142 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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B. C. from Worcester, MA (9/28/2005)
"Get Ready to Fly!!!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This marathon course is built for speed. So are the participants. With over 50% of the finishers breaking 4:00, I think you see what I mean. Even many runners over 4:00 were long running for a fall marathon or training for an ultra. A serious race for serious runners.

Interestingly, the course could be a clone of Boston. Instead of Boston's three Newton hills starting at mile 18, this course has only two starting at 18. Otherwise, I did not think God could DNA clone a course so close. Wonderful planning by the race committee.

This event is spartan at best. Keene is pretty dead the night before. The T-shirt is about as ugly as I have seen. The no-frills race packet had only my number and four pins. No shelter at the start line for your one-hour wait in 38-degree NH-morning dew. In fact, the start reminded me of any running club's group long run assembly. But, this is New England fall marathon season and this hearty running crew was here for the race... not the event.

Hats off to the the very friendly race committee and people of Keene State College. I really appreciated the courtesy shower in the gymnasium. And double hats off to the many talented runners who I ran alongside of. They all pushed me to a time much faster than I ever dreamed before I started.

Run this race and be like Clarence DeMar. Need I write anymore?


P. S. from Boston, MA (9/27/2005)
"Great Small Race" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This is a great course with lots of beautiful scenery (especially at the beginning) to enjoy along the way. The course is hardly flat, but the hills are manageable and, aside from the one at mile 18, never seemed to really affect the pace at all. Spectators are few and far between, but I had a few friends who enjoyed carpooling along the course and meeting up with me at different stops. It's never a problem to see your favorite runner, either, since the race is so small and spread out. In a sense, I enjoyed the more tactical running requirements of this race versus a New York or Boston, just because you're really on your own at times and need different mental tricks to help you out. There IS a lot of vehicular traffic once you get past mile 5 - and some of the drivers were obviously annoyed at having to wait for runners and other vehicles. Some cars were coming dangerously close to hitting a few runners on Route 12A and W101. All in all, though, this was a fantastic race with superb organization and wonderful hospitality. I'm recommending this one to anyone who'll listen.


Mister Mike from Rhode Island (9/26/2005)
"Mostly great but TOO MUCH TRAFFIC!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

Let me get the bad news out of the way first, then focus on the good stuff. There was way too much traffic to be considered a safe marathon course. From previous reads, I expected to see a few dozen cars at most. Instead, there were hundreds upon hundreds of them going rather swiftly in BOTH DIRECTIONS. The young lady I ran with came VERY close to being road kill on one occasion. Police did a good job of managing traffic, but this was only at intersections. The good news is that everything else was spot on. Day-of signup went without a hitch...buses left promtly from just a few feet from my car...race started on time without incident...nice medal...nice t-shirt...great soup and chow afterwards...courteous water station people...fig newton bars at 13.1 (thank God). The best part: HOT showers at the gym afterwards, and the college gym staff even loaned me a plush towell to use. $55 was a little steep (I shouldn't have waited) with no goodie bag, but o.k. Start was chilly, so bring sweats (your duffle bag is tagged and returned to finish line). The hill at mile 18 wasn't even that bad. A good experience overall, but because of the traffic safety, I'll likely not be heading back to NH for this one.


Edward Steele from Connecticut, USA (9/26/2005)
"A runners Race" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Clarence Demar Marathons

If you need a big expo, 20 bands and huge crowds then this is not your marathon. If you want to feel like part of a running community, meet and run with dedicated runners and finish with the feeling that you were part of something then this is your race.

The race starts with a bus ride to a sleepy little town, giving runners a chance to talk and share goals and figure out what other races they may have run together. Once the race gets going many runners have support teams meeting them all along the road to cheer. As the race goes on support teams meet and all of a sudden people you see again and again along the course are cheering for you too. At the end of the race it seems like everyone knows every one else. One of our runners was going for her BQ and when it got close at the end the crowd went wild because so many people knew and shared her goal. Post race was like a reuinion. 'So you were the black Honda the cheered us up the hill.'

If you want to be a number go do one of the big races, if you want to be part of something do this marathon.


Jon Lawson from Portsmouth, RI (10/27/2004)
"Pure marathoning at it's best!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This was an excellent marathon. I ran the 2004 edition for the first time, and plan to run it again. The course was was absolutely incredible. The opening miles are rocket fast, enabling you to get off to a great start. There is one significant hill at approximately mile 18 that brings you back down to earth a bit. The finish is just as quick as the start. The crowd support was very sporatic along the course. Those that were there were incredible. The finish line crew and the free post-race massage was very welcoming after 26.2 miles. There are no frills with this marathon, and the T-shirt needs some help, but this is true marathoning at its best.


B. D. from Worcester, MA (10/25/2004)
"Great scenery, fast but slightly deceiving" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon

This was my second marathon, and again it was a blast, although I suffered more on this one than my first. The reason being that I tried to qualify for Boston this time (and failed). The first 5-8 miles are just splendid: great scenery, downhill plus great weather! After that, you cruise along a varying, beautiful landscape until the hill at mile 18. The hill itself is not too bad, the downhill part is hard, but it's especially the long (rather boring and slightly up-hill) miles around the airport that will do you in (me for sure). I lost 3 min in 2 miles on this part, which brings you out of the shade and into the sun. The drinks along the way were not always very full and dehydration was my ultimate faith. Anyhow, I would do it again, but be cautious about the last 8 miles, they're tougher than you might think!

Good luck!


Tim Looney from Tampa, Florida (10/18/2004)
"Beautiful and superbly organized, but not flat" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This ended up being one of my favorite marathons primarly due to the beauty, peace and quiet of the area and the genuine decency of the people. The course was well thought out, except for the vehicle traffic (which is tough to avoid in such a small event) but advertising it as flat is modestly misleading; particularly for non-New Englanders. The one hill of consequence is really not the issue; although the downhill after the ascent was a monster. The issue is the long, gradual inclines after the big hill - particularly the stretch by the airport... those kick your butt. It is easy to get pulled out too fast since the start is all downhill, so pace yourself from the beginning and you'll be fine. Also, consider staffing the water stops with more adults than children. Though the stops were plentiful the cups were all but empty every time and 2 ounces of water doesn't cut it on a course like this one. All in all, I had (and ran) a great time and would recommend this one to all seasoned marathoners.


s. k. from connecticut (10/12/2004)
"Beautiful scenery" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

This course was absolutely beautiful. The spectators were sparse mainly because this race is in an area that is not heavily populated, but the spectators that were there were wonderful. The course isn't flat, but perhaps we might say that the course is fairly flat given that it's in New England. I would call the Chicago and Myrtle Beach courses flat.

The pasta dinner was a bargain and the event was well organized. I would definitely recommend this marathon, but would suggest to slower runners that they may want to try another race due to the 5:30 time limit.


I. J. from Chicago (10/6/2004)
"It Ain't Flat" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Clarence Demar Marathon

I've run flat courses (Chicago, Myrtle Beach and others). This is not flat. There is a net elevation loss due to a long downhill stretch at the start, rollers throughout and a huge hill at 18. (I may just be a flatlander from Chicago, but even my brother in law from Boston did not consider this to be a flat course.)

All that being said, this is a great marathon. The organization was spectacular, and the course (especially the first 10k) is incredibly beautiful. Although sparse, the volunteers were great. Post race was well organized, with plenty of food and drink, plus a great massage.

The only negative I can even think of is that there is some traffic on the course, but the motorists were all very considerate.

Overall, I'd absolutely recommend it.


S. O. from New Hampshire (10/2/2004)
"FANTASTIC" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

Beautiful course, wonderful spectators, smooth organization, a covered bridge, what more can a person ask for?! Plus, I qualified for Boston. Way too cool.


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